Interface IDfSession

public interface IDfSession
This interface encapsulates a session with a Documentum repository. Clients use this interface to perform repository operations, query repository information, and get to persistent objects stored in the repository.

The preferred method to obtain a DFC session is to call IDfSessionManager.getSession(java.lang.String). You can also use methods on IDfClient to obtain sessions.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isConnected

      boolean isConnected()
      Indicates whether the DFC session is still connected to a repository server.

      If the session has been disconnected, all subsequent calls made using the session will cause an exception IDfException.DM_DFCSESS_E_DISCONNECTED to be thrown.

      true if this session is connected to a Documentum server; false if this session has been disconnected.
      See Also:
    • isShared

      boolean isShared() throws DfException
      Indicates whether the session is a shared DFC session.

      A shared session is a session obtained using IDfClient.getSharedSession(java.lang.String, com.documentum.fc.common.IDfLoginInfo, java.lang.String)

      true if this is a shared session; false if it is not
      DfException - if the session has been disconnected
    • disconnect

      void disconnect() throws DfException
      Disconnects the DFC session.

      After a session is disconnected, all subsequent calls made using that session cause the exception IDfException.DM_DFCSESS_E_DISCONNECTED to be thrown.

      You cannot use this method to disconnect an adopted session.

      The following code example demonstrates how to disconnect a session:

       if (!sess.isConnected())
            // Successfully disconnected...

      DfException - if this is an adopted session or this session is already diconnected.
      See Also:
    • isTransactionActive

      boolean isTransactionActive() throws DfException
      Checks if there is an active transaction. A transaction would be started by beginTrans, beginTransEx, and openBatch. This method works for managed and unmanaged sessions.
      true if the transaction is still active (false otherwise)
    • beginTrans

      void beginTrans() throws DfException
      Opens an explicit database transaction.

      An explicit database transaction is a transaction that is opened by executing the beginTrans method. Note that any changes that you save or check in are not committed to a repository until you call the commitTrans method.

      You can cancel the database transaction by calling the abortTrans method. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about explicit transactions.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • abortTrans

      void abortTrans() throws DfException
      Closes an explicit database transaction and cancels any changes made since the call to beginTrans().

      An explicit database transaction is a transaction that is opened by executing the beginTrans method. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about explicit transactions.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • commitTrans

      void commitTrans() throws DfException
      Commits all changes made after a beginTrans() method call.

      You cannot call commitTrans if you have previously called abortTrans or commitTrans on a database transaction.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • beginTransEx

      IDfLocalTransaction beginTransEx() throws DfException
      begin a nested transaction
      IDfLocalTransaction object for the new created transaction
    • commitTransEx

      void commitTransEx(IDfLocalTransaction tx) throws DfException
      commit the transaction specified by the IDfLocalTransaction
      tx - the IDfLocalTransaction object
    • abortTransEx

      void abortTransEx(IDfLocalTransaction tx) throws DfException
      abort the transaction specified by the IDfTransaction
      tx - the IDfLocalTransaction object
    • getBatchManager

      IDfBatchManager getBatchManager()
      return the batch manager of the session
    • authenticate

      void authenticate(IDfLoginInfo loginInfo) throws DfException
      Validates credentials without returning a new session.
      loginInfo - An IDfLoginInfo object that contains the required user validation information.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getSessionManager

      IDfSessionManager getSessionManager()
      Returns the session manager that manages the current session. If sessoin object has been created by the IDfClient.newSession method it will instantiate a new session manager object and will adopt the current session.
      The Session manager object
    • getSessionConfig

      IDfTypedObject getSessionConfig() throws DfException
      Returns the session config object for a repository session.

      A session config object records the configuration of a client's repository session.

      the session config object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getConnectionConfig

      IDfTypedObject getConnectionConfig() throws DfException
      Returns the connection config object for a repository session.

      Each repository connection established during an API session has connection config object. Connection config objects are non-persistent. They are destroyed when the repository connection is terminated.

      For more information about connection config objects and their relationship to session config objects and api config objects, refer to the Server Administrator's Guide. The Server Reference Manual contains information about the attributes in a connection config object.

      An IDfTypedObject interface object that contains the connection config object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDocbaseConfig

      IDfTypedObject getDocbaseConfig() throws DfException
      Returns a docbase config object for a repository session.

      This method returns the docbase config object for the repository identified in the default repository scope.

      A docbase config object contains information about a repository. Each repository has a docbase config object whose object name matches the name of the repository. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about docbase config objects.

      an IDfTypedObject interface to the Docbase config object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getServerConfig

      IDfTypedObject getServerConfig() throws DfException
      Returns a server config object for a repository session.

      This method returns the server config object for the server servicing the session. A server config object describes a Documentum server. It contains information the server uses to define its operation and operating environment, such as the number of allowed concurrent sessions, maximum cache sizes, and the locations of executables that the server calls. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about server config objects.

      an IDfTypedObject interface to the server config object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getSessionId

      String getSessionId() throws DfException
      Returns the DFC session ID of the session.

      Each DFC session has an unique session ID within a DFC client. You can use this session ID in IDfClient.findSession(java.lang.String) to obtain access to the session object.

      the DFC session ID of this session
      DfException - if this session has been disconnected
    • getLoginInfo

      IDfLoginInfo getLoginInfo() throws DfException
      Returns a copy of the login information used to establish this DFC session.

      For security purposes, the password is not returned as part of the login information.

      the login information used to establish this DFC session.
      DfException - if the session has been disconnected
    • getRelatedSession

      IDfSession getRelatedSession(String docbaseSpecString) throws DfException
      Returns a related session to a named docbase.

      A related session is one who's lifetime is tied to the parent session. You do not need to release a related session. The related session is automatically released when the parent session is released.

    • getRelatedSession

      IDfSession getRelatedSession(IDfId objectId) throws DfException
      Returns a related session appropriate for operating on the given object id.

      A related session is one who's lifetime is tied to the parent session. You do not need to release a related session. The related session is automatically released when the parent session is released.

    • getLoginUserName

      String getLoginUserName() throws DfException
      Returns the repository name of the current user.

      Users have three possible user names: a repository name, a OS name, and an RDBMs name. The repository name is the name by which the user is known in the repository. The repository name is usually the long form of the name and may not necessarily be the name entered into the login dialog. The name entered into the login dialog is usually the OS name.

      If you want to retrieve the user's OS name, call getLoginInfo() or retrieve the user object and examine the user_os_name attribute.

      For more information about user names, refer to Server Administrator's Guide.

      the name of the current user
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDocbaseId

      String getDocbaseId() throws DfException
      Returns the ID of the repository defined as the default repository scope.

      The default repository scope is defined in the docbase_scope attribute in the session's session config object. The repository identified in that attribute is the repository in which default-scoped methods conduct their operations. (If a method takes no arguments, such as an object ID, that identify a repository, it is said to be default-scoped.)

      For more information about repository scoping and default-scoped methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      the repository ID
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDocbaseName

      String getDocbaseName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the repository identified as the default repository scope.

      The default repository scope is defined in the docbase_scope attribute in the session's session config object. The repository identified in that attribute is the repository in which default-scoped methods conduct their operations. (If a method takes no arguments, such as an object ID, that identify a repository, it is said to be default-scoped.) For more information about repository scoping and default-scoped methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      the repository name
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getServerVersion

      String getServerVersion() throws DfException
      Returns the version string of a Documentum server.

      The version number is the version of the server associated with the repository identified in the default repository scope.

      the version number of a Documentum server
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDocbaseOwnerName

      String getDocbaseOwnerName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the user who owns the repository identified as the default repository scope.

      The default repository scope is defined in the docbase_scope attribute in the session's session config object. The repository identified in that attribute is the repository in which default-scoped methods conduct their operations. (If a method takes no arguments, such as an object ID, that identify a repository, it is said to be default-scoped.)

      For more information about repository scoping and default-scoped methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      the name of the owner of the repository
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDBMSName

      String getDBMSName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the RDBMS that underlies the repository identified in the default repository scope.

      The default repository scope is defined in the docbase_scope attribute in the session's session config object. The repository identified in that attribute is the repository in which default-scoped methods conduct their operations. (If a method takes no arguments, such as an object ID, that identify a repository, it is said to be default-scoped.)

      For more information about repository scoping and default-scoped methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      the name of the RDBMS
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getSecurityMode

      String getSecurityMode() throws DfException
      Returns the security mode of the repository identified as the default repository scope.

      The default repository scope is defined in the docbase_scope attribute in the session's session config object. The repository identified in that attribute is the repository in which default-scoped methods conduct their operations. (If a method takes no arguments, such as an object ID, that identify a repository, it is said to be default-scoped.)

      For more information about repository scoping and default-scoped methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      the security mode of the repository
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDefaultACL

      int getDefaultACL() throws DfException
      Identifies the default ACL for a Documentum server.

