Interface IDfModifiableResultsSet

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfModifiableResultsSet extends IDfResultsSet
Represents a list of results and defines the methods necessary to modify and manipulate it.
  • Method Details

    • add

      void add(IDfResultEntry entry)
      Adds an entry at the end of this set.
    • sort

      IDfResultsSet sort(String attributeName, boolean ascend, String locale)
      Returns a sorted set.
    • subset

      IDfResultsSet subset(int from, int to)
      Gets a subset of this results set based on a beginning and ending index.
      from - The beginning index (inclusive).
      to - The ending index (exclusive).
      A new results set (copy of the underlying list, reference to the same results).
    • subset

      IDfResultsSet subset(int from)
      Gets a subset of this results set based on a beginning index.
      from - The beginning index (inclusive).
      A new results set (copy of the underlying list, reference to the same results).