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RestLinkrels : d2/sdk/utils/rest.linkrels

Utility to handle link relations of a D2-REST resource. Also defined named constants for several link relation identifiers.

Extends: Object

RestLinkrels.ACTIONS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch actions.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.BATCHES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to execute batch operations.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CABINETS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch cabinets.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.FOLDERS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch folder of cabinet/folder.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.USERS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch users.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.GROUPS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch groups.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.USER_PROFILE_IMAGE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch user's profile image.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CANCEL_CHECKOUT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to cancel checkout of reserved object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CANONICAL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch canonical object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CHECKOUT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to checkout object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CHECKOUT_PRECHECK : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to check if object can be reserved.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CHECKEDOUT_OBJECTS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch objects checked-out by user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

Link ID of D2-REST API to get child links of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.COMMENTS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get comments of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CURRENT_VERSION : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get current version of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.CURRENT_USER : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get logged-in user's details.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CONFIGURATIONS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get configuration objects available to logged in user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_RELATION_TYPES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get possible relation types.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to convert a document to virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to add children to a virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to add children to a virtual document by inheriting from another virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_VD_TEMPLATES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get virtual document creation templates.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get configuration for converting folder structure to virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to replace a child of a virtual document with other objects.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.DEFAULT_FOLDER : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get user's default folder.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.DELETE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to delete object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.DOWNLOAD_URLS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get content download URLs of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.DQL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to execute a DQL query.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_FAVORITES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get favorited(subscribed) objects of user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_USER_RECENTLY_ACCESSED : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of recently accessed objects of user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_RELATIONS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get related objects of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_OBJECTS_RELATIONS_COUNT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get related objects' count of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_RENDITIONS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get renditions of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WIDGETS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get widget configuration accessible to the user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_SAVED_SEARCH : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get saved search categories.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_DISPLAY_TYPES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get displayable information for different Documentum types.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_THEMES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get available theme configurations.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_DEFAULT_THEME : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get default theme config for the D2 Smart View runtime.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_OPTIONS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get different D2 Smart View runtime options.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_THUMBNAIL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get thumbnail of a document object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CREATION_PROFILES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of content creation profiles.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CREATION_PROFILE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get details of a content creation profile.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get value configurations of a content creation profile.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get details of a creation profile's value configuration.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get preset type of content creation profiles or preset profile in short.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to value configurations of a preset profile.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get recently used content creation profile be it preset or not.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CREATION_PROPERTIES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get creation time property page.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_OBJECT_CREATION : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to create new object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CONTENT_UPLOAD_URLS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get URL that lets upload content for a newly created object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of document templates while creating new content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get details of a document template.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_RECENTLY_USED_TEMPLATES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of recently used document templates.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_LINKED_DOCUMENT_CONFIG : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get linkable document configuration for a newly created object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CHECKIN_CONFIG : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get configuration to control check-in of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CHECKIN_URL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get URL that lets upload new content as part of check-in.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_VD_SILENT_CHECKIN : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to check-in a virtual document silently.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get property page to be shown while creating a folder.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_FOLDERS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get folders.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CABINETS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get cabinets.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_EXTRACT_O2_PROPERTIES_URLS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to extract properties using O2 plugin while importing new content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to extract attachments from email while importing new content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to create a linked document silently while creating new content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_QUERYFORM_DIALOG : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get dialog configuration for a query form.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_SET_TEMPLATE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to set a document template to a newly created object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get folder structure config while importing folder.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get URL that lets import folder structure.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_FETCH_VERSION_VD : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get bound version of a node in virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_SET_BINDING_VD : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to set binding versions of a node in virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_CONVERT_TO_SIMPLE_DOC : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to convert a virtual document to a simple document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_REMOVE_VD_CHILDREN : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to remove children from a virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_PREVIEW_FORMATS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch content preivew format of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_INBOX : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get task assignments of user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_CATEGORIES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get different categories applicable to user inbox.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get supporting documents of a tasks.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_WORKING_DOCUMENTS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get working documents of a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_NOTES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get notes/user comments of a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_NOTES_COUNT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to count number of notes of a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_STATUS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to change status of a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_DELEGATE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to delegate a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_DELEGATE_USER : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of users applicable for a task delegation.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_PERFORMERS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get performers of a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_PERFORMERS_DIALOG : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get dialog config to update performers of a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get data to get resolved participant details of task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get intention dictionary while completing a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get intentions dictionary while rejecting a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get property-page while completing a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_PROPERTY_PAGE_REJECT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get property-page while rejecting a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOW_STATUS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to change workflow status.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_LIFECYCLE_CHECKER : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to check lifecycle status while completing/rejecting a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_TASK_CHECK_LOCK_STATE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to check locked status of working documents while completing/rejecting a task.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOWS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to launch a new workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOW_CONFIG : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get configuration to launch a new workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to validate entry conditions against a workflow config before starting a new workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to validate package types against a workflow config.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get performer dialog config while launching workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_MY_WORKFLOWS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get all workflows that the user is supervisor of.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_ALL_WORKFLOWS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get all workflows running system-wide.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get a summary of workflows supervised by user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOWS_TEMPLATES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get available workflow templates.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of users to be shown for workflow filtering.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of user to shown while changing supervisor of a workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOW_NOTES_CONFIG : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get comment configuration of a workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOW_TASK_AUDITS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get event details of tasks of a workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOW_EVENT_AUDITS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get event details of a workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOW_TASKS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get all tasks of a workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_WORKFLOWS_COUNT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get number of notes attached to a workflow.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.EDIT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to edit object properties.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.EXPORT_URLS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get URL to download content of a object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.FAVORITES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get favorited objects of user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.FORMATS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of supported content formats.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.OBJECTS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get objects within a folder/cabinet.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.OBJECTS_LOCATIONS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get location of an object within the repository.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.OBJECTS_FACETS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get objects within a folder/cabinet after applying facet filters.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.DQL_DOCLIST_OBJECTS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get objects of a DQL doclist.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.OBJECTS_THUMBNAIL_URL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get thumbnail of object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.PARENT : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get immediate parent of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