      The default ACL is the ACL that the server assigns to a new object if an ACL is not explicitly associated with the object. This method returns the default ACL defined for the server associated with the repository identified in the default repository scope. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about ACLs and repository scope.

      an integer that identifies the default ACL for the Documentum server.

      Possible return values are:

       Integer   Identifing
       1         ACL associated with the object's primary folder
       2         ACL associated with the object's type
       3         ACL associated with the user who created the object

      The default return value is 3.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • isACLDocbase

      boolean isACLDocbase() throws DfException
      Indicates whether repository identified as the default repository scope is operating in ACL mode.

      The default repository scope is defined in the docbase_scope attribute in the session's session config object. The repository identified in that attribute is the repository in which default-scoped methods conduct their operations. (If a method takes no arguments, such as an object ID, that identify a repository, it is said to be default-scoped.)

      For more information about repository scoping and default-scoped methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      true if the repository is operating in ACL mode; false if it is operating in OGW mode.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getObject

      IDfPersistentObject getObject(IDfId objectId) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server object.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfPersistentObject interface:

       IDfId idObj = new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900");
       IDfPersistentObject perObj = sess.getObject(idObj);
       if (perObj.getObjectId().getId().equals("0900d5bb8001f900"))
            // Successfully fetched object...

      objectId - an IDfId object that contains the object ID.
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object.
      DfException - if the persistent object specified with objectID doesn't exist, or a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getObjectWithOptions

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectWithOptions(IDfId objectId, IDfGetObjectOptions objectOptions) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server object.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfPersistentObject interface:

       IDfId idObj = new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900");
       IDfGetObjectOptions objectOptions = clientx.getGetObjectOptions();
       //set object with partition, cachePersistently, currencyCheckValue value
       //by default, it's 0, fasle and null
       IDfPersistentObject perObj = sess.getObjectwithOptions(idObj,objectOptions);
       if (perObj.getObjectId().getId().equals("0900d5bb8001f900"))
            // Successfully fetched object...

      objectId - an IDfId object that contains the object ID.
      objectOptions - an IDfId object that contains the object ID.
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object.
      DfException - if the persistent object specified with objectID with options doesn't exist, or a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • newObject

      IDfPersistentObject newObject(String typeName) throws DfException
      Creates a persistent object given a specified Documentum server type.

      Even though the new object has an object id, the object is not committed to a repository until you call the save method.

      The following code example demonstrates how to create a dm_document object:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");
       sysObj.setSubject("DFC Example Doc");

      typeName - the object type of the new object, with underscores. For example, enter dm_document to create a document object.
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the new object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • newLightObject

      IDfPersistentObject newLightObject(String typeName, IDfId parentId) throws DfException
      Creates a persistent light type object given a specified Documentum server shareable type.
      typeName - name of a light type
      parentId - object Id of the shareable parent object instance
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the new object.
    • getObjectWithCaching

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectWithCaching(IDfId objectId, String typeNameIgnored, String classNameIgnored, String currencyCheckValue, boolean usePersistentCache, boolean useSharedCache) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server object.

      This form of getObject() includes additional parameters for specifying caching options such as consistency and sharing. If the target object is cached persistently then these options control use of the cache and how often data is refreshed from the server.

      The object is returned as an interface. The type of the interface depends on the parameter values you include in the method call. If you include objType, the method returns an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object. If you include className parameter, the method returns an object of the specified class. The class must derive from the IDfPersistentObject interface.

      objectId - An IDfId object that contains the object's object ID
      typeNameIgnored - The type name is ignored. It is not needed.
      classNameIgnored - The class name is ignored. It violates TBO type safety and is no longer supported.
      currencyCheckValue - specifies that the object should be persistently cached and indicates how often the object needs to checked for consistency with the server. If the value is numeric it indicates the time (in seconds) which the caller is willing to allow the object to be used without being rechecked for consistency. If the requested object is found in the cache and has not been checked for consistency in the specified time period then it is checked and re-fetched from the server if necessary. If the value is non-numeric then it specifies a cache configuration object which defines the consistency check rules. Specify null if you don't want the object persistently cached.
      usePersistentCache - set to true if want the object the object cached persistently
      useSharedCache - Reserved for future use
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object
      DfException - if objType specifies an invalid object type, if className specifies a class that cannot be instantiated, or if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getIdByQualification

      IDfId getIdByQualification(String qualification) throws DfException
      Returns the ID of a Documentum object that satisfies the DQL qualification.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about DQL.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfId interface to the specified object in the DQL query:

       IDfId idObj = sess.getIdByQualification("dm_document where r_object_id='0900d5bb8001f900'");
       if (idObj.getId().equals("0900d5bb8001f900"))
            // Successfully fetched id...

      qualification - a DQL qualification consisting of that portion of a SELECT statement beginning with the keyword FROM. The DQL qualification uniquely identifies an object in a repository.
      an IDfId interface to the specified object. If no object matches qualification, the null IDfId is returned.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getObjectByQualification

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectByQualification(String qualification) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server object that satisfies the DQL qualification.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about DQL.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfSysObject interface given a DQL query:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObjectByQualification("dm_document where r_object_id='0900d5bb8001f900' and object_name='testObject'");
       if (sysObj.getObjectName().equals("testObject"))
            // Successfully fetched object...

      qualification - a DQL qualification consisting of that portion of a SELECT statement beginning with the keyword FROM. The DQL qualification uniquely identifies an object in a repository.
      an IDfPersistentObject or DFC-derived interface to the specified object. If no object matches qualification, the returned interface contains null.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getObjectsByQuery

      IDfEnumeration getObjectsByQuery(String dql, String optionalTypeName) throws DfException
      Returns an enumeration of persistent objects using data obtained through a query.

      The query doesn't need to contain all the object attributes but there are a minimum subset of attributes that must be present. All queries must include r_object_id and i_vstamp attribute. The query must include r_object_type, r_aspect_name, i_is_replica and i_is_reference if the object has these attributes. The optionalTypeName is required if the object does not have the attribute r_object_type, eg: dm_user. When a query is done on dmi_queue_item, the attribute "source_docbase" must be included in the query.

      Note that the objects returned by this call may not be fully populated with data. Only data present in the query will exist in the returned objects. As long as your subsequent access to the objects only reference the populated data then no "fetch" of the full object will occur. As soon as you try to access object data that is not present then an internal "fetch" will be triggered to obtain the remaining data. This process is transparent to the object user.

      an interface to the persistent object instance
    • getObjectByPath

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectByPath(String objectPath) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server object given a full path to the object.

      If multiple objects exist at the specified path, the server returns one of the objects at random.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfSysObject interface given an EDM Server path:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObjectByPath("/DFCTest/testObject");
       if (sysObj.getObjectName().equals("testObject"))
            // Successfully fetched object...

      objectPath - the path to the object specified in the following format: /cabinet_name/folder_name/object_name.
      an IDfPersistentObject or DFC-derived interface to the object, null if the server cannot find an object at the specified path.
      DfException - if server error occurs.
    • getFolderByPath

      IDfFolder getFolderByPath(String folderPath) throws DfException
      Returns a folder object.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about the folder object type.

      folderPath - The path to the Folder object in the following format: /cabinet name/folder name/folder name. The last folder name in the path must be the folder you want to return.
      An IDfFolder interface to the folder object; null if the server cannot find the specified folder object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getFolderBySpecification

      IDfFolder getFolderBySpecification(String folderSpec) throws DfException
      Returns the folder matching the folder specification or null if the folder can not be found.

      The folder specification can either be a folder path or a folder object id.

      folderSpec - a path or object id for a folder
      a folder
      DfException - if the folder can not be found or some other error occurs
    • newObjectWithType

      IDfPersistentObject newObjectWithType(String typeName, String classNameIgnored) throws DfException
      Creates a persistent object of the specified type and Java class name.

      Use this method to create objects based on a DFC-derived subclass of IDfPersistentObject. Even though the new object has an object id, the object is not committed to a repository until you call the save method.

      typeName - the object type of the new object, with underscores. For example, enter dm_document to create a document object.
      classNameIgnored - The class name is ignored. It violates TBO type safety and is no longer supported.
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the new object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getObjectWithType

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectWithType(IDfId objectId, String typeNameIgnored, String classNameIgnored) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server object.

