Interface IDfFullTextExpression

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfFullTextExpression extends IDfExpression
Defines a full-text expression for the search expression tree. It can be added to an IDfExpressionSet.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Gets the text value.
      text value
    • isFuzzySearchEnabled

      Boolean isFuzzySearchEnabled()
      Indicates if fuzzy search will be used to validate this constraint
    • getFuzzySearchSimilarity

      Float getFuzzySearchSimilarity()
      Indicates the similarity threshold used with the fuzzy search option
      the similarity value between 0 and 1.
    • setFuzzySearchEnabled

      void setFuzzySearchEnabled(Boolean fuzzySearchEnabled)
      Fuzzy Search is an option that can be used only with xPlore 1.1 backend and with XQuery. In this case, this flag enables/disables fuzzy search.

      e.g. when searching for "roam", the search will find terms like "foam" and "roams". This flag overrides the flag 'fuzzy_search_enable' in the dm_ftengine_config object

      fuzzySearchEnabled - if null, the docbase flag will be used
    • setFuzzySearchSimilarity

      void setFuzzySearchSimilarity(Float similarity)
      Set the similarity value for the fuzzy search option This flag overrides the flag 'default_fuzzy_search_similarity' in the dm_ftengine_config object
      similarity - value between 0 and 1.
    • isThesaurusSearchEnabled

      Boolean isThesaurusSearchEnabled()
      Indicates if the thesaurus option will be used to validate this constraint
    • getThesaurusLibrary

      String getThesaurusLibrary()
      Indicates the thesaurus URI that is used with the thesaurus option
    • setThesaurusSearchEnabled

      void setThesaurusSearchEnabled(Boolean thesaurusSearchEnabled)
      Thesaurus Search is an option that can be used only with xPlore 1.2 backend and with XQuery. In this case, this flag enables/disables thesaurus search. Thesaurus search will be used only with the operators SEARCH_OP_CONTAINS, SEARCH_OP_EQUAL

      e.g. the query terms will be expanded according to the terms declared in a thesaurus.

      thesaurusSearchEnabled -
    • setThesaurusLibrary

      void setThesaurusLibrary(String thesaurusLibrary)
      Set the thesaurus library URI for the thesaurus option This flag overrides the flag 'use_thesaurus_library' in the dm_ftengine_config object
      thesaurusLibrary - thesaurus URI.