DialogStateMethods : d2/sdk/controls/dialogs/generic/dialog.state.methods
In D2SV, a Generic Dialog consists of an arbitrary number of UI screens. A "Dialog State" represents the metadata associated with each of such screens. A dialog state "Method" dynamically defines a transition path between two screens in a loosely coupled manner, by being able to generate metadata for the next possible state, from a given dialog state. In other words, a "Method" could be applied on the current state of a dialog to generate metadata for the next state.
DialogStateMethods holds all the registered state method implementations. New "Method" implementations could be registered with this collection by means of extension, such that each extension associates a method implementation with a set of qualifying conditions to limit the scope of applying that particular method implementation.
When a "Method" is being applied on a dialog state, the "Method name" along with several other current state related parameters are used to find matches against all the qualifying conditions across all registered method implementations. Method implementations, found after this lookup, are executed in order to derive the next state of the dialog.
By default, D2SV defines three method names "GET", "VALIDATE" and "CANCEL" to align itself with getDialog()
, validDialog()
& cancelDialog()
state transitions supported by D2FS Dialog Service. However, based on how dialog state transition is requested, registered state method implementations
could react to any other method name to respond with a possible next state data.
See also DialogStateMethod
Extends: Backbone.Collection
Example (To register a new method implementation, in extension.json)
"d2/sdk/controls/dialogs/generic/dialog.state.methods": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": [
Example (Whereas my.state.methods.js could be defined as)
import AStateMethod from 'mybundle/dialogs/states/state.method.a';
import BStateMethod from 'mybundle/dialogs/states/state.method.b';
import CStateMethod from 'mybundle/dialogs/states/state.method.c';
// N number of state methods could by bound by a single extension.
// AStateMethod, BStateMethod, CStateMethod all are subclasses of DialogStateMethod i.e. d2/sdk/controls/dialogs/generic/dialog.state.method module.
export default [
{equals:{method: 'GET'}, sequence: 100, methodClass: AStateMethod}, //Method will be applied only for 'GET'
{includes:{method: ['GET', 'VALIDATE', 'CANCEL']}, sequence: 101, methodClass: BStateMethod}, //Method will be applied for all of 'GET', 'VALIDATE', 'CANCEL'. however for 'GET' case it will be executed after AStateMethod
{equals:{method: 'SOME_NAME'}, sequence: 100, methodClass: CStateMethod} //Method will be applied only for non-default method name 'SOME_NAME'