      The object is returned as an interface. The type of the interface depends on the parameter values you include in the method call. If you include objType, the method returns an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object. If you include className parameter, the method returns an object of the specified class. The class must derive from the IDfPersistentObject interface.

      objectId - An IDfId object that contains the object's object ID
      typeNameIgnored - The type name is ignored. It is not needed.
      classNameIgnored - The class name is ignored. It violates TBO type safety and is no longer supported.
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object
      DfException - if objType specifies an invalid object type, if className specifies a class that cannot be instantiated, or if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getObjectWithInterface

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectWithInterface(IDfId objectId, String extraInterfaceName) throws DfException, DfServiceNotFoundException, DfDborNotFoundException
      Please use Aspects instead for interface extension. They provide similar functionality but are safer and more robust.
      Returns a Documentum server object with an extra interface added to the interfaces supported by the object. The implementation for the extra interface is looked up using the DBOR (Documentum business object registry).
      objectId - An IDfId object that contains the object's object ID
      extraInterfaceName - The fully qualified name of an interface configured in DBOR
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object
      DfException - if objType specifies an invalid object type, or if a server error occurs
      DfServiceNotFoundException - if interfaceName is not configured in DBOR
      DfDborNotFoundException - if DBOR is not found
    • getObjectByQualificationWithInterface

      IDfPersistentObject getObjectByQualificationWithInterface(String qualification, String interfaceName) throws DfException, DfServiceNotFoundException
      Please use Aspects instead for interface extension. They provide similar functionality but are safer and more robust.
      Get a type based business object (Business Logic Middleware) with a given interface. In this case a DQL qualification is used to lookup the object ID for which the object is instantated. Same behaviour as #getObjectWithInterface and #getObjectByQualification combined.
      qualification - a DQL qualification consisting of that portion of a SELECT statement beginning with the keyword FROM. The DQL qualification uniquely identifies an object in a repository.
      interfaceName - The fully qualified name of an interface configured in DBOR
      an IDfPersistentObject interface to the object
      DfException - if objType specifies an invalid object type, or if a server error occurs
      DfServiceNotFoundException - if interfaceName is not configured in DBOR
      DfDborNotFoundException - if DBOR is not found
      See Also:
    • getReplicaForMaster

      IDfPersistentObject getReplicaForMaster(IDfId masterId) throws DfException
      Get the replica object for a specific master object.
      masterId - the id of the master object.
    • flush

      void flush(String flushType, String cacheKey) throws DfException
      Removes cached queries from the client's query caches, ACLs and Group objects from the session cache, and type information from the data dictionary cache.

      Use this method when you want to remove your query cache files or when you want to make additional memory available to your server. When you create large numbers of objects in one session, you may receive an error from the server indicating that it is out of memory. One possible cause for this problem is that ACLs and group objects have been over-cached, causing the session cache to become too large. To resolve this, run the flush method to empty the session cache.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about removing content from local areas.

      flushType - Identifies the cache that you want to flush. Valid values and their meanings are:

       Value                  Meaning
       querycache             User's query cache
       aclcache               ACLs in the session cache
       groupcache             Group objects in the session cache
       ddcache                Data dictionary cache
       registrycache          Registry cache
       persistentcache        Persistent cache
       persistentobjcache     Persistent object cache

      cacheKey - The name of an object type. Use this optional parameter only if ddcache is passed to flushtype. Note that all data dictionary information for the specified type and all of its subtypes is flushed. If no argument is passed to this parameter, information for all object types in the data dictionary is flushed.
      DfException - if server error occurs
    • flushEx

      void flushEx(String flushType, String cacheKey, boolean resetChangeBit, boolean includeSubtypes) throws DfException
      Removes cached queries from the client's query caches, ACLs and Group objects from the session cache, and type information from the data dictionary cache.

      Use this method when you want to remove your query cache files or when you want to make additional memory available to your server. When you create large numbers of objects in one session, you may receive an error from the server indicating that it is out of memory. One possible cause for this problem is that ACLs and group objects have been over-cached, causing the session cache to become too large. To resolve this, run the flush method to empty the session cache.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about removing content from local areas.

      flushType - Identifies the cache that you want to flush. Valid values and their meanings are:

       Value                  Meaning
       querycache             User's query cache
       aclcache               ACLs in the session cache
       groupcache             Group objects in the session cache
       ddcache                Data dictionary cache
       registrycache          Registry cache
       persistentcache        Persistent cache
       persistentobjectcache  Persistent object cache

      cacheKey - The name of an object type. Use this optional parameter only if ddcache is passed to flushtype. Note that all data dictionary information for the specified type and all of its subtypes is flushed. If no argument is passed to this parameter, information for all object types in the data dictionary is flushed.
      resetChangeBit - Directs the Repository Server to reset the change bit in the registry cache to false for all cache entries that are marked true when the cache is flushed. Use this only when the registry cache is the target of the operation. The default is false.
      includeSubtypes - Whether you want to flush registry objects that reference subtypes of the object type identified by cacheKey. The default is false, meaning not to flush objects referencing subtypes. Use this only when the registry cache is the target of the operation.
      DfException - if server error occurs
    • flushCache

      void flushCache(boolean discardChanged) throws DfException
      Removes objects from the server and client caches.
      discardChanged - true if you want to discard objects that have been changed but not saved; false if not.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • flushGlobalCache

      void flushGlobalCache(String cacheName) throws DfException
      Removes objects from a global server cache.
      cacheName - The name of the server global cache to flush
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getACL

      IDfACL getACL(String aclDomain, String aclName) throws DfException
      Returns an ACL object.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about the ACL object type.

      aclDomain - the ACL domain. The domain is the owner of the ACL.
      aclName - the name of the ACL
      an IDfACL interface to the ACL object; null if the server cannot find the specified ACL object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getFormat

      IDfFormat getFormat(String formatName) throws DfException
      Returns a format object that contains information about the format.

      This method takes the format's name and returns the dm_format object that defines the format in the repository.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about the format object type.

      formatName - the name of the format object
      an IDfFormat interface to the format object; null if the server cannot find the specified format object.
      DfException - if server error occurs
    • getType

      IDfType getType(String typeName) throws DfException
      Returns a Documentum server type object. Type objects contain information about Documentum server object types. Each instance of a type object contains information about one object type. The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfType interface and loop through all the attributes of the type:

       IDfType typeObj = sess.getType("dm_document");
       for (int i = 0; i < typeObj.getAttrCount(); i++)
            IDfAttr attrObj = typeObj.getAttr(i);
            System.out.println("Attribute Name: " + attrObj.getName());

      typeName - the name of the object type whose corresponding type object you want to return.
      an IDfType interface to the type object, null if the server cannot find the type object.
      DfException - if server error occurs.
    • getTypeDescription

      IDfTypedObject getTypeDescription(String typeName, String attribute, IDfId policyId, String state) throws DfException
      Returns the data dictionary information about an object type and its attributes.

      The information returned by this method includes information stored in the data dictionary. Such information may vary for each state of a business policy. Pass parameters to businesspolicyId and state if you want state-specific data information for an object type and its attributes. Refer to Server Fundamentals for more information about about the Data Dictionary.

      typeName - The object type.
      attribute - An attribute of the object type. This parameter is optional. If you include it, the method returns information about the attribute but does not include the type information.
      policyId - The business policy's object ID. This parameter is optional. If you pass an argument to this parameter, you must also pass an argument to state.
      state - The name of one of the business policy states. This parameter is optional. If you pass an argument to this parameter, you must also pass an argument to businessPolicyId.
      An IDfTypedObject interface to the information about the object type or attribute
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getGroup

      IDfGroup getGroup(String groupName) throws DfException
      Returns a group object that contains information about the repository group.

      This method takes the group's name as a parameter and returns the dm_group object that defines the group in the repository.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for information about the group object type.

      groupName - the name of the group object
      an IDfGroup interface to the group object; null if the server cannot find the specified group object.
      DfException - if server error occurs
    • getUser

      IDfUser getUser(String userName) throws DfException
      Returns a user object that contains information about the repository user. This method takes the user's repository name as a parameter and returns the dm_user object for that user.
      userName - Set this to the user's repository name. If null or empty string is passed, the parameter defaults to the current logged-in user.
      an IDfUser interface to the User object; null if the server cannot find the User object.
      DfException - if server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getUserByOSName

      IDfUser getUserByOSName(String userOSName, String userOSDomain) throws DfException
      Returns a user object that contains information about the repository user.

      This method takes the user's OS name and domain as parameters and returns the dm_user object for that user.

      userOSName - the operating system's user name for the user
      userOSDomain - the Windows NT domain name associated with the user; Pass null to this parameter if the user, such as a user on a UNIX system, has no Windows NT domain name.
      an IDfUser interface to the user object; Returns null if the server cannot find the specified user.
      DfException - if server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getUserByLoginName

      IDfUser getUserByLoginName(String userLoginName, String userLoginDomain) throws DfException
      Returns a user object that contains information about the repository user.

      This method takes the user's login name and login domain as parameters and returns the dm_user object for that user.

      userLoginName - the user's login name for the user
      userLoginDomain - Name of the Windows domain against which this user is authenticated. If the user is an LDAP user, the attribute stores the name of the LDAP directory against which the user is authenticated. Pass null to this parameter if the user has no login domain name.
      an IDfUser interface to the user object; Returns null if the server cannot find the specified user.
      DfException - if server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getLoginTicket

      String getLoginTicket() throws DfException
      Returns a new ticket based on the current session login information. An application can use this ticket to establish another session with the same server.

