Interface IDfCollection

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public interface IDfCollection extends IDfTypedObject
This interface provides access to collection objects.
  • Field Details


      static final int DF_INITIAL_STATE
      Indicates a new collection waiting for the first next() call.
      See Also:

      static final int DF_READY_STATE
      Indicates a collection is positioned on a row ready for reading.
      See Also:

      static final int DF_CLOSED_STATE
      Indicates a collection is closed.
      See Also:

      static final int DF_NO_MORE_ROWS_STATE
      Indicates the collection has no more rows.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • next

      boolean next() throws DfException
      Gets the next row in a collection.

      This method is usually used to retrieve query results that are returned in a collection object. You must execute the next method once for each row that you want to retrieve in a collection object.

      Refer to the DocumentumTM Server Fundamentals for more information about processing queries.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfQuery interface, set a DQL query to the object, execute the query, then process the results:

       IDfCollection col = null;
       IDfQuery q = null;
       IDfId idObj = null;
       String strVal = "";
       int intVal = 0;
            q = new DfQuery();
            q.setDQL("select object_name, i_contents_id, r_page_cnt from dm_document
                 where object_name like 'My Name%");
            col = q.execute(sess, IDfQuery.READ_QUERY);
            while (
                strVal = col.getString("object_name");
                idObj = col.getId("i_contents_id");
                intVal = col.getInt("r_page_cnt");
                // Process info...
       catch(DfException ex)
            // Error handling routine...

      true if there is another row in the collection; false if there are no more rows in the collection.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getTypedObject

      IDfTypedObject getTypedObject() throws DfException
      Returns a row in the collection as an IDfTypedObject for later use.

      Once you make a next call, the collection is advanced to the next row of data and there is no mechanism for going back to a previous row. If you need to retain a row for later use, call this method.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfQuery interface, set a DQL query to the object, execute the query, then save each row in a vector as an IDfTypedObject interface:

       DfQuery q = new DfQuery();
       q.setDQL("select r_object_id, object_name, r_modify_date from dm_document
                 where object_name like 'My Name%");
       // Assume that m_myRows is declared as a member variable of type vector
       m_myRows = new Vector();
            IDfCollection col = q.execute(session, IDfQuery.READ_QUERY);
       catch(DfException dfc)
            // Error handling code
       // Elsewhere in your code
            int cnt = n_myRows.size();
            for (inti=0; i < cnt; i++)
                IDfTypedObject row = (IDfTypedObject) m_myRows.elementAt(i);
                IDfId id = row.getId("r_object_id");
                String name = row.getString("object_name");
                IDfTime time = row.getTime("r_modify_date");
                // Etc., etc...
       catch(DfException dfc);
            // Error handling code

      an IDfTypedObject interface to the row in the collection.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • close

      void close() throws DfException
      Closes a collection object.

      All collections are automatically closed when you disconnect a session.

      You can have only a limited number of collections open simultaneously on any particular session. This limit is frequently configured to 10 sessions; therefore, you should close a collection once you are finished with it.

      Note: If you set the trace level to any level above 0, and a collection object goes out of scope before you close it, the DFC will write the following message to the trace stream:
      "Failed to close collection identifier (QID=collection ID)"
      Threading considerations preclude the DFC from closing the collection in the finalizer method.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfQuery interface, set a DQL query to the object, execute the query, then close the collection:

       IDfQuery q = new DfQuery();
       q.setDQL("select * from dm_document");
       IDfCollection col = q.execute(sess, DfQuery.DF_READ_QUERY);

      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getState

      int getState()
      Returns the state of a collection object. The following list specifies the collection state corresponding to all return values:
       Integer      Collection State     Defined Static Variable
       1           Ready           IDfCollection.DF_READY_STATE
       2           Closed          IDfCollection.DF_CLOSED_STATE
       3           No More Rows    IDfCollection.DF_NO_MORE_ROWS_STATE

      the state of the collection object
      See Also:
    • getStateEx

      int getStateEx()
      Returns the state of a collection object. The following list specifies the collection state corresponding to all return values:
       Integer      Collection State     Defined Static Variable
       0           Initial         IDfCollection.DF_INITIAL_STATE
       1           Ready           IDfCollection.DF_READY_STATE
       2           Closed          IDfCollection.DF_CLOSED_STATE
       3           No More Rows    IDfCollection.DF_NO_MORE_ROWS_STATE

      the state of the collection object
      See Also:
    • getBytesBuffer

      ByteArrayInputStream getBytesBuffer(String cmd, String buf, String buflen, int length) throws DfException
      Reserved for internal use.
      cmd - the server API that returned the collection object
      buf - the name of the server API's attribute that points to the contents stored in memory
      buflen - the name of the server API's attribute that specifies the size, in bytes, of the contents stored in memory
      a ByteArrayInputStream containing the value stored in the memory contained in the collection object
      DfException - if a server error occurs