Interface IDfOrderConstraint

public interface IDfOrderConstraint
Interface used to express a sorting constraint on query results. The sorting is related to a specific attribute and can be either in ascending or descending order. These constraints will not be taken into account by external sources and search complex object feature.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the name of the attribute used to sort the results list.
    Return the locale to use in sort for this attribute.
    Return the type of this attribute.
    Indicate if the results list is sorted in ascending or descending order.
    Indicate if the results list is sorted using ASCII order on this attribute.
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeName

      String getAttributeName()
      Return the name of the attribute used to sort the results list.
      name of the sorting attribute.
    • getLocale

      Locale getLocale()
      Return the locale to use in sort for this attribute.
      the locale to use in sort or null if not set.
    • isAscending

      boolean isAscending()
      Indicate if the results list is sorted in ascending or descending order.
      true if the sorting is done in ascending order.
    • isASCII

      boolean isASCII()
      Indicate if the results list is sorted using ASCII order on this attribute. If true the locale of this IDfOrderConstraint returned by getLocale() is ignored.
      true if the sort uses ASCII order.
    • getType

      String getType()
      Return the type of this attribute. The return value may be XMLQueryConstants.ATTR_EXPR_DATA_TYPE_STRING, XMLQueryConstants.ATTR_EXPR_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER or XMLQueryConstants.ATTR_EXPR_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE. Type is only supported by xQuery and will be ignored in DQL queries. Type is required ONLY when you need to order by a string field as integer or double.
      the type of this attribute.