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Documentum D2 Smartview SDK

The D2 Smart View SDK consists of sources, binaries, documentation, and samples for -

  • D2 Smartview UI extension enviornment.
  • D2-REST services extension enviornment.
  • D2 plugin development enviornment.

It also includes a few tools to create and maintain a development workspace.

With the D2 Smart View SDK you can build enterprise-ready software components for Documentum D2 Smartview runtime to cater custom business needs.

Out of the box, D2 Smart View landing page looks like: Landing page

How to prepare and start with the development environment

  1. Download developer tools
  2. Install developer tools
  3. Create the development workspace
  4. Get familiar with SDK tools
  5. Create a plugin project
  6. Start coding

1. Download the developer tools for your OS:

JDK         - JDK is required to compile Java code present within a development workspace. 
Use JDK 17 or later.
Maven - Apache maven is the secondary build tool used in this SDK development workspace.
Recommended version is 3.8.2. A different version may not be fully compatible.
NodeJS - JavaScript VM to execute the SDK tools, build tools and to run the development web server for UI code.
Recommended version is 16 LTS. A different version may not be fully compatible.
Grunt - JavaScript task runner for building and testing UI code.
See Nothing to be downloaded from this URL though.

2. Install the developer tools for your OS

JDK         - Run installer. Set the JAVA_HOME path variable to point to the JDK root directory.
Maven - Unzip & extract to a directory. Set MAVEN_HOME environment variable pointing to the directory.
Update PATH variable accordingly so that Maven commands can be executed from command-line/terminal.
NodeJS - Install the package for your OS. Set NPM_HOME path variable pointing to the NodeJS
installation directory. Update PATH variable so that Node & NPM commands can be executed from
It is recommended to avoid installing NodeJS under 'Program Files' as doing that has been known to create
problem some times.
NPM - Update the NPM module management tool to the latest version:
npm install -g npm@latest

Grunt - Install the command line task runner client as a global NPM module
npm install -g grunt-cli

3. Create the development workspace:

# 1. Extract the SDK
# 2. Open a command prompt at the extracted folder

# Execute batch script ws-init.bat

# It will take a while to fully initialize the workspace.
# Once initialization completes successfully, the workspace assistant starts automatically. Select "Check out documentation" option to open documentation in default browser.
# The directory where SDK was extracted becomes the root of the development workspace.
# It doesn't require to run ws-init.bat inside the initialized workspace again, unless some other instructions specifically says to do so.
# If you want to run the workspace assistant anytime later, open a command prompt/terminal at workspace root directory and run
>npm start

# Select "Nothing", to terminate the workspace assitant, if wanted.

# To access the documentation without the workspace assistant, you can run the following command in a command prompt/terminal at the workspace root.
>npm run documentation

4. Get familiar with Workspace assistant

Check out the Workspace assistant. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the general aspects of the SDK, this can be done later though.

5. Create a plugin project:

# Open command prompt at workspace root and run
>npm start

# Select "Create a new plugin project" from the workspace assistant options.
# Follow on-screen instruction and anser questions to create your first plugin project.
# Once done, type and run-
>npm run build

# Or, alternatively run the workspace assistant again and select "Build all plugins in this workspace" option.
# This will build all projects in the workspace

6. Getting started with SDK development

If you are a new SDK developer, you can check out this documentation to get started.

7. Start coding

Check out the API documentation and start coding as per business requirement.