Interface IDfAcsTransferPreferences

public interface IDfAcsTransferPreferences
Provides methods to set preferences for accelerated content transfer operations.
5.3 sp1
  • Method Details

    • isAcsTransferPreferred

      boolean isAcsTransferPreferred()
      Indicates whether accelerated content transfer is preferred.
      true, if accelerated content transfer is preferred; false otherwise. Default value is true.
    • preferAcsTransfer

      void preferAcsTransfer(boolean isAcsTransferPreferred)
      Sets the accelerated content transfer preference. Set the argument to true to indicate that accelerated content transfer is preferred; false otherwise.
      isAcsTransferPreferred - true indicates that accelerated content transfer is preferred; false indicates that accelerated content transfer is not preferred.
    • getClientNetworkLocationId

      String getClientNetworkLocationId()
      Returns the client network location identifier to be used. The client network location identifier is the value of a network location object's netloc_ident attribute.
      client network location identifier. Default value is null.
    • setClientNetworkLocationId

      void setClientNetworkLocationId(String clientNetworkLocationId)
      Sets the client network location identifier to be used. The client network location identifier is the value of a network location object's netloc_ident attribute.
      clientNetworkLocationId - identifier of the client network location to be used
    • getProtocols

      IDfList getProtocols()
      Returns a list of enabled protocols. Accelerated content transfer is limited to these protocols.
      IDfList of protocols. If not null and not empty, accelerated content transfer is limited to these protocols. Default value is empty IDfList object.
    • setProtocols

      void setProtocols(IDfList protocols)
      Sets protocols to be used for accelerated content transfer. For a list of acceptable protocols, refer to the Content Server documentation.
      protocols - IDfList of protocols. If not null and not empty, accelerated content transfer is limited to these protocols.
    • isProtocolEnabled

      boolean isProtocolEnabled(Object protocol)
      Returns whether or not the protocol is currently enabled.
      protocol - The method checks whether or not this protocol is enabled.
      true if the protocol is enabled; false otherwise
    • isMacClient

      boolean isMacClient()
      Tests whether the client is a Macintosh client.
      true if the client is a Macinstosh client; false otherwise. Default value is false.
    • setMacClient

      void setMacClient(boolean isMacClient)
      Specifies whether the client is a Macintosh client.
      isMacClient - true if the client is a Macintosh client; false otherwise.
    • isSurrogateTransferAllowed

      boolean isSurrogateTransferAllowed()
      Tests if surrogate transfer is allowed.
      true if surrogate transfer allowed; false otherwise. Default value is true.
    • allowSurrogateTransfer

      void allowSurrogateTransfer(boolean isSurrogateTransferAllowed)
      Specifies whether surrogate transfer is allowed.
      isSurrogateTransferAllowed - true if surrogate transfer allowed; false otherwise.
    • isBocsTransferAllowed

      boolean isBocsTransferAllowed()
      Tests if BOCS content transfer is allowed.
      true if BOCS content transfer allowed; false otherwise. Default value is true.
    • allowBocsTransfer

      void allowBocsTransfer(boolean isBocsTransferAllowed)
      Specifies whether BOCS content transfer is allowed.
      isBocsTransferAllowed - true if BOCS content transfer allowed; false otherwise
    • isSynchronousBocsTransfer

      boolean isSynchronousBocsTransfer()
      Tests if BOCS content transfer needs to be synchronous.
      true if BOCS content transfer needs to be synchronous; false otherwise. Default value is true.
    • setSynchronousBocsTransfer

      void setSynchronousBocsTransfer(boolean isSynchronousBocsTransfer)
      Specifies whether BOCS content transfer needs to be synchronous.
      isSynchronousBocsTransfer - true if BOCS content transfer needs to be synchronous; false otherwise.