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CallServiceCommand : d2/sdk/commands/call.service.command

Base class for implementing command/menu that invokes a D2FS service method. D2 Smartview runtime already provides an OOTB binding for such a command implementation. However, to suit particular business needs where an OOTB binding does not suffice, a new implementation extending from this module can be used to define such custom bindings.

Extends: CommandModel

Example (to register binding for a custom implementation, add in extension.json)

"d2/sdk/commands/node.actions.rules": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (whereas my.node.actions.rules.js is defined similar to)

define([], function(){
'use strict';

return [
command_key: 'D2-CustomCallService',
decides: function(item) {
return item.action === 'D2_ACTION_EXECUTE' &&
item.actionParameters && item.actionParameters.eService === 'PermissionActionService';
iconName: 'some_icon'

Example ( to register an implementation with command collection, in extension.json )

"d2/sdk/utils/commands": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (module mybundle/commands/ can be defined as)

], function($, CallServiceCommandImpl){
var MyCustomCallService = CallServiceCommandImpl.extend({
defaults: {
command_key: 'D2-CustomCallService',
signature: 'D2-CustomCallService',
name: 'Custom call service'

constructor: function MyCustomCallService(attr, options) {, attr, options);

beforeServiceCall: function(nodes, commandData) {
var requestProperties = {};
//Custom logic to populate
return requestProperties; //It will be mixed with other default properties as part of request body while sending d2-generic-action-service

afterServiceCall: function(nodes, commandData, responseProperties) {
//Custom logic to modify responseProperties
//Later this modified responseProperties becomes input for final JS action invocation.

return MyCustomCallService;

CallServiceCommand~beforeServiceCall(nodes, commandData) ⇒ Object

Make changes to the request properties sent out for underlying D2-REST API call.

Kind: inner method of CallServiceCommand
Returns: Object - Returns the final properties set to be used as part of request body. Will also be mixed with the default properties.


Selected NodeModel objects upon which the command is being run.


Object hash containing the default invocation properties

CallServiceCommand~afterServiceCall(nodes, commandData, responseProperties) ⇒

Change invocation data for final JS action

Kind: inner method of CallServiceCommand
Returns: void


Selected NodeModel objects upon which the command is being run.


Object hash containing the default invocation properties


Raw response from underlying D2-REST API call. The same object is also used to invoke final JS action.