Interface IDfId

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDfId
A Documentum object identifier.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getDocbaseId

      String getDocbaseId()
      Returns the portion of the ID that identifies the repository.
      the portion of the ID that identifies the repository. If this ID was created from a string that does not represent a repository object, the results are undefined.
    • getNumericDocbaseId

      long getNumericDocbaseId()
      Returns the portion of the ID that represents the docbase ID in integer form.
      an integer expressing the docbase ID
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns a string representation of the ID.
      the ID as a string.
    • getTypePart

      int getTypePart()
      Returns the portion of the ID that represents the object type.

      The type part is converted to an integer. For example, if the underlying ID is "099af3ce800001ff", this method returns 9. If the ID is "469af3ce80000200", this method returns 70 decimal (46 hex).

      an integer expressing the object type
    • isNull

      boolean isNull()
      Indicates whether this IDfId object represents a null ID. ("0000000000000000").
      true if this object represents the NULLID, or false if it is not.
    • equals

      boolean equals(Object that)
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

      If the argument is not an instance of IDfId, this method returns false. If this object represents a NULLID ("0000000000000000") and the argument id equals null (or if it is a NULLID itself), this method will return true.

      equals in class Object
      that - another object
      true if the argument ID is equal to this one, or false if it is not equal.
    • toString

      String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this ID.
      toString in class Object
      a string representation of this ID.
    • compareTo

      int compareTo(IDfId dfid)
      Returns -1, 0 or 1 if this IDfId is less than, equal to, or greater than the IDfId passed as an argument. If the ID argument does not represent a Documentum ID, the results of this method are undefined.
      dfid - another IDfId instance.
      -1 if this ID is less than the argument, 0 if the two IDs are equal, or 1 if this ID is greater than the argument ID.
    • isObjectId

      boolean isObjectId()
      Indicates whether this ID is a valid object ID.