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FormView : d2/sdk/controls/form/form.view

FormView. Create and render an arbitrary HTML form using JSON schema. Form also provides manage API to validate & collect form data.

Uses FormModel to hold the JSON schema that drives the form rendering. See FormModel for examples of how to create a FormModel from literal JSON data and dialog-like D2-REST API response.

Extends: Marionette.ItemView
Emits: d2:change:formValidation, change:field, valid:field, invalid:field, form:changed, render:form
Example (To create a form view)

], function(FormView, FormModel){
'use strict';

var formOptions = {
topAlignedLabel: true,
mode: 'create',
layoutMode: 'singleCol',
model: createFormModel()

function createFormModel() {
var formSchema;

// populate form schema

return new FormModel(formSchema);

var formView = new FormView(formOptions); //For controlling any business specific, behavior FormView could be extended to attach business specific logic

formView.on('render:form', function(){
console.log('Form is rendered');

new Marionette.Region({el: '.my-form-container'}).show(formView);

formView.resetForm() ⇒ void

Reset the current form removing all user inputs.

Kind: instance method of FormView

formView.validateForm(refreshState, validateOnlyRequiredFields) ⇒ jQuery.Promise

Validate current form values and ensure form constraints are met.

Kind: instance method of FormView
Returns: jQuery.Promise - - Promise is resolved with validation status. A FormValidationDone callback could be invoked with the validation result.


Whether to clear previous validation status before running this one.


Whether to perform only a required field validation or all other constraints as well.

formView.getValues() ⇒ object

Get current field values

Kind: instance method of FormView
Returns: object - A JSON in the same structure as the form's field layout definition, it contains key-value pairs at each level where key corresponds to form field name and value corresponds to the data collected from the field.

formView.getFlatFormValueMap(valueMap) ⇒ object

Get current field values formatted as a flattened single level key-value hash.

Kind: instance method of FormView
Returns: object - Flattened key-value map.


The hierarchical form value map. Basically the return value of getValues() could be passed as this parameter.

formView.getLabelOrValues() ⇒ object

Ge the current field label in the case combo/liost fields and in the case of other fields it will return the values

Kind: instance method of FormView
Returns: object - A JSON in the same structure as the form's field layout definition, it contains key-value pairs at each level where key corresponds to form field name and value corresponds to the data collected from the field.


Indicates form validation status has changed.

Kind: event emitted by FormView


Indicates a field value has been updated.

Kind: event emitted by FormView


Indicates a field contains a valid value.

Kind: event emitted by FormView


Indicates a field contains an invalid value.

Kind: event emitted by FormView


Indicates that form data has changed somehow.

Kind: event emitted by FormView


Indicates that form has been fully rendered in UI

Kind: event emitted by FormView


Kind: inner class of FormView

new FormView(options)


Constructor options


The data holder having schema definition for this form instance.


Reference to the application context.


Whether to place label at the top of form field or side-by-side fashion. Defaults to false.


Controls rendering of the form. Possible values are 'create', 'read', 'update'. Defaults to update. Theread mode renders a readonly form. Whereas, the update & create mode are equivalent and allows form field value modification. The difference between update and create is that form is initially not validated for required values and other conditions for create mode until user starts to interact with the form.


Whether to layout the form in a single or double column fashion. Supported values are 'singleCol', 'doubleCol'. Defaults to singleCol.

FormView~FormValidationCallback : function

Kind: inner typedef of FormView


Whether the form is valid.