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NodeModel : d2/sdk/models/node.model

NodeModel. Represents a Documentum object. Holds data attributes that correspond to equivalent Documentum object properties.

Smartview core framework uses a similar interface. See NodeModel

Extends: Backbone.Model

], function(NodeModel, contextUtils, ConnectorFactory){
'use strict';

//To instantiate a NodeModel and fetch details of a Documentum object with id '090015fa8000441a'
var context = contextUtils.getPerspectiveContext(),
connector = context.getObject(ConnectorFactory);

var node = new NodeModel({id: '090015fa8000441a'}, {connector: connector});
//connector instance must be passed in the constructor options for all fetchable nodes.

console.log('Node name: ' + node.get('name');
console.log('Failed fetching node with id:' + node.get('id'));

//NodeModel could also be extended to suit particular Docuemntum type specific usage
var TaskModel = NodeModel.extend({
constructor: function TaskModel(attr, options) {, attr, options);

parse: function(response, options) {
var data =, response, options);

//Custom logic to parse task specific attributes

return data;

NodeModel ⏏

Kind: Exported class
Mixes: ResourceMixin, CommandableMixin

new NodeModel([attributes], [options])


An object hash containing set of initial attributes for the NodeModel.


Constructor options. Mixin specific options are supported as-is through constructor options.


Mandatory if the NodeModel is to be synced with server.


Whether to fetch additional data like menu actions, favorited status etc. when this node syncs with server. Defaults to false. This flag acts as a master flag for other additional data specific flags like fetchAction, fetchFavorites, fetchPreviewFormats,fetchRelationsCount & fetchExternalShare.


Whether to fetch menu actions after this node syncs with server. Defaults to true.


Whether to fetch 'favorited' status for this nodes after sync with server. Defaults to true.


Whether to fetch preview formats for the node after it has synced with server. Defaults to true.


Whether to fetch relations count for the node after it has synced with server. Defaults to true.


Whether to fetch external share status for the node after it has synced with server. Defaults to true.