Interface IDfSearchService

public interface IDfSearchService
This interface is the factory for search objects.
  • Method Details

    • getSourceMap

      IDfSearchSourceMap getSourceMap()
      Gets the list of sources that are currently available for search.
      A map of sources with both repositories and external sources.
    • newQueryMgr

      IDfQueryManager newQueryMgr()
      Creates a new IDfQueryManager. This is used to build, save and load a query.
      A new IDfQueryManager instance.
    • newResultsManipulator

      IDfResultsManipulator newResultsManipulator(IDfQueryDefinition query)
      Creates a new IDfResultManipulator.
      query - The query whose results will be manipulated by the result manipulator.
      A new IDfResultManipulator instance.
    • newQueryProcessor

      IDfQueryProcessor newQueryProcessor(IDfQueryDefinition query, boolean removeDuplicate)
      Creates a new IDfQueryProcessor. Once a query has been created or loaded using IDfQueryManager, the query processor is used to execute it.
      query - A query definition to execute.
      removeDuplicate - Indicates how duplicates in the results should be treated. In most case, this parameter should be set to true.
      A new IDfQueryProcessor instance.
    • newResultObjectManager

      IDfResultObjectManager newResultObjectManager(IDfQueryDefinition query)
      Creates a new IDfResultObjectManager. This is used to get the content of external results and get an IDfSysObject from repository results.
      query - The query whose results will be handled by the result object manager.
      A new IDfResultObjectManager