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NodesTableView : d2/sdk/widgets/nodestable/nodestable.view

Base class for all table-like widgets. Typically a subclass of this type is used whenever an ApplicationScopePerspective requires a table-like rendering.

Extends: Marionette.CollectionView
Example (A minimum sample derivative may look like)

//In mybundle/widgets/sample.table/sample.table.view.js

], function(NodesTableView, SampleTableCollectionFactory){
'use strict';

var SampleTableView = NodesTableView.extend({
constructor: function SampleTableView(options) {
options = options || {};
options.className = 'my-table-view';
options.d2collectionFactory = SampleTableCollectionFactory;, options);

return SampleTableView;

Example (To link it to a perspective)

//In mybundle/utils/perspectives/table.perspective.json

"type": "left-center-right",
"options": {
"center": {
"type": "mybundle/widgets/sample.table"

//In mybundle/extensions/perspectives.js
define([], function(){
'use strict';

return [{
perspectiveJson: 'mybundle/utils/perspectives/table.perspective.json',

Example (Finally, to register the perspective definition as an application scope perspective)

//In extensions.json
"d2/sdk/utils/perspectives/app.scope.perspectives": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

nodesTableView.getZeroRecordText() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of NodesTableView
Returns: string - Text to be shown when there are no items in the data holder collection.

nodesTableView.getTitle() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of NodesTableView
Returns: string - Title to show at header of this table

nodesTableView.getContainerNode() ⇒ NodeModel

Kind: instance method of NodesTableView
Returns: NodeModel - A node model to hold representation data for the table header.

nodesTableView.getExtraIconConfig() ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of NodesTableView
Returns: object - Additional attributes to be merged with the NodeModel returned from getContainerNode().

nodesTableView.getCollectionOptions() ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of NodesTableView
Returns: object - Additional option to be used while constructing the collection from collectionClass constructor option.

NodesTableView.extend(protoProperties, staticProperties) ⇒ function

To define a derived type from NodesTableView.

Kind: static method of NodesTableView
Returns: function - The derived type.


Properties attached to the prototype of derived type.


The function to be used to construct instance of the derived type.


Properties statically attached to the derived type.


Kind: inner class of NodesTableView

new NodesTableView([options])


Constructor options


CSS class name to be added to HTML element representing this whole table view. options.className will have a higher precedence over the same purpose.


Collection factory to be used to instantiate the collection that will hold data for this table.


A constructor type to be used to instantiate the data holder collection.


A collection instance to be used as data holder for the table. One of d2collectionFactory, collectionClass orcollection has to be provided as part of constructor options. Otherwise, it fails with error.


Menu configuration for the table view.

NodesTableView~NodesTableToolbar : Object

Toolbar type for NodesTable.

Kind: inner typedef of NodesTableView


Menu configuration used at individual item level.


Menu configuration for the header.