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WidgetViewStateMixin : d2/sdk/controls/mixins/widget.view.state.mixin

Mixin to facilitate storage and retrieval of view specific parameters especially for those views that are backed by a widget configuration.

To be mixed on the prototype of a view.

Extends: Object

], function(Marionette, WidgetViewStateMixin, contextUtil){
'use strict';

var MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
constructor: function MyView(options) {
options = options || {};
this.context = contextUtil.getPerspectiveContext(); //A context reference on self object is required for WidgetViewStateMixin to work., options);

onRender: function() {
this.$el.text('My widget name is: ' + this.getViewStateWidgetName());


var view = new MyView();
view.setViewStateWidgetName('hello world'); //Also, the view itself could call it to set the value

new Marionette.Region({el: '.host-el'}).show(view); //Shows the widget name in view element's text.

widgetViewStateMixin.setViewStateWidgetName(widgetName) ⇒ void

Set the widget configuration name to be associated with this widget.view

Kind: instance method of WidgetViewStateMixin


Stores the supplied value against key widget-name in the ViewStateModel

widgetViewStateMixin.getViewStateWidgetName() ⇒ string | undefined

Get the widget configuration name associated with this widget.view

Kind: instance method of WidgetViewStateMixin
Returns: string | undefined - previously stored widget name from ViewStateModel

widgetViewStateMixin.getInitialUrlParamsList() ⇒ Array.<string>

Get the initial list of parameters to be serialized/deserialized from the HTML document location

Kind: instance method of WidgetViewStateMixin
Returns: Array.<string> - should return name of the parameter to (de)serialize from the HTML page URL

WidgetViewStateMixin.mixin(prototype) ⇒ *

Mix function from this mixin into supplied prototype.

Kind: static method of WidgetViewStateMixin
Returns: * - The same prototype


A view prototype.