      Tickets are used for ticketed logins, which allow a Documentum application to open an additional session with the current repository without specifying the user's password. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about ticketed logins.

      a ticket
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getLoginTicketEx

      String getLoginTicketEx(String userLoginName, String scope, int timeout, boolean singleUse, String serverName) throws DfException
      Returns a new ticket based on the current session login information. An application can use this ticket to establish another session with the same server.

      Tickets are used for ticketed logins, which allow a Documentum application to open an additional session with the current repository without specifying the user's password. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about ticketed logins.

      userLoginName - - the user login name (dm_user object's attribute "user_login_name" value) for whom the login ticket is desired.
      scope - - the scope of the acquired login ticket. It can be "server", "docbase", or "global".
      timeout - - How long will acquired login ticket remain valid since generation. Its value is expressed in minutes. Docbase config, max_login_ticket_timeout attribute value is used, if the specified time is larger than it. if unspecified, docbase config, login_ticket_timeout attribute value is used.
      singleUse - - if the login ticket can be used once only or multiple times
      serverName - - When single_use is true, the acquired one-time login ticket will be valid in the specified server only.
      a login ticket
    • getLoginTicketForUser

      String getLoginTicketForUser(String userName) throws DfException
      Returns a ticket for a specific user. An application can use this ticket to establish a new session for that user.

      Note that only a repository superuser can obtain a ticket for another user.

      userName - the user for which the login ticket is desired.
      a login ticket
    • getAliasSet

      String getAliasSet() throws DfException
      Returns the alias set name of this session config object.
      a String of the attribute alias_set of dm_session_config object
      DfException - if server error occurs
      See Also:
    • setAliasSet

      void setAliasSet(String name) throws DfException
      Sets the alias_set attribute of this session_config.
      name - The alias set object name that is setting to the session config
      DfException - if server error occurs
      See Also:
    • resolveAlias

      String resolveAlias(IDfId sysObject, String scopeAlias) throws DfException
      Returns the value mapped to a given alias.

      Aliases are placeholders for user names, group names, object names, and folder paths. They can be used in several types of objects and in the Link and Unlink server API methods. Alias values are stored in alias set objects. Alias scopes are defined for business policies, sessions, users, and servers. Each scope level can have an associated alias set. To resolve an alias, the system searches the alias sets in the scopes in a pre-defined order. The search stops when a match is found. If you include the sysObject parameter, the scopes are searched in the following order to resolve the alias:

      • business policy scope - The system searches the alias set defined as the default scope for the business policy with which the object is associated.
      • session scope - The system searches the alias set defined as the default session scope.
      • user scope - The system searches the alias set defined as the default for the user issuing the method.
      • server scope - The system searches the alias set defined as the default in the server config object.
      If you don't include the sysObject parameter, the system starts the search at the session scope and continues through the user and server scopes if needed. If you include an alias set name in the scopeAlias parameter, the method ignores the scopes and searches only the specified alias set to resolve the alias.
      sysObject - an IDfId interface to a sysobject. If you include this, the method includes the business policy scope in the search to resolve the alias. If you specify null, the method ignores the business policy scope.
      scopeAlias - The alias you want to resolve. Use the following format:
      %[alias_set_name.]alias_name, where alias_set_name is the name of the alias set that contains the alias and alias_name identifies the alias you want to resolve. The alias_set_name is optional. If you include this, the method ignores the scopes and only searches the specified alias set.
      The value mapped to the alias
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getMessage

      String getMessage(int severityLevel) throws DfException
      Returns all messages from an established session at or above a specified severity level.

      This method is intended for the following situations:

      • To clear the DMCL's error stack in an adopted DMCL session
      • To retrieve information and warning messages, severity levels 1 and 2, for DFC sessions

      Note that DFC automatically calls getMessage for error and fatal error messages, severity levels 3 and 4, that occur during a call to a DFC method and puts the message in the thrown exception.

      severityLevel - the minimum severity level of the session message that you want to get. Valid values and their corresponding severity levels are:

       Value   Retrieves
       1       Information messages
       2       Warning messages
       3       Error messages
       4       Fatal error messages
      the messages at or above the specified severity level. The messages are returned as a formatted string with separating line feeds.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getLastCollection

      IDfCollection getLastCollection() throws DfException
      Returns the collection object for the most recently executed query.
      an IDfCollection interface to the results of the most recently executed query
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • setBatchHint

      void setBatchHint(int batchSize) throws DfException
      Sets the maximum number of rows returned to the server for each call to the underlying RDBMS.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about batch size.

      batchSize - the maximum rows returned to the server for each call to the underlying RDBMS
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • apply

      IDfCollection apply(String objId, String functionName, IDfList args, IDfList dataType, IDfList values) throws DfException
      Calls the server API Apply method. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about the Apply server API.

      Note that the caller is responsible for properly formatting the strings passed in the three IDfList arguments and escaping any special charcters contained within them. One function where this is particularly important is DO_METHOD, especially if the corresponding dm_method is configured to be invoked via a shell command. (Refer to the Content Server Administrator's Guide for more information about server methods.) The caller must escape not only those characters as required by the server API, but also those characters which the corresponding shell treats specially. The particular shell requirements depend on the OS on which the repository is running.

      By way of example, suppose that you wanted to invoke the dm_method named "MyMethod", that you wanted to save the results in a repository object, and that you wanted to pass it the following arguments:

      1. a.b.c
      2. O'Reilly
      3. A multiword arg
      4. an,arg,with,commas
      5. He said "I'm here"
      6. \
      7. \"

      If the repository was installed on a UNIX machine, the contents of the three IDfList arguments would be as follows:

      0 METHOD S MyMethod
      2 ARGUMENTS S 'a.b.c O''Reilly "A multiword arg" An,arg,with,commas "He said \"I''m here\"" \\ \\\"'
      Notice that the entire string value for ARGUMENTS is wrapped in a pair of single quotes and all internal occurrences of single quotes (O'Reilly and I'm) are escaped by preceding the single quote with another single quote. This is required by the server API. Simple values need not be wrapped in single quotes, but it is absolutely necessary if those values may contain commas. Both UNIX and Windows shells use double quotes to group arguments. To pass a literal double quote, the shell (not the server API) requires that it be escaped with a backslash. If the method was invoked on a repository installed on Microsoft Windows, the sixth argument would change from \\ to \, but the seventh argument would remain unchanged. This reflects the escaping rules of the Windows shell, not any rules specific to the server API.
      objId - The object ID of the object on which you are performing the procedure. The objId is null in some cases; for example, if you are specifying a name in args. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for syntax details for any particular function.
      functionName - The operation that you want to perform. Valid function names for user applications are listed in the DQL Reference Manual. EMC Documentum applications may use any apply method call, internal or external.
      args - an IDfList interface to valid arguments for the function specified with functionName. Refer to the DQL Reference Manual for more information about valid arguments.
      dataType - an IDfList interface to the datatypes of the arguments specified with args
      values - an IDfList interface to the values assigned to the arguments specified with args.
      an IDfCollection interface to the results of the specified function
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • describe

      String describe(String type, String objType) throws DfException
      Describes the attributes of a type or registered table.

      type - identifies whether you want attribute information about a type or a table; Valid type values are TYPE and TABLE.
      objType - the object type or table name. If you specified TYPE with type, then specify a Documentum object type, with underscores. For example, enter dm_document if you want attribute information for the document object type. If you specified TABLE with type, then specify the name of a table in the underlying RDBMS.
      the attributes and corresponding datatypes for the specified type or table
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • archive

      IDfId archive(String predicate, String operatorName, int priority, boolean sendMail, IDfTime dueDate) throws DfException
      Queues an archive request to the repository operator.

      The operator is the person responsible for archiving the requested files. Documentum provides a utility, dmarchive, for this purpose. When the operator receives the archive request, dmarchive can be executed to move the requested file from its storage area to a designated archive area. If you do not specify an operator, the event is queued to the default operator, who is the user specified in the operator_name attribute of the server's server config object.

      Refer to Server Fundamentals for more information about archiving and restoring content files.

      predicate - the object or objects that you want to archive. A valid predicate has the following format: type_name WHERE qualification. type_name must be a dm_sysobject or a subtype of dm_sysobject, and qualification must be a valid WHERE clause qualification.
      operatorName - the Documentum user who receives the archive request
      priority - the priority level of the archive request
      sendMail - true if you want the server to send an email notification about the archive request to the user specified with operatorName; false if not
      dueDate - an IDfTime interface to the date that the archive request should be completed
      an IDfId interface to dmi_queue_item, the object ID of the last item queued for archiving; To access the IDs of all the objects queued for archiving, run a query against the dm_queue view.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • restore

      IDfId restore(String predicate, String dumpFile, String operatorName, int priority, boolean sendMail, IDfTime dueDate) throws DfException
      Queues a request to restore a content file or files from the archives.

