ActionIconRegistry : d2/sdk/controls/action.icons/action.icons
Action icon registry. Allows registering new action icons through extension. Also provides managed API to look up a registered action icon given its name.
New action icons can be registered through extension
Extends: Backbone.Collection
Example (to register an extension, add in extension.json)
"d2/sdk/controls/action.icons/action.icons": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {
Example (whereas action.icons.js is defined as)
define([], function(){
'use strict';
return {
'mybundle_action_1': '<svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" class="csui-icon-v2 csui-icon-v2__d2_action_abort_workflow"><path d="M16,30c7.732,0,14-6.268,14-14c0-7.732-6.268-14-14-14C8.268,2,2,8.268,2,16 C2,23.732,8.268,30,16,30z" fill="none" class="csui-icon-v2-state"/><path d="M16,8c-4.418,0-8,3.582-8,8c0,4.418,3.582,8,8,8s8-3.582,8-8C24,11.582,20.418,8,16,8z M9.778,16 c0-3.436,2.786-6.222,6.222-6.222c1.373,0,2.641,0.444,3.67,1.197l-8.695,8.695C10.222,18.641,9.778,17.372,9.778,16z M16,22.222 c-1.423,0-2.734-0.478-3.783-1.281l8.724-8.724c0.804,1.049,1.281,2.36,1.281,3.783C22.222,19.436,19.436,22.222,16,22.222z" fill="#333333" class="csui-icon-v2-metaphor0"/><path d="M16,31.5c8.56,0,15.5-6.94,15.5-15.5c0-8.56-6.94-15.5-15.5-15.5C7.44,0.5,0.5,7.44,0.5,16 C0.5,24.56,7.44,31.5,16,31.5z" fill="none" stroke="#2E3D98" class="csui-icon-v2-focus"/></svg>',
'mybunle_action_2': '<svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" class="csui-icon-v2 csui-icon-v2__d2_action_view_notes"><circle cx="16" cy="16" r="14" fill="none" class="csui-icon-v2-state"/><g><path d="M20,7h-9C9.897,7,9,7.888,9,8.98v13.859c0,1.092,0.897,1.979,2,1.979h10c1.103,0,2-0.888,2-1.979V9.97L20,7z M22,22.839c0,0.54-0.448,0.979-1,0.979H11c-0.551,0-1-0.439-1-0.979V8.98C10,8.439,10.449,8,11,8h8.588L22,10.387V22.839z" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#333333" class="csui-icon-v2-metaphor0"/><path d="M12.5,11.75c-0.414,0-0.75,0.336-0.75,0.75s0.336,0.75,0.75,0.75h7c0.414,0,0.75-0.336,0.75-0.75 s-0.336-0.75-0.75-0.75H12.5z" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#333333" class="csui-icon-v2-metaphor0"/><path d="M19.5,15.75h-7c-0.414,0-0.75,0.336-0.75,0.75s0.336,0.75,0.75,0.75h7c0.414,0,0.75-0.336,0.75-0.75 S19.914,15.75,19.5,15.75z" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#333333" class="csui-icon-v2-metaphor0"/><path d="M18,19.75h-5.5c-0.414,0-0.75,0.336-0.75,0.75s0.336,0.75,0.75,0.75H18c0.414,0,0.75-0.336,0.75-0.75 S18.414,19.75,18,19.75z" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#333333" class="csui-icon-v2-metaphor0"/></g><circle cx="16" cy="16" r="15.5" fill="none" stroke="#2E3D98" class="csui-icon-v2-focus"/></svg>'
- ActionIconRegistry :
- .registerIcons(icons) ⇒
- .getIconByName(iconName) ⇒
- .getIconByNameWithOptions(iconOptions) ⇒
- .registerIcons(icons) ⇒
ActionIconRegistry.registerIcons(icons) ⇒ void
Register action icons.
Kind: static method of ActionIconRegistry
- Error If an icon name matches with any of already registered icons.
Param | Type | Description |
icons | object | A hash of key value pairs, such that key represents an icon name and value is the string serialized svg content. |
ActionIconRegistry.getIconByName(iconName) ⇒ string
Find an action icon by name.
Kind: static method of ActionIconRegistry
Returns: string
- Matched icon content or a generalized missing icon if given name is not found in the registry.
Param | Type | Description |
iconName | string | Name of the action icon being looked up. |
ActionIconRegistry.getIconByNameWithOptions(iconOptions) ⇒ string
Find an icon and return decored copy with supplied options
Kind: static method of ActionIconRegistry
Returns: string
- Matched icon content or the missing icon after decorating it with given options.
Param | Type | Description |
iconOptions | object | |
iconOptions.iconName | string | Find the icon by this name. |
iconOptions.theme | string | Decorate found icon with css class |
iconOptions.allStateByElement | boolean | Whether to decorate icon with all possible state CSS classes. |
iconOptions.hoverStateByElement | boolean | Decorate with mouse hover state CSS class. |
iconOptions.activeStateByElement | boolean | Decorate with mouse left button down state CSS class. |
iconOptions.focusStateByElement | boolean | Decorate with keyboard focus state CSS class. |
iconOptions.disabledStateByElement | boolean | Decorate with disabled state CSS class. |
iconOptions.states | boolean | Whether the icon is capable of showing different states. |
iconOptions.handleRTL | boolean | Whether the icon is capable of handling RTL. |
iconOptions.on | boolean | Decorate icon with on state CSS class. |
iconOptions.filter | string | Apply filter. Only supported value is |
iconOptions.colorTheme | string | Apply a coloring scheme. Applies only when |