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Utils : d2/sdk/utils/utils

Utility functions.

Extends: Object

Utils.getAppContext() ⇒ string

Get context path name of D2 Smart View deployment

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: string - the context path name

Utils.getStoreKey(key) ⇒ string

Get a properly namespaced storage name for the given key. Used while creating a boundary within localStorage or sessionStorage. See getLocalStore and getSessionStore below.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: string - namespaced key name


original key name

Utils.getLocalStore(key) ⇒ NamedStorage

Get a local storage area identified by the given key. A new storage area gets created if doesn't exist already.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: NamedStorage - local store instance


Storage identifier

Utils.getSessionStore(key) ⇒ NamedStorage

Get a session storage area identified by the given key. A new storage area gets created if doesn't exist already.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: NamedStorage - session store instance


Storage identifier

Utils.isMobile() ⇒ boolean

Detects whether the D2 Smart View runtime platform is a mobile

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: boolean - true if it's being run on mobile, false otherwise.

Utils.isAppworks() ⇒ boolean

Detects whether the D2 Smart View runtime platform is appworks.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: boolean - true if it's Appworks.

Open the given URL in window.

Kind: static method of Utils


The URL to open


The window where url will be opened. Defaults to current global window object.


Whether to focus the window


Whether to keep the opener reference. true keeps it.

Utils.makeBatchAjaxCall(options) ⇒ jQuery.Promise

Make a single D2-REST AJAX call with a batch of operations.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: jQuery.Promise - The returned promise fails on AJAX error. It resolves otherwise invoking BatchDoneCallback as documented below.


Holder of different options


Transport for the AJAX call. See Connector.


Operations to be performed in this batch.


Whether this batch is to be executed as a transaction. A transactional batch operates with 'Either all or none' paradigm.


For a non-transactional batch, whether the operations are to be run sequentially or parallely.


Whether remaining operations are to be run if one fails.


], function(contextUtil, util, ConnectorFactory){
'use strict';

// Retrieve document menu actions and favorited status for object '0c0015fa8000291e' in a single batch call
connector: contextUtil.getPerspectiveContext().getObject(ConnectorFactory),
continueOnError: true,
operations: [
id: 'favorites',
request: {
method: 'GET',
uri: '/repositories/d2repo/favorites-checker?object-ids=0c0015fa8000291e'
id: 'actions',
request: {
method: 'GET',
uri: '/repositories/d2repo/actions?type=MenuContext&widgetType=DoclistWidget&include-subtype=true&object-ids=0c0015fa8000291e'
console.log('batch call success');
console.log('batch call failed');

Build complete URL from a D2-REST link

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: string - the complete URL.


The link as is from a D2-REST response


Is this D2-REST link a templated one or regular.

Utils.parseAjaxError(xhr, [textStatus], [errorThrown], [includeDetails]) ⇒ ParsedErrorType

Parse AJAX error happened as a result of D2-REST API call and return a normalized error structure.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: ParsedErrorType - the parsed error


The XHR transport


Textual status associated with the error


Custom error message in case the XHR response could not be parsed.


Whether to include a errorDetails field in the parsed error structure.

Utils.parseAjaxErrorAsString(xhr, [textStatus], [errorThrown], [includeDetails]) ⇒ string

Parse AJAX error happened as a result of D2-REST API call and return a compact string representing it.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: string - the parsed error


The XHR transport


Textual status associated with the error


Custom error message in case the XHR response could not be parsed.


Whether to include a errorDetails field in the parsed error structure.

Utils.parseError(responseType, responseData) ⇒ ParsedErrorType

Extract error from custom object and format it similar to return format of parseAjaxError.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: ParsedErrorType - the parsed error


Hint of how to parse responseData. Can be any of 'xml', 'json' or 'object'

responseDataJSON | string

If responseType is 'object' then a JSON object, otherwise a string serialized error structure. Irrespective of its type, every input is expected to have a code, message and details field in it.

Utils.parseErrorAsString(responseType, responseData) ⇒ string

Extract error from custom object and return a compact string representing it.

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: string - the parsed error


Hint of how to parse responseData. Can be any of 'xml', 'json' or 'object'

responseDataJSON | string

If responseType is 'object' then a JSON object, otherwise a string serialized error structure. Irrespective of its type, every input is expected to have a code, message and details field in it.

Utils.copyToClipboard(clipboardText) ⇒ boolean

Set some text content to the browser clipboard

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: boolean - true indicates the copy is successful.


The content to be copied.

Utils.isJqueryPromise(value) ⇒ boolean

Checks whether a given value is a jQuery.Promise instance or not

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: boolean - true if it's a jQuery.Promise, false otherwise.


The test value

Utils.isNonEmptyString(str) ⇒ boolean

Checks whether a given value is a non-empty string

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: boolean - true if it's a string


The test value

Utils.areSameFunctions(fn1, fn2) ⇒ boolean

Compare two functions for equality

Kind: static method of Utils
Returns: boolean - true only if Left hand side is equal to right hand side.


Left hand side


Right hand side