      This method queues a DM_RESTORE event containing predicate to the inbox of the repository operator. The operator is responsible for running the dmarchive utility to restore the requested file or files.

      Generally, it is not necessary to specify a dump file with the dumpfile parameter. When you archive an object, the system sets the set_file attribute of the associated content object to the full path of the dump file. When you perform a restore, dmarchive reads the set_file attribute to determine which dump file it should scan for the requested object. Refer to Server Fundamentals for more information about archiving and restoring content files.

      predicate - the object or objects that you want to restore
      dumpFile - the dump file containing the archived file. Specify a value only if you do not want dmarchive to search the dump file at the location specified in the set_file attribute
      operatorName - the repository operator. If you do not specify an operator, the event is queued to the default operator, the user specified in the operator_name attribute of the server's server config object.
      priority - the priority level of the restore request
      sendMail - true if you want the server to send an email notification to the specified operator; false if not
      dueDate - an IDfTime interface to the date that the restore request should be completed
      an IDfId interface to dmi_queue_item, the object ID of the last item queued for restoration. To access the IDs of all the objects queued for restoration, run a query against the dm_queue view.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • changePassword

      void changePassword(String oldPasswd, String newPasswd) throws DfException
      Changes a password.
      oldPasswd - the old password
      newPasswd - the new password
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • purgeLocalFiles

      void purgeLocalFiles() throws DfException
      Removes all files that have been copied into the local area during the current session.

      The server does not automatically clean up a local area when a session is terminated. Instead, use this method to clean it up. If purgeLocalFiles encounters a file that it cannot delete, it does not stop but instead continues deleting those files that it can delete.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • reInit

      void reInit(String serverConfigName) throws DfException
      Reinitializes a server's root and spawned processes.

      Use this method when changing the server configuration for both root and spawned processes. After you edit the server's server config object, call reInit to make the changes take affect. You must have sysadmin or superuser privileges to call this method.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about reinitializing servers.

      serverConfigName - the server config object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • reInitEx

      void reInitEx(String serverConfigName, boolean sendToDocBroker) throws DfException
      Reinitializes a server's root and spawned processes.

      Use this method when changing the server configuration for both root and spawned processes. After you edit the server's server config object, call reInit to make the changes take affect. You must have sysadmin or superuser privileges to call this method.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about reinitializing servers.

      serverConfigName - the server config object
      sendToDocBroker - indicates whether server should send a checkpoint to the connection broker
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • reStart

      void reStart(String serverConfigName, boolean restartClient) throws DfException
      Reinitializes a server's spawned process to which the current session is connected.

      Use this method when changing the server configuration for the current session or when you want to change the client's cache size or the location of the client's local area. You must have sysadmin or superuser privileges to call this method.

      (Use the reInit method to reinitialize the root server process.)

      serverConfigName - the server config object
      restartClient - true if you want to change only the client portion of a session's configuration; false if not.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • shutdown

      void shutdown(boolean immediate, boolean deleteEntry) throws DfException
      Shuts down a server.
      immediate - true if you want the server to shut down immediately, without waiting for open transactions to finish; false if you want the server to wait for open transactions to finish before shutting down. The default value is false.
      deleteEntry - true if you want the DocBroker to delete its entry for the server you are shutting down; false if not. The default value is false.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • dequeue

      void dequeue(IDfId stampId) throws DfException
      Removes items from an inbox that were placed there using the queue method.

      stampId - the object ID of the dmi_queue_item object associated with the item that you want to remove from the queue. Call getEvents to obtain this ID.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • dequeueAll

      void dequeueAll() throws DfException
      Removes all items from an inbox that were placed there using the queue method.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • hasEvents

      boolean hasEvents() throws DfException
      Indicates whether a user's inbox contains unread items.

      Call getEvents to retrieve a user's unread items.

      true if a user's inbox contains unread items; false if not
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getEvents

      IDfCollection getEvents() throws DfException
      Returns all unread items in a user's inbox.

      Each item in an inbox is stored in an object of type dmi_queue_item. This method returns an identifier to a collection of all dmi_queue_item objects for the user that have not been read. An item is "unread" if its read_flag value has a value of 0. Refer to Server Fundamentals for more information about inboxes and queued items.

      an IDfCollection interface to the unread items
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTasks

      IDfCollection getTasks(String userName, int filter, String additionalAttributes, String orderBy) throws DfException
      Retrieves the work items assigned to the specified user.
      userName - the user whose tasks you want to retrieve
      filter - can be: DF_TASKS or 1 to retrieve only tasks, DF_NOTIFICATIONS or 2 to retrieve only notifications, DF_TASKS_AND_NOTIFICATIONS or 3 to retrieve both tasks and notifications.
      additionalAttributes - the DQL query specifying the additional task attributes that you would like retrieved
      orderBy - the task attribute used to order the retrieved tasks
      an IDfCollection interface containing the following attributes of the user's queue items: sent_by, date_sent, task_name, due_date, priority, task_state, r_object_id, item_id, plus any additional attributes that you specified with additionalAttributes.
      DfException - if the query failed
    • getTasksEx

      IDfCollection getTasksEx(String userName, int filter, IDfList orderByList, IDfList ascendingList) throws DfException
      Retrieves the work items assigned to the specified user. This method is available to Documentum server version 5.0 or above.
      userName - the user whose tasks you want to retrieve.
      filter - any combination of: DF_NOTIFICATIONS, DF_WORKFLOW_TASKS, DF_ROUTER_TASKS, or DF_COMPLETED_ROUTER_TASKS. These categories should be bitwise OR'ed together when you need to retrieve the tasks of multiple categories.

      Other filters used for getTasks DF_TASKS and DF_TASKS_AND_NOTIFICATIONS are also supported in this function. If DF_TASKS is used, it is treated as DF_WORKFLOW_TASKS|DF_ROUTER_TASKS. If DF_TASKS_AND_NOTIFICATIONS is used, all kinds of items will be returned.

      orderByList - an IDfList of the task attributes that are used to order the retrieved tasks.
      ascendingList - an IDfList of Boolean values to specify whether the corresponding order by attribute should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Specify true for ascending order; false for descending order.
      an IDfCollection interface containing all attributes of the user's queue item and pkg_object_id, pkg_object_name, pkg_object_type, pkg_content_type, pkg_application_type, pkg_link_cnt, pkg_lock_owner, and pkg_is_virtual_doc queried from the corresponding attribute of the routing document.
      DfException - if the query failed.
    • sendToDistributionList

      IDfId sendToDistributionList(IDfList toUsers, IDfList toGroups, String instructions, IDfList objectIDs, int priority, boolean endNotification) throws DfException
      Creates and starts a custom workflow.

      Use this method when you want to create and start a workflow that is not based on a pre-defined workflow template. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about workflows.

      The following code example demonstrates how to route an object to a user and a group:

       IDfList userList = new DfList();
       IDfList groupList = new DfList();
       IDfList objList = new DfList();
       objList.append(new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900"));
       IDfId wfId = sess.sendToDistributionList(userList,groupList,"Please review",objList,5,false);

      toUsers - an IDfList interface to the users that are assigned workflow tasks.
      toGroups - an IDfList interface to the groups that are assigned workflow tasks.
      instructions - task instructions for the recipients of workflow tasks.
      objectIDs - an IDfList interface to the documents you want to distribute. You may only distribute persistent objects in a workflow.
      priority - An integer value corresponding to the priority level. The following list explains the priority level corresponding to all permissible values:

       Integer    Priority Level
       1          Low
       5          Medium
       10         High
      endNotification - defines whether a notification is sent to the sender of the distribution list when all the recipients have finished their assigned task.
      an IDfId interface to the custom workflow.
      DfException - if the server fails to create the custom workflow.
    • sendToDistributionListEx

      IDfId sendToDistributionListEx(IDfList toUsers, IDfList toGroups, String instructions, IDfList objectIDs, int priority, int flags) throws DfException
      Creates and starts an ad-hoc workflow.

      Use this method when you want to create and start a workflow that is not based on a workflow template. Refer to the Server Fundamentals for more information about workflows.

      The following code example demonstrates how to route an object to a user and a group:

       IDfList userList = new DfList();
       IDfList groupList = new DfList();
       IDfList objList = new DfList();
       objList.append(new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900"));
       IDfId wfId = sess.sendToDistributionListEx(userList,groupList,"Please review",objList,5,flags);

      toUsers - an IDfList interface to the users that are assigned workflow tasks.
      toGroups - an IDfList interface to the groups that are assigned workflow tasks.
      instructions - task instructions for the recipients of workflow tasks.
      objectIDs - an IDfList interface to the documents you want to the specified users and groups. You may only distribute persistent objects in a workflow.
      priority - An integer value corresponding to the priority level. The following list maps the valid values to their corresponding priority levels:
       Integer    Priority Level
       1          Low
       5          Medium
       10         High
      flags - Flags can be any combination of these options IDfWorkflow.DF_REQ_END_NOTIFICATION, IDfWorkflow.DF_REQ_SIGN_OFF, IDfWorkflow.DF_SEQUENTIAL, IDfWorkflow.DF_ALLOW_REJECT_PREVIOUS, and IDfWorkflow.DF_ALLOW_REJECT_INITIATOR bitwise OR'ed together.
      an IDfId interface to the ad-hoc workflow.
      DfException - if the server fails to create the ad-hoc workflow.
      See Also:
    • getRunnableProcesses

      IDfCollection getRunnableProcesses(String additionalAttributes) throws DfException
      Returns a collection that contains the object ID and attribute values of all installed dm_process objects in a repository.

