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BrowsableCollectionMixin : d2/sdk/models/mixins/browsable.collection.mixin

BrowsableCollection mixin. Can be mixed with any Backbone.Collection to make it paginated. Pagination happens on the client side by slicing & maintaining the models in it. But when it syncs to the server, it always fetches the full list of available objects.

Besides pagination it also enables sorting & filtering.

Extends: Object
See: Browsable Support
Example (A typical usage infuses the mixin with a collection prototype)

], function(Backbone, BrowsableCollectionMixin){
'use strict';

var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
constructor: function MyCollection(models, options) {
options = options || {};, models, options);



return MyCollection;

browsableCollectionMixin.makeBrowsableCollection(options) ⇒ *

Does the necessary setup so that a Backbone.Collection instance could become client-side paginated along with support for property based sorting & filtering.

Kind: instance method of BrowsableCollectionMixin
Returns: * - the collection instance itself.


The options hash.


Number of elements to skip from original collection. Needs to be set only if the collection needs to start from a page other the page-1.


Number of elements per page.


Any filter expression that the collection should begin with. Can be changed later with setFilter.


Any sorting criteria that the collection should begin with. Can be changed later with serOrderBy.


Controls the Accept header's value while requesting data through AJAX.

BrowsableCollectionMixin.mixin(prototype) ⇒ void

Fuse the mixin methods to a prototype

Kind: static method of BrowsableCollectionMixin
Mixes: ClientSideBrowsableMixin, BrowsableMixin, module:DelayedCollectionDataMixin


The target prototype where the mixin methods will be fused.