BrowsableCollectionMixin : d2/sdk/models/mixins/browsable.collection.mixin
BrowsableCollection mixin. Can be mixed with any Backbone.Collection
to make it paginated. Pagination happens on the client
side by slicing & maintaining the models in it. But when it syncs to the server, it always fetches the full list of available objects.
Besides pagination it also enables sorting & filtering.
Extends: Object
See: Browsable Support
Example (A typical usage infuses the mixin with a collection prototype)
], function(Backbone, BrowsableCollectionMixin){
'use strict';
var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
constructor: function MyCollection(models, options) {
options = options || {};, models, options);
return MyCollection;
- BrowsableCollectionMixin :
- instance
- static
- .mixin(prototype) ⇒
- .mixin(prototype) ⇒
browsableCollectionMixin.makeBrowsableCollection(options) ⇒ *
Does the necessary setup so that a Backbone.Collection
instance could become client-side paginated along with support for property based sorting & filtering.
Kind: instance method of BrowsableCollectionMixin
Returns: *
- the collection instance itself.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
options | Object | The options hash. | |
[options.skip] | number | Number of elements to skip from original collection. Needs to be set only if the collection needs to start from a page other the page-1. | | | number | Number of elements per page. | |
[options.filter] | string | Any filter expression that the collection should begin with. Can be changed later with | |
[options.orderBy] | string | Any sorting criteria that the collection should begin with. Can be changed later with | |
[options.responseMediaType] | string | "application/vnd.emc.documentum+json" | Controls the |
BrowsableCollectionMixin.mixin(prototype) ⇒ void
Fuse the mixin methods to a prototype
Kind: static method of BrowsableCollectionMixin
Mixes: ClientSideBrowsableMixin
, BrowsableMixin
, module:DelayedCollectionDataMixin
Param | Type | Description |
prototype | Object | The target prototype where the mixin methods will be fused. |