      Documentum uses dm_process objects to store workflow definitions in a repository. After a workflow is defined in a process object, the object must be validated and installed before it is usable. Refer to Server Fundamentals for more information about workflows.

      additionalAttributes - The additional attributes of the workflows that you want to retrieve.
      An IDfCollection interface to the object name, object ID, and user-specified additional attributes of all installed workflow definitions in the repository
      DfException - if the query failed
    • newWorkflowBuilder

      IDfWorkflowBuilder newWorkflowBuilder(IDfId processId) throws DfException
      Creates a workflow builder object.

      Workflow builder objects convert process objects into workflow objects. Refer to Customizing Documentum Clients for more information about workflow builder objects.

      processId - the ID of the process object you want to attach to the workflow builder object. The process object contains the workflow definition that the workflow builder object uses to create a workflow object.
      an IDfWorkflowBuilder interface to the new workflow object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getVersionTreeLabels

      IDfVersionTreeLabels getVersionTreeLabels(IDfId chronicleId) throws DfException
      Returns the version labels associated with the versions of a SysObject.

      SysObjects can be versioned and each version can have one or more version labels. Use this method to obtain a list of the version labels associated with an object, across all versions.

      For more information about version labels, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      chronicleId - the object ID of the first version of the object
      an IDfVersionTreeLabels object that contains a list of the version labels
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getRelationType

      IDfRelationType getRelationType(String relationName) throws DfException
      Returns a relation type object that contains information about a kind of relationship.

      A relation type object defines a kind of relationship that can exist between two objects in a repository. This method takes the name of a kind of relationship as a parameter and returns the dm_relation_type object that defines the reletionship in the repository.

      Refer to the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual or Server Fundamentals for more information about relation type objects.

      relationName - the name of the relation type object
      an IDfRelationType interface to the relation type object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getClient

      IDfClient getClient()
      Returns the DFC client object from which this session was obtained.
      the DFC client object from which this session was obtained.
    • getClientConfig

      IDfTypedObject getClientConfig() throws DfException
      Returns an api config object.

      API config objects record the configuration of the api session. They are used in conjunction with the server config object to define the configuration of a client repository session. Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about client configuration.

      the api config object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDocbrokerMap

      IDfTypedObject getDocbrokerMap() throws DfException
      Returns information about the DocBrokers known to the DFC.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about DocBrokers.

      an IDfTypedObject interface to the DocBroker map
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getServerMap

      IDfTypedObject getServerMap(String docbaseName) throws DfException
      Returns information about the servers that are known to a DocBroker.
      docbaseName - the name of the repository associated with the servers for which you are requesting information
      an IDfTypedObject interface to the server map
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getAuditTrailManager

      IDfAuditTrailManager getAuditTrailManager() throws DfException
      Retrieves the Audit Trail manager for this session.
      An audit trail manager for this session.
    • getEventManager

      IDfEventManager getEventManager() throws DfException
      Retrieves the Event manager for this session.
      An event manager for this session.
    • getDocbaseScope

      String getDocbaseScope() throws DfException
      Returns the default repository scope of this session.

      A session's default repository scope is the repository in which default-scoped methods perform their operations. The name of the repository is stored in the docbase_scope attribute of the session config object.

      the current default repository scope of this session
      DfException - if the session is disconnected
      See Also:
    • setDocbaseScope

      String setDocbaseScope(String docbaseName) throws DfException

      Changes the DFC session's default docbase scope using a repository name.

      A session's default docbase scope is the repository in which default-scoped methods perform their operations. When a user starts a repository session, the default docbase scope is the repository to which the session user connected. Use this method to change the default docbase scope.

      It is usually unnecessary to use this method, but if you must, then use the following pattern:

       synchronized (session) {
         String strOriginalScope = session.getDocbaseScope();
         try {
                  [Your code goes here]
         finally {

      This solution works only for Java clients. Do not use this method from COM or .NET when several threads share the same DFC session.

      To return the current default docbase scope, use getDocbaseScope().

      For more information about docbase scope, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      docbaseName - the repository name
      the previous repository scope
      DfException - if the session is disconnected
      See Also:
    • setDocbaseScopeById

      String setDocbaseScopeById(IDfId objectId) throws DfException

      Refer to the comments on setDocbaseScope for details of what this method does and how to use it.

      For more information about docbase scope and scoping methods, refer to Server Fundamentals.

      objectId - an IDfId object that contains the object ID
      the previous repository scope
      DfException - if the session is disconnected
      See Also:
    • isAdopted

      boolean isAdopted() throws DfException
      Indicates whether the session was established by adopting a DMCL session.

      An adopted session is a session that is obtained using IDfClient.adoptDMCLSession(java.lang.String).

      true if this is an adopted DMCL session; false if it is not
      DfException - if the session has been disconnected
    • isRemote

      boolean isRemote() throws DfException
      Reserved for future use.
    • lock

      boolean lock(int timeoutInMsec)
      Attempts to acquire a lock.

      timeoutInMsec defines how long lock waits for the session to become available. If the session is not available in the specified amount of time, lock returns false.

      timeoutInMsec - Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the lock to be available. If 0 or a negative value, lock returns immediately without waiting.
      true if successful or false otherwise
      See Also:
    • unlock

      boolean unlock()
      Releases a lock.
      true if successful or false if your thread didn't own the lock
      See Also:
    • getDMCLSessionId

      String getDMCLSessionId() throws DfException
      use getSessionId() instead.
      Returns the Documentum DMCL session ID that this DFC session uses.
      the DMCL session ID
      DfException - if this session has been disconnected
    • traceDMCL

      void traceDMCL(int level, String traceFile) throws DfException
      Please configure tracing using the ClientConfig object IDfClient.getClientConfig()
      Activates tracing for the DMCL API.

      DMCL tracing is placed in a log file located on the client. This file records all user API method calls and the responses generated by the API. Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about tracing.

      level - A value of 0 disables tracing, a non-zero value enables tracing.
      traceFile - the location of the API log file; If unspecified a default value is used. Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about tracing.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • isServerTraceOptionSet

      boolean isServerTraceOptionSet(String optionName) throws DfException
      Queries the status of server-side tracing options for the session.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about tracing.

      optionName - A valid server-side tracing option name
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • setServerTraceLevel

      void setServerTraceLevel(int level, String facility) throws DfException
      Sets the session's tracing level for a particular facility on the server.

      Refer to the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about tracing.

      level -
      facility -
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • apiGet

      String apiGet(String cmd, String args) throws DfException
      Calls the dmAPIGet function.

      This methods calls the dmAPIGet function to execute the server API method passed as an argument.

      Instead of using this method, application developers are encouraged to write to the DFC because all functionality in the server APIs can be accessed through the DFC classes.

      Because apiGet automatically inserts the session ID into calls made to this method, do not add the session argument to server API calls that require them.

      The following code example demonstrates how to issue the "get" API method:

       if (sess.apiGet("get","0900d5bb8001f900,object_name").equals("testDoc"))
            // Get succeeded...

      cmd - the server API.
      args - the arguments for the API specified in cmd. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about arguments for server APIs.
      the value returned by the API specified in cmd. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about the return values for server APIs.
      DfException - if the dmAPIGet server API failed.
    • apiSet

      boolean apiSet(String cmd, String args, String value) throws DfException
      Calls the dmAPISet function.

      This method calls the dmAPISet function to execute the server API method passed as an argument.

      Instead of using this method, application developers are encouraged to write to the DFC because all functionality in the server APIs can be accessed through the DFC classes.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about DMCL server APIs.

      The following code example demonstrates how to issue the "set" API method:

       if (sess.apiSet("set","0900d5bb8001f900,object_name","newName"))
            // Set succeeded...

      cmd - The server API.
      args - The arguments for the API specified in cmd. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about arguments for server APIs.
      value - The value that you want to assign to the attribute.
      the value true is always returned
      DfException - if the dmAPISet server API failed.
    • apiExec

      boolean apiExec(String cmd, String args) throws DfException
      Calls the dmAPIExec function.

      This method calls the dmAPIExec function to execute the server API method passed in as an argument.

      Instead of using this method, application developers are encouraged to write to the DFC because all functionality in the server APIs can be accessed through the DFC classes.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about DMCL server APIs.