Link ID of D2-REST API to link an object to several folders.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_PREFERENCES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get general preference data of the user.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_COLUMN_PREFERENCES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get column preference data of a widget.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.PREVIEW_URLS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get URL that lets preview a content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.PRINT_URL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get URL that lets access to a printable content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.PROPERTY_PAGE : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get property page of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.QUICK_SEARCH : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to execute a quick search.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.REPOSITORIES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get list of repositories.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.SELF : string

Link ID of D2-REST API that point to the resource itself.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.SEND_MAIL : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get configuration to send email.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.VERSION_HISTORY : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get versions' history of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.VD_NODE_CHILDREN : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get children of a virtual document.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels


Link ID of D2-REST API to get children of a virtual document's snapshot.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.VD_MOVE_NODES : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to move children of a virtual document from one sub-path to another.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.FINISH_ACTION : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to commit all in-process object while creating new content.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.ABORT_ACTION : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to roll back all newly created in-process objects that are not committed yet.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.ASYNC_OPERATION : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to perform an async operation.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_DUMP : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to get all metadata of an object.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_SIGNOFF_VALIDATION : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to validate electronic signature credentials.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

RestLinkrels.D2_SYSOBJECTS : string

Link ID of D2-REST API to fetch Documentum dm_sysobject type attributes for a bunch of objects.

Kind: static constant of RestLinkrels

Get complete URL from a link relation

Kind: static method of RestLinkrels
Returns: string - the formed URL


A set of related link objects.


Identifier of the link relation whose URL is to be formed.

Get complete URL from a templated link relation

Kind: static method of RestLinkrels
Returns: string - the formed URL


A set of related link objects.


Identifier of the link relation whose URL is to be formed. The link object identified should have hrefTemplate in it.