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CommandCollection : d2/sdk/utils/commands

CommandCollection. A collection of all the registered commands, used by a toolbar to link executable actions for menus. can also be used to look up and run the executable code in a particular context without a backing toolbar.

To implement a business logic as command and get it registered with this collection, see -

Extends: Backbone.Collection
Example (A particular command within this collection could be looked up, tried and executed as)

], function(commands, NodeModel, NodeCollection, contextUtil, ConnectorFactory){
'use strict';

var node = new NodeModel({
id: '0b0015fa80005598'
connector: contextUtil.getPerspectiveContext().getObject(ConnectorFactory)

var status = {
nodes: [node]

var myCommand = commands.get('MyCommand');
if(myCommand && myCommand.enabled(status)) {
console.log('MyCommand completed successfully');
console.log('MyCommand has failed to execute');