      The following code example demonstrates how to issue the "grant" API method:

       if (sess.apiExec("grant","0900d5bb8001f900,tuser,7"))
            // Successfully issued the grant API...

      cmd - the server API.
      args - the arguments for the API specified in cmd. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about arguments for server APIs.
      the value true is always returned
      DfException - if the dmAPIExec server API failed .
    • apiGetBytes

      ByteArrayInputStream apiGetBytes(String cmd, String args, String buf, String buflen, int length) throws DfException
      Calls the dmAPIGet function.

      Use this method in place of apiGet to process the collection returned when you issue a DMCL getcontent method, which returns data from a memory buffer. Use Next to iterate through the collection and apiGetBytes to retrieve the items in the collection. Because apiGetBytes automatically inserts the session ID into calls made to this method, do not add that argument to server API calls that require them.

      For example:


      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about the server APIs.
      cmd - the server API that you want to pass to the DFC.
      args - the arguments for the API specified in cmd. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about arguments for server APIs.
      buf - Set this to _content_buffer.
      buflen - Set this to current_length.
      length - The length of the content stored in memory. This parameter is optional and currently unused if set.
      a ByteArrayInputStream object containing the returned data.
      DfException - if the server returns an error.
    • apiSetBytes

      boolean apiSetBytes(String cmd, String args, ByteArrayOutputStream content) throws DfException
      Calls the dmAPISet function.

      This method calls the dmAPISet function to execute the server API method passed in as an argument. The method passes content in the form of a ByteArrayOutputStream object. It is intended for use when you want to pass the Setcontent method to the DMCL. The Setcontent method references content in memory rather than content in a file. Use apiSetBytes instead of apiSet in these instances.

      However, application developers are encouraged to write to the DFC since all functionality in the server APIs can be accessed through the DFC classes.

      Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about server APIs.

      cmd - The server API that you want to pass to the DFC
      args - The arguments for the API specified in cmd. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for information server API syntax.
      content - A ByteArrayOutputStream containing the content that you want to pass with the server API specified with cmd
      true if the call to the server API specified with cmd was successful; false if not
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • apiDesc

      IDfList apiDesc(String api) throws DfException
      Calls the API "desc" function.

      This method calls the dmAPIDesc function to determine the callling type of the server API method passed in as the argument. It returns an IDfList containing one string and three integer values.

      Usage note:

       IDfList list = apiDesc("apply");
       String status  = list.getString( 0 );
       int cmdId = list.getInt( 1 );
       int cmdCallType = list.getInt( 2 );
       int cmdSession = list.getInt( 3 );

      api - the name of the api
      An IDfList object that contains a string as the first element. The next three elements of the list are integers. The first integer is the unique code for the api, the second integer represents the type of call required for api (e.g. DM_EXEC, DM_GET, DM_SET, DM_OTHER), and the third integer is the session.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • resetTicketKey

      boolean resetTicketKey() throws DfException
      Generates an asymmetric key and sets it as the login ticket key of the repository. Note: After executing this method, the repository must be restarted so that the new login ticket key will take effect.
      true for success, false otherwise
    • exportTicketKey

      String exportTicketKey(String password) throws DfException
      Returns the login ticket key of the repository. The returned key is encrypted using the given password.
      password - used to encrypt the login ticket key.
      the encrypted login ticket.
    • importTicketKey

      boolean importTicketKey(String key, String password) throws DfException
      Sets the given key, encrypted using the given password, as the login ticket key of the repository. Note: After executing this method, the repository must be restarted so that the new login ticket key will take effect.
      key - an encrypted login ticket key exported by exportTicketKey.
      password - used to encrypt/decrypt the login ticket key.
      true for success, false otherwise.
    • addDynamicGroup

      void addDynamicGroup(String groupName) throws DfException
      Adds the session user to the dynamic group for this session. This causes the user to be treated as a active member of the dynamic group for this session until either the session is terminated or the user is explicitly removed. Note: In order to add a user to a dynamic group for a session, the user must already be a potential member of the dynamic group.
      groupName - name of the dynamic group to which the session user should be added
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • removeDynamicGroup

      void removeDynamicGroup(String groupName) throws DfException
      Removes the session user from the dynamic group for this session. This will cause the user to no longer be treated as a active member of the dynamic group for this session. Note: If the user is not already actively participating as a member of the dynamic group, the call will be a no-op.
      groupName - name of the dynamic group from which to remove the session user
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDynamicGroupCount

      int getDynamicGroupCount() throws DfException
      Gets the number of dynamic groups that the session user is actively participating as a member of.
      the number of dynamic groups in which the session user is participating
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDynamicGroup

      String getDynamicGroup(int index) throws DfException
      Gets the dynamic group at the specified index from the sessionConfig.
      index - of the dynamic group desired
      name of the dynamic group at the specified index
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • resetPassword

      boolean resetPassword(String password) throws DfException
      Resets password or login ticket associated with the user credential of the current session.
      password - - new password or login ticket
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getApplicationToken

      String getApplicationToken(String userName, String scope, int timeout, String appId, boolean machineOnly) throws DfException
      Acquires an application access control token.
      userName - - user for whom to acquire a token
      scope - - the scope of acquired token. It can be "docbase" or "global"
      timeout - - How long the acquired token will remain valid after generation
      appId - - Application ID
      machineOnly - - if the acquired token can be used only on the client machine where is acquired.
      an application access control token
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getModuleRegistry

      IDfLocalModuleRegistry getModuleRegistry() throws DfException
      Factory method that instantiates an IDfLocalModulesRegistry, a repository module registry object.
    • getObjectPaths

      IDfEnumeration getObjectPaths(IDfId objectId) throws DfException
      Generate IDfEnumeration object of IDfObjectPath objects for an object with a given object id.
      objectId - an IDfId object that contains the object ID
      IDfEnumeration object of IDfObjectPath objects. IDfObjectPath objects with empty or duplicate getAccessibleFolderIds() are ommited. IDfEnumeration is empty if object not found or there is no IDfObjectPath objects to return.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getObjectPaths

      IDfObjectPathsMap getObjectPaths(IDfList objectIdsList) throws DfException
      Generate a map of IDfObjectPath objects for a list of objects with given object ids.
      objectIdsList - an IDfList of IDfId object that contains the object IDs
      IDfObjectPathsMap object of IDfObjectPath objects.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • assume

      void assume(IDfLoginInfo loginInfo) throws DfException
      Gives ownership of the session to a new user.
      loginInfo - An IDfLoginInfo object that contains the required user validation information.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAcsTransferPreferences

      IDfAcsTransferPreferences getAcsTransferPreferences()
      Returns an IDfAcsTransferPreferences object.
      IDfAcsTransferPreferences object
      5.3 sp1.
    • setAcsTransferPreferences

      void setAcsTransferPreferences(IDfAcsTransferPreferences acsTransferPreferences)
      Sets an IDfAcsTransferPreferences object.
      acsTransferPreferences - IDfAcsTransferPreferences object
      5.3 sp1.
    • isRestricted

      boolean isRestricted()
      Indicates whether the DFC session is a restricted session.

      The only valid operation on a restricted session is changePassword(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

    • isDeadlockVictim

      boolean isDeadlockVictim()
      Indicates whether the DFC session was chosen as the vicim of a deadlock.

      This value is reset when the next operation is sent to the repository.

    • publishDataDictionary

      void publishDataDictionary(String locale, String typeName, String attributeName, boolean forcePublish) throws DfException
      Publish Data Dictionary information. By default, the method publishes only the data dictionary objects that need to be refreshed. To force the method to publish all the data dictionary objects for the object type, attribute, or locales, set the force_publish argument to TRUE.
      locale - Identifies the locale for which you want to publish data dictionary information. You can specify a locale or the keyword DM_SESSION_DD_LOCALE. You can specify any locale found in the dd_locales attribute of the docbase config object.
      typeName - Identifies the object type for which you want to publish data dictionary information. Use the object type�s internal name. If this is not included, all data dictionary information for the specified locale is published.
      attributeName - Identifies a specific attribute whose information you want to publish. If you include an attribute name, you must include the type argument, and the type argument must identify the object type for which the attribute is defined.
      forcePublish - Indicates whether to publish all data dictionary objects for the object type, attribute , or locales or only those whose resync_needed attribute is TRUE. This argument is FALSE by default.
    • isServerAuthenticated

      boolean isServerAuthenticated()
      Stateful connection information. DFC may optionally ask to establish server authentication to support session communication.
      true if the session is with an authenticated server. This implies SSL or TLS, and the authentication of the server follows RFC 2246.
    • isClientAuthenticated

      boolean isClientAuthenticated()
      Stateful connection information. Client may optionally authenticate to the server (i.e. the client identity is known to the server) to support session communication.
      true if the session is over a connection for which the identity of the client is known to the server.
    • reparentLightObjects

      void reparentLightObjects(IDfId newParentId, IDfList childIds) throws DfException
      Reparents multiple lightweight objects at a time. This method will commit the reparenting of the children immediately without additional saves
      newParentId -
      childIds -
    • flushObject

      void flushObject(IDfId objectId) throws DfException
      Remove the specified object from the cache.
    • flushCachedQuery

      void flushCachedQuery(String dqlQuery) throws DfException
      Remove the specified query from the query cache.
    • killSession

      void killSession(IDfId sessionId, String immediacyLevel, String message) throws DfException
      Kill the specified server session. After calling this the associated client session can automatically reconnect.
      sessionId - the id of the session to kill (returned by the LIST_SESSIONS administrative method.
      immediacyLevel - Enumeration value indicating when the session will be killed (@see DfSessionKillImmediacyLevel).
      message - a user message of up to 255 characters that will be placed in the server log.
    • getSessionScopeManager

