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DefaultActionsRules : d2/sdk/commands/default.actions.rules

Default action rules collection. It is an association of command signatures with predicate conditions such that when a condition is met, a command implementing the corresponding signature is identified as an action. Collectively these set of rules define what happens when end user clicks on an item in a list or tabular display of data. Usually an item indicates with a pointer cursor when a default action is matched against the item.

NOTE: Actual availability of a default action for an item depends on matching a rule from this default actions rules collection as well as it depends on actual availability of the command in the item's own action collection.

D2SV application runtime pre-defines a bunch of rules that opens a document preview, opens details of a task/workflow etc.

One or more rules, to define default action for an item type, could be added to this collection by means of extension

Extends: Array
See: RulesMatchingMixin for a complete guide on how to write rules.
Example (to register an extension, add in extension.json)

"d2/sdk/commands/default.actions.rules": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (whereas my.default.actions.rules.js is defined as)

define([], function(){
'use strict';

return [
signature: 'D2-OpenTask', //`signature` from a CommandModel implementation
type: constants.Types.TASK
signature: 'D2-OpenVDocSnapshot',
decides: function(node) {
return node.get('r_object_type') === 'd2c_snapshot';