Interface IDfQueryProcessor

public interface IDfQueryProcessor
Manages the execution of a query accross multiple sources.
  • Method Details

    • addListener

      void addListener(IDfQueryListener listener)
      Registers a listener of the query execution.
      listener - This listener will be asynchronously notified of new results and events occuring while executing the query.
    • removeListener

      void removeListener(IDfQueryListener listener)
      Unregisters a listener of the query execution.
      listener - A listener that has been previously added using addListener method.
    • setResultsSet

      void setResultsSet(IDfModifiableResultsSet resultSet)
      Sets the result set to populate as a result of this search. This method is useful to deal with large result sets that may not fit in memory. The default IDfResultsSet implementation maintains results in memory. The IDfQueryProcessor only uses method addResult to populate the result set.
      resultSet - An IDfModifiableResultsSet object specifying the result set value.
    • search

      void search()
      Asynchronously starts a search. This method is not blocking, the client should call addListener before calling this method.
    • stop

      void stop()
      Stops a running query. For the API client, this call has immediate effect, but internal resources may take some time to be released.
    • blockingSearch

      IDfResultsSet blockingSearch(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, DfSearchException
      Starts a search and block until the query execution finished.
      timeout - A maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Set to 0 to have no timeout. Note that each adapter to the sources may have their own timeout, some connection to the sources may timeout earlier.
      The list of results retrieved.
      InterruptedException - If this query processor thread is interrupted while waiting for the query results.
      DfSearchException - If the timeout elapses, or if an error occurs during the search.
      See Also:
    • getQueryStatus

      IDfQueryStatus getQueryStatus()
      Gets the current status of the query.
      An instance reflecting the current status of each source and a global status for the query.
    • getResults

      IDfResultsSet getResults()
      Gets the current list of results. It returns a reference to the results list. Results added to the list by the query processor after this call will appear in the list.
      A list of results. This list is partially ordered by relevance for each source (except if a specific order hint has been specified in the query). However, the order between sources is unspecified.
    • getResults

      IDfResultsSet getResults(int from)
      Gets a subset of the current list of results, from the specified start index (inclusive) to the end of the list.
      from - The start index of the sublist.
      A list of results. This list is partially ordered by relevance for each source (except if a specific order hint has been specified in the query). However, the order between sources is unspecified.
    • getResults

      IDfResultsSet getResults(int from, int to)
      Get a subset of the current list of results, from the specified start index (inclusive) to the specified end index (exclusive).
      from - The start index of the sublist.
      to - The end index of the sublist.
      A list of results. This list is partially ordered by relevance for each source (except if a specific order hint has been specified in the query). However, the order between sources is unspecified.
    • getResultsSize

      int getResultsSize()
      Gets the size of the current list of results.
      An int representing the results size value.
    • getFacets

      List<IDfFacet> getFacets()
      Gets the list of facets.
      A list of facets.
    • setResultRaterFactory

      void setResultRaterFactory(IDfResultRaterFactory resultRaterFactory)
      Sets the IDfResultRaterFactory that replaces the default one implementing the IPR (Incremental Perceptual Ranking) algorithm. The IDfResultRaterFactory set will be used by this query processor to compute the rating score of retrieved results.
      resultRaterFactory - The IDfResultRaterFactory to be used by this query processor.
    • setRange

      void setRange(int lowerBound, int upperBound) throws DfSearchException
      The query (IDfQueryBuilder) attached to this query processor will match only the range of results defined by the lower bound and the upper bound specified by this method. Several different executions of the same query on different ranges are then possible just by using this method and then starting again the query either in asynchronous or synchronous mode
      lowerBound - the range lower bound; -1 is used to disable the range access
      upperBound - the range upper bound; -1 is used to disable the range access
      See Also:
    • getRangeLowerBound

      int getRangeLowerBound()
      Returns the lower bound of the range defined by the method setRange
      See Also:
    • getRangeUpperBound

      int getRangeUpperBound()
      Returns the upper bound of the range defined by the method setRange
      See Also:
    • setApplicationContext

      void setApplicationContext(DfApplicationContext applicationContext)
      This context contains information that the client application wants to pass along with the query. These information will be used only if the backend is xPlore and if xQuery is generated. These information will be recorded by xPlore in the audit event logged with the query.
      applicationContext -
    • getApplicationContext

      DfApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
      Return the application context set by the client application
    • getCutoffMessages

      Map<String,String> getCutoffMessages()
      Get cutoff messages.
      The map from docbase sources to cutoff messages.