      IDfSessionScopeManager getSessionScopeManager()
      Returns an IDfSessionScopeManager object.
    • getFtConfig

      IDfFtConfig getFtConfig() throws DfException
      Get the fulltext configuration object that contains information about what capabilities the underlying fulltext engine has
      IDfFtConfig object.
    • getMessageQueueManager getMessageQueueManager()
      Get a message queue factory object.
      IDfMessageQueueFactory object.
    • requestDormancy

      boolean requestDormancy() throws DfException
      Makes a request to move the server to which this session is connected to a dormant state. This is dormant state is not persistent and the server will be active upon a restart or re-init. For this operation to succeed, the user of this session should be a member of the dm_datacenter_managers group
      True if the request succeeded, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while requesting dormancy
    • requestDormancy

      boolean requestDormancy(boolean allServersForThisDocbase) throws DfException
      Makes a request to move the docbase or server to a dormant state For this operation to succeed, the user of this session should be a member of the dm_datacenter_managers group
      allServersForThisDocbase - when true, dormancy is requested for this docbase. This state is persistent for the docbase and will have to be explicitly made active When false, dormancy is requested only for the server through which this session is connected
      True if the request succeeded, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while requesting dormancy
    • checkDormantStatus

      com.documentum.fc.client.DormantStatus checkDormantStatus() throws DfException
      Checks the status of the server to which this session is connected For this operation to succeed, the user of this session should be a member of the dm_datacenter_managers group
      DormantStatus an enumeration representing the status of the entity requested for. ACTIVE means the entity is active, DORMANCY_REQUESTED means the entity has been submitted a request to become dormant, DORMANT means its dormant
      DfException - if an error occurs while requesting status
    • checkDormantStatus

      com.documentum.fc.client.DormantStatus checkDormantStatus(boolean allServersForThisDocbase) throws DfException
      Checks whether a server or docbase is dormant or not For this operation to succeed, the user of this session should be a member of the dm_datacenter_managers group
      allServersForThisDocbase - when true, status check is requested for this docbase. When false, status check is requested only for the server through which this session is connected
      DormantStatus an enumeration representing the status of the entity requested for. ACTIVE means the entity is active, DORMANCY_REQUESTED means the entity has been submitted a request to become dormant, DORMANT means its dormant
      DfException - if an error occurs while requesting status
    • makeActive

      boolean makeActive() throws DfException
      Makes a request to move the server to which this session is connected to an active state For this operation to succeed, the user of this session should be a member of the dm_datacenter_managers group
      True if the request succeeded, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while requesting dormancy
    • makeActive

      boolean makeActive(boolean allServersForThisDocbase) throws DfException
      Makes a request to move the docbase or server to an active state For this operation to succeed, the user of this session should be a member of the dm_datacenter_managers group
      allServersForThisDocbase - when true, a request is made to make this docbase active. When false, a request is made to make the server to which this session is connected active.
      True if the request succeeded, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while requesting dormancy
    • enableSaveInDormantState

      boolean enableSaveInDormantState() throws DfException
      Enables save operation for dormant state. When a server or docbase is dormant no save operations are allowed. A user in dm_datacenter_managers group has to explicitly enable save operation. This method serves that purpose
      true if save is enabled for the user of this session, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while enabling save operations in dormant state
    • disableSaveInDormantState

      boolean disableSaveInDormantState() throws DfException
      Disables save operation for dormant state. When a user from the dm_datacenter_managers group has enabled save operation, it can be disabled back again after performing neecessary operation in the dormant state. This method allows the user of this session to disable save operations
      true if the save was disabled for the user of this session, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while disabling save
    • projectDormantStatus

      boolean projectDormantStatus() throws DfException
      Only projects to docbroker that this server is dormant. The server could actually be active After calling this no new connections can be made to that server. It will have no impact on existing connections or activities that do not require a new connection
      true if projection to docbroker was successful, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while projecting dormant status to docbroker
    • projectActiveStatus

      boolean projectActiveStatus() throws DfException
      Only projects to docbroker that this server is active. The server could actually be active. Ideally this is called after call to the method projectDormantStatus.
      true if projection to docbroker was successful, false otherwise
      DfException - if an error occurs while projecting dormant status to docbroker or if the server is in DORMANT state and this method is called to make it ACTIVE.
    • startGatheringMetrics

      IDfCollection startGatheringMetrics(List<String> metricsToGather) throws DfException
      This methods indicates to the server to start gathering the metrics that have been passed in to this method. The metrics should be in the format componentIdentifer@metric where componentIdentifier is CS i.e. Content Server. If no componentIdentifier is specified it will still pick CS. Please lookup the server administration manual for the names of metrics that can be gathered.
      metricsToGather - a list of metrics in the above mentioned format to start gathering
      IDfCollection with attributes specifying whether the operation was successful or not and a repeating attribute specifying the list for which gathering has been started
      DfException - if an error occurs while gathering metrics
    • stopGatheringMetrics

      IDfCollection stopGatheringMetrics(List<String> metricsToStop) throws DfException
      This methods indicates to the server to stop gathering the metrics that have been passed in to this method. The metrics should be in the format componentIdentifer@metric where componentIdentifier is CS i.e Content Server. If no componentIdentifier is specified it still defaults to CS. Please lookup the server administration manual for the names of metrics that can be gathered.
      metricsToStop - a list of metrics in the above mentioned format to stop gathering
      IDfCollection with attributes specifying whether the operation was successful or not and a repeating attribute specifying the list for which gathering has been stopped
      DfException - if an error occurs while gathering metrics
    • collectMetrics

      IDfCollection collectMetrics(List<String> metricsToCollect) throws DfException
      This methods indicates to the server to collect the metrics that have been passed in to this method. The metrics should be in the format componentIdentifer@metric where componentIdentifier is CS i.e. Content Server. If no componentIdentifier is specified it will still pick Content Server. Please lookup the server administration manual for the names of metrics that can be gathered.
      metricsToCollect - a list of metrics in the above mentioned format to collect
      IDfCollection with attributes specifying whether the operation was successful or not and a repeating attribute whose name is the name of the metric and whose value is the metric itself
      DfException - if an error occurs while gathering metrics
    • collectMetrics

      IDfCollection collectMetrics(List<String> metricsToCollect, String outputFormat) throws DfException
      This methods indicates to the server to collect the metrics that have been passed in to this method. The metrics should be in the format componentIdentifer@metric where componentIdentifier is CS i.e. Content Server. If no componentIdentifier is specified it will still pick Content Server. Please lookup the server administration manual for the names of metrics that can be gathered.
      metricsToCollect - a list of metrics in the above mentioned format to collect
      outputFormat - a String indicating the format in which metrics are gathered. Valid values are, - NATIVE or empty String or null – Behaves like the method with no parameter for the metrics -JSON – The metrics gathered will be in JSON format
      IDfCollection with attributes specifying whether the operation was successful or not and if requested format is JSON, a repeating attribute representing the metrics. If there are more than one values for the repeating attribute, all of them have to concatenated before interpreting the JSON. For any other valid values for the format method it will be like the method with no parameter
      DfException - if an error occurs while gathering metrics
    • listMetricsState

      IDfCollection listMetricsState() throws DfException
      Retrieves the state of all the metrics that are gatherable from the server. Values of states can be, - INTIALIZED - metric can be gathered, but gathering has not yet started - STARTED - metrics gathering has been started - STOPPED - metric gathering has been stopped
      an IDfCollection object, where repeating attribute METRIC_NAME is the name of the metric and METRIC_STATE is the state of the metric at the same index. The collection also has a result attribute which is a boolean attribute, with TRUE indicating a successful operation and false indicating a failed one
      DfException - if an error occurs while listing metric states
    • resetMetrics

      boolean resetMetrics() throws DfException
      This is for resetting the metrics. This is for clearing the counters for restarting metrics gathering. This is also used to free up memory on the server associated with gathering metrics. So it is recommended that this method be called once all the necessary metrics gathering has been completed.
      a boolean which when TRUE indicates that the reset was successful and when FALSE it means reset failed
      DfException - if an error occured while resetting metrics