ContentAssistDialog : d2/sdk/controls/dialogs/content.assist.dialog
Content Assist Dialog. Helps navigating through the repository while selecting an object.
Content assist configuration is to be fetched first to control constructor options. See ContentAssistDialogUtil.
Extends: Object
Example (A typical usage example)
], function(_, NodePicker, NodeModel, contextUtils, ConnectorFactory, contentAssistUtil){
'use strict';
var context = contextUtils.getPerspectiveContext(),
connector = context.getObject(ConnectorFactory),
container = new NodeModel({id: '0c0015fa8000291e'}, {connector: connector});
showNodePicker(context, connector, container);
console.log('failed fetching container');
function showNodePicker(context, connector, container) {
contentAssistUtil.getContentAssistOptions({context: context})
var title = config ? config.label_value : "",
includeBrowse = (config && ? : true,
includeFavorites = (config && ? : false,
globalSearch = (config && ? : false;
// Enable browsing if nothing is enabled
if (!includeBrowse && !includeFavorites && !globalSearch) {
includeBrowse = true;
var nodePicker = new NodePicker({
dialogTitle: title,
startLocations: [],
includeBrowse: includeBrowse,
includeFavorites: includeFavorites,
globalSearch: globalSearch,
context: context,
connector: connector,
initialContainer: container,
selectMultiple: false
console.log('Selected ' + selection.nodes.length + ' items.');
console.log('User cancelled');
console.log('failed to load options for the node picker');
- ContentAssistDialog :
- instance
- .show() ⇒
- .show() ⇒
- inner
- instance ⇒ jQuery.Promise
Shows the dialog
Kind: instance method of ContentAssistDialog
Returns: jQuery.Promise
- resolves & invokes ContentAssistFinishCallback
on positive (select/add) user interaction, rejects otherwise (user cancels).
Kind: inner class of ContentAssistDialog
new ContentAssistDialog(options)
Param | Type | Default | Description |
options | object | Construction options holder | |
[options.dialogTitle] | string | Title of the dialog. | |
options.connector | Connector | The connector instance. See ConnectorFactory. | |
options.initialContainer | NodeModel | Begin browsing from this folder/cabinet. The passed object must be fetched before hand. | |
options.context | Context | Active application context. See ContextUtils | |
options.startLocations | Array.<string> | Set the supported content display locations. Supported values are | |
[options.globalSearch] | Boolean | false | Show searchable locations. Short hand for setting |
[options.includeBrowse] | Boolean | true | Show browsable locations from Documentum repository. Short hand for setting |
[options.includeFavorites] | Boolean | false | Show favorite contents. Short hand for setting |
[options.selectMultiple] | Boolean | false | Enable multiple selection. |
[options.selectType] | string | null | Attribute to check while enabling/disabling selectability of a node. |
[options.selectTypeValue] | string | A node is selectable only if its | |
[options.excludeTypes] | Array.<string> | Exclude these node types from display. | |
[options.url_filter] | string | null | An additional filter query parameter to be used while populating content assist dialog with objects. |
[options.selectButtonLabel] | string | Text to be shown on the affirmative button. |
ContentAssistDialog~ContentAssistFinishCallback : function
Kind: inner typedef of ContentAssistDialog
Param | Type | Description |
selectedNodes | Object | Selected nodes holder |
selectedNodes.nodes | Array.<NodeModel> | Collection of nodes that were selected. |