Interface IDfFacetValue

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IDfFacetValue
Represents a facet value. Note: two facet values are considered equals if their values (not their count) are equal.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the count for the facet value, that is, the number of documents in the query that match this particular value.
    Returns a map of custom properties for this facet value.
    Returns the sub-facet values if any.
    Returns the value for the facet.
    Indicates if this facet value has any custom property.
    Indicates if this facet value has any sub-facet values.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Returns the value for the facet. Example: a date range or an author name.
    • getCount

      int getCount()
      Returns the count for the facet value, that is, the number of documents in the query that match this particular value.
    • hasSubFacetValues

      boolean hasSubFacetValues()
      Indicates if this facet value has any sub-facet values.
    • getSubFacetValues

      List<IDfFacetValue> getSubFacetValues()
      Returns the sub-facet values if any.
      a list of ordered sub-facet values
    • hasProperties

      boolean hasProperties()
      Indicates if this facet value has any custom property.
    • getProperties

      Map<String,String> getProperties()
      Returns a map of custom properties for this facet value.

      Some facets may have optional custom properties. For example, the date facets will have lowerbound and upperbound as properties.

      Example: group by 'day' will have 2 property per facets:
