

Provides classes and interfaces for constructing and running search queries against multiple content repositories as well as external information sources (optional). The classes and intefaces of this package are collectively known as the Search Service. The Search Service provides an advanced facility for creating and managing Documentum queries.

The Search Service is built on top of the Federated Search Services (FS2) framework and hides the complexity of dealing with a variety of sources. It provides a unique view of Documentum content repositories and external repositories. It also supports pass-through queries for executing complex DQL queries across multiple content repositories. To get more information about the search functionality, you can refer to the Search Development Guide written by Lani Hardage-Vergeer. This guide is accessible from (Search "search development guide").

Note: If your needs are simple or if you need explicit control over all phases of query execution you should use IDfQuery directly. If however you want to take advantage of the advanced features of the Search Service you can use the interfaces in this package.

The Search Service provides the following advanced features:

  • Support for building full-text queries.
  • Integrated data dictionary support for building advanced queries.
  • An infrastructure for performing multithreaded, multisource asynchronous queries.
  • Manipulation and unification of result sets across sources.
  • The ability to load and save Documentum Smartlists.

Query definition:

The definition of a query should be performed through IDfQueryBuilder.
Special support for full-text searches is provided:

        IDfQueryBuilder queryBuilder = <DfQueryManager>.newQueryBuilder();
        IDfExpressionSet rootExpressionSet = queryBuilder.getRootExpressionSet();
        rootExpressionSet.addFullTextExpression("Descartes Nietsche Kant");

Building a more advanced search with multiple clauses can also be performed:
        IDfQueryBuilder queryBuilder = <DfQueryManager>.newQueryBuilder();
        IDfExpressionSet rootExpressionSet = queryBuilder.getRootExpressionSet();
        rootExpressionSet.addSimpleAttrExpression("authors", IDfValue.DF_STRING,
        IDfSimpleAttrExpression.SEARCH_OP_CONTAINS, true, true, "Descartes");
        rootExpressionSet.addSimpleAttrExpression("object_name", IDfValue.DF_STRING,
        IDfSimpleAttrExpression.SEARCH_OP_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN, true, false, "encyclopedia");

Selection of the sources looks like:
        IDfQueryBuilder queryBuilder = <DfQueryManager>.newQueryBuilder();
        queryBuilder.addSelectedSource("philo_docbase"); // a first content repository
        queryBuilder.addSelectedSource("university_docbase"); // a second content repository
        queryBuilder.addSelectedSource("library/LoC"); // an external source
        queryBuilder.addSelectedSource("museum/Smithonian"); // another external source

Query execution

The execution of a query is managed through IDfQueryProcessor. It supports two execution modes:

  • Synchronous searches: the caller is blocked until all sources have responded. The result set returned by the processor contains results from all sources.
  • Asynchronous searches: the caller will be notified asynchronously whenever new results are collected from a source. This allows the caller to display some results as soon as they are available without being blocked by the slowest of the sources.
The Search Service returns only a limited number of results. The maximum number of results can be configured in with a maximum number of results per source and a maximum number of results for a search (applying to the set of results from all the selected sources). You can refer to to get a detailed description of these properties.

Synchronous search:
    // Establish session and get general query manager
    IDfSearchService searchService = <IDfClient>.newSearchService(<IDfSessionManager>);
    IDfQueryManager queryManager = searchService.newQueryMgr();

    // Create a new query builder for each query
    IDfQueryBuilder queryBuilder = queryManager.newQueryBuilder();
    IDfQueryProcessor processor = searchService.newQueryProcessor(queryBuilder, true);


    IDfResultsSet results = processor.getResults() ;
    IDfQueryStatus status = processor.getQueryStatus() ;

    while (
    System.out.println("results = " + results.getResult());
    System.out.println("status = " + status);

Asynchronous search:
    // Caller implements IDfQueryListener

    // Establish session and get general query manager
    IDfSearchService searchService = <IDfClient>.newSearchService(<IDfSessionManager>);
    IDfQueryManager queryManager = searchService.newQueryMgr();

    // Create a new query builder for each query
    IDfQueryBuilder queryBuilder = queryManager.newQueryBuilder();
    IDfQueryProcessor processor = searchService.newQueryProcessor(queryBuilder, true);

    // Register as listener before starting the search

    // Fire the search;

    // Go do some actual work while waiting for notifications:
    // - onQueryCompleted
    // - onStatusChange
    // - onResultChange


Result manipulation:

Some utility methods are provided to manipulate the result set in the class IDfResultsManipulator. Sort by on a specific attribute or using a custom comparator is possible.
Working with individual results and getting access to content is managed by IDfResultObjectManager

External sources attribute mapping:

External sources can be searched using the Federated Search Service option (FS2). These sources are integrated using FS2 Adapter technology. Each source may expose attributes different from regular Documentum type attributes. To provide a consistent view, external sources attributes are mapped into Documentum types attributes. By default, each results from an external source is considered of type "dm_document". This default type can be configured in each Adapter definition.
However, the attributes from external sources that don't match the expected Documentum type are still returned in the results.
The following mapping is performed:

  • "title" is mapped to "object_name".
  • "author" is mapped to "authors".
  • "date" is mapped to "r_modified_date".
  • "size" is mapped to "r_full_content_size". The size format from FS2 is in kbytes, it is transformed into bytes.
  • "body" is mapped to "summary".
  • "keywords" is mapped to "keywords".
  • Any attribute ending with the "_date" suffix is mapped to an attribute of type date with the same name.
  • "format" is mapped to "a_content_type". The MIME type value is transformed into Documentum type (example: "text/plain" is transformed into "crtext").
  • "rank" is mapped to attribute "rank" with type integer.
  • Other attributes are mapped to attribute with the same name with type string.
Optional properties can also be sent in the query to FS2 Adapters using DfApplicationContext.

To access Java, Visual Basic and C++ DFC sample code, please visit the Documentum Developer Program.