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ShortcutTileBehavior : d2/sdk/widgets/shortcut.tile/shortcut.tile.behavior

Interface for all classes that want to implement a shortcut tile's behavior. Defines what should happen when user clicks on a particular shortcut tile in D2 Smart View landing perspective and also lets customize appearance of the shortcut tile upto some extent.

Extends: Marionette.Behavior
Example (A new shortcut behavior url.shortcut.behavior.js could be defined as)

], function(BaseShortcutBehavior, utils){
'use strict';

var URLShortcutBehavior = BaseShortcutBehavior.extend({
onClick: function() {
if( {

return URLShortcutBehavior;

Example (to register this shortcut behavior with ShortcutTileBehaviorCollection, add in extension.json)

"d2/sdk/widgets/shortcut.tile/shortcut.tile.behaviors": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (where my.shortcut.behaviors.js is defined as)

], function(URLShortcutBehavior){
'use strict';

// see 'ShortcutBehaviorType' documentation below for all possible properties and their usage.
return [
{type: 'OpenURLWidget', behaviorClass: URLShortcutBehavior}
// Additional behaviors can also be registered

shortcutTileBehavior.view : Marionette.View

reference to the shortcut's presentation

Kind: instance property of ShortcutTileBehavior

shortcutTileBehavior.viewModel : Backbone.Model

the model controlling the shortcut view

Kind: instance property of ShortcutTileBehavior

shortcutTileBehavior.context : Context

active application context

Kind: instance property of ShortcutTileBehavior
See: Context

shortcutTileBehavior.options : Object

Holder of parameters passed during shortcut construction. Has a normalized reference to the D2 Smart View landing page configuration behind this shortcut tile.

Kind: instance property of ShortcutTileBehavior


Marionette view lifecycle hook. It can be overriden to make any changes to the DOM element of the underlying shortcut view. If overriden, it should call the onRender method of super type as the first thing. See example above.

Kind: instance abstract method of ShortcutTileBehavior


Business logic to define what happens on click. It can be overriden to provide custom logic.

Kind: instance abstract method of ShortcutTileBehavior

ShortcutTileBehavior.extend(protoProperties, staticProperties) ⇒ function

To define a derived type from ShortcutTileBehavior.

Kind: static method of ShortcutTileBehavior
Returns: function - The derived type.


Properties attached to the prototype of derived type.


The function to be used to construct instance of the derived type.


Properties statically attached to the derived type.

ShortcutTileBehavior~ShortcutBehaviorType : Object

Extension definition to link a shortcut behavior implementation with a shortcut tile type.

Kind: inner typedef of ShortcutTileBehavior


Type of the shortcut tile.


The behavior implementation.


Priority of this behavior for the given type. Among all behaviors with matching type value, the one with lowest sequence is finally used.