Interface IDfType

All Superinterfaces:
IDfPersistentObject, IDfTypedObject

public interface IDfType extends IDfPersistentObject
This interface provides access to type-related data stored in type objects. A type object may represent a persistent type, such as dm_document, or a non-persistent type, such as data returned from a query.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName() throws DfException
      Returns a type's name.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getSuperName

      String getSuperName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of a type's supertype.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getDescription

      String getDescription() throws DfException
      Returns the user-defined label for a type.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getSuperType

      IDfType getSuperType() throws DfException
      Returns a type's super type.

      If the type does not have a supertype, this method returns NULL.

      DfException - thrown if the supertype exists but cannot be found or if a server error occurs
    • isTypeOf

      boolean isTypeOf(String typeName) throws DfException
      Returns true if an object of this type is also an object of type typeName.
      DfException - if an error occurs
    • isSubTypeOf

      boolean isSubTypeOf(String typeName) throws DfException
      Indicates whether a type is a subtype of type typeName. Note: This method returns false if its argument is not a direct supertype of the given type.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • findTypeAttrIndex

      int findTypeAttrIndex(String attrName) throws DfException
      Returns the index of an attribute.

      This method returns -1 if the specified attribute does not exist.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrCount

      int getTypeAttrCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of attributes in a type.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttr

      IDfAttr getTypeAttr(int attrIndex) throws DfException
      Returns an IDfAttr representing the type's attribute located at the position attrIndex in this object's list of attributes.
      attrIndex - the index position of the attribute among the object's types
      an IDfAttr interface to the attribute
      DfException - if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • getTypeAttrNameAt

      String getTypeAttrNameAt(int index) throws DfException
      Returns an attribute name for a type.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrDataType

      int getTypeAttrDataType(String attrName) throws DfException
      Returns the datatype of an attribute.

      The following list specifies the datatype corresponding to all possible return values:

       Value Datatype
       0            Boolean
       1            Integer
       2            String
       3            ID
       4            Time, or date
       5            Double
       6            Undefined

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrDataTypeAt

      int getTypeAttrDataTypeAt(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the datatype of an attribute.

      The following list specifies the datatype corresponding to all return values.

       Value Datatype
       0            Boolean
       1            Integer
       2            String
       3            ID
       4            Time, or date
       5            Double
       6            Undefined

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • isTypeAttrRepeating

      boolean isTypeAttrRepeating(String attrName) throws DfException
      Indicates whether an attribute is repeating.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • isTypeAttrRepeatingAt

      boolean isTypeAttrRepeatingAt(int index) throws DfException
      Indicates whether an attribute is repeating.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrLength

      int getTypeAttrLength(String attrName) throws DfException
      Returns the maximum number of characters in a string-valued attribute.

      This method returns 0 for all attributes storing non-string values.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrLengthAt

      int getTypeAttrLengthAt(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the maximum number of characters in a string-valued attribute.

      This method returns 0 for all attributes storing non-string values.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrDescription

      String getTypeAttrDescription(String attrName) throws DfException
      Returns the user-defined label for an attribute.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrDescriptionAt

      String getTypeAttrDescriptionAt(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the user-defined label for an attribute.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeValidator

      IDfValidator getTypeValidator(IDfId policyId, String state) throws DfException
      Returns the IDfValidator that is assocated with this IDfType. IDfValidator provides validation-related services. Attribute level validation results could vary depending on the attribute values of its depending attributes.
      the IDfValidator that is assocated with this IDfType
    • validateTypeAttrRulesWithValue

      void validateTypeAttrRulesWithValue(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, String value, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) throws DfException
      Validates a user-supplied value.

      THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED -- use getTypeValidator and then call validateAttrRules on IDfValidator with the appropriate parameters instead.

    • validateTypeAttrRulesWithValues

      void validateTypeAttrRulesWithValues(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList values, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) throws DfException
      Validates a list of user-supplied values.

      THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED -- use getTypeValidator and then call validateAttrRules on IDfValidator with the appropriate parameters instead.

    • validateTypeObjRulesWithValues

      void validateTypeObjRulesWithValues(IDfList attrNameList, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList valueListList, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) throws DfException
      Performs object-level validation on a list of user-supplied values.

      THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED -- use getTypeValidator and then call validateAllObjRules on IDfValidator with the appropriate parameters instead.

      stopAfterNumOfErrors - The maximum number of violations this method will detect Pass zero to this parameter if you want the method to finish validating regardless of the number of violations
    • getTypeAttrAsstDependencies

      IDfList getTypeAttrAsstDependencies(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state) throws DfException
      Lists the attributes on which an attribute's validation rule depends.

      THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED -- use getTypeValidator and then call getValueAssistanceDependencies on IDfValidator with the appropriate parameters instead.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeAttrAssistanceWithValues

      IDfList getTypeAttrAssistanceWithValues(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state, IDfList depAttrNameList, IDfList depAttrValueListList) throws DfException
      Lists all legal values for an attribute.

      The first element (at index 0) of the return value is a list of possible actual values for the specified attribute. The second element (at index 1) of the return value is a list of the possible values being value-mapped.
      For example, getTypeAttrAssistance(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state).getList(0) will return a list of possible actual values; getTypeAttrAssistance(String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state).getList(1) will return a list of value-mapped possible values. THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED -- use getTypeValidator and then call getValueAssistance on IDfValidator with the appropriate parameters to get IDfValueAssistance.

      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getTypeWidgetType

      String getTypeWidgetType(int environment, String attrName, IDfId policyId, String state) throws DfException
      Returns the appropriate widget to use, given specific development environment, attribute, business policy and the state of the business policy.

      If you are developing in a Java environment, this method returns the Class name of the appropriate widget. If you are developing in a Visual Basic or Visual C++ environment, the widget's CLSID is returned.

      THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED -- use getTypeValidator and then call getWidgetType on IDfValidator with the appropriate parameters instead.

      DfException - if a server error occurs