Class DfException

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDfException, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DfAspectOperationException, DfContentAreaException, DfContentTemporarilyUnavailableException, DfDeadlockException, DfDocbaseUnreachableException, DfFilterException, DfObjectNotFoundException, DfOutOfServerSessionsException, DfOutOfSessionsException, DfRestrictedAccessException, DfScopingException, DfSearchException, DfServiceException, DfTypedObjectException, DfUserException, DfValidationException, InvocationException

public class DfException extends Exception implements IDfException
The base class for all DFC checked exceptions.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DfException

      public DfException()
    • DfException

      public DfException(Throwable cause)
    • DfException

      public DfException(String message)
    • DfException

      public DfException(String message, Throwable cause)
    • DfException

      public DfException(String message, Object[] arguments)
    • DfException

      public DfException(String message, Object[] arguments, Throwable cause)
    • DfException

      public DfException(com.documentum.fc.common.impl.MessageHelper messageHelper)
    • DfException

      public DfException(com.documentum.fc.common.impl.MessageHelper messageHelper, Throwable cause)
    • DfException

      public DfException(int errorCode)
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Constructs a new instance using the default DFC resource bundle to find the message text.
      See Also:
    • DfException

      public DfException(int errorCode, String message)
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Constructs a new instance using the given message text.
      See Also:
    • DfException

      public DfException(int errorCode, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Constructs a new instance using the default DFC resource bundle to find the message text. This constructor will substitute the arguments arg1, arg2 and arg3 for all instances of the tokens {0}, {1}, and {2} in the error message, respectively.
      See Also:
    • DfException

      public DfException(ResourceBundle bundle, int errorCode)
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Constructs a new instance using a specified resource bundle to find the message text.
      errorCode - the error code associated with this exception
      See Also:
    • DfException

      public DfException(ResourceBundle bundle, int errorCode, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Constructs a new instance using a specified resource bundle to find the message text. This constructor will substitute the arguments arg1, arg2 and arg3 for all instances of the tokens {0}, {1}, and {2} in the error message, respectively.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • newNoIdException

      public static DfException newNoIdException(String api)
    • newBadIdException

      public static DfException newBadIdException(IDfId id)
    • newBadDateException

      public static DfException newBadDateException(String value, String pattern)
    • newBadDocbaseScopeIdException

      public static DfException newBadDocbaseScopeIdException(long docbaseId)
    • newBadTypeException

      public static DfException newBadTypeException(String typeName)
    • newBadDataTypeException

      public static DfException newBadDataTypeException(int dataType)
    • newApiBadType

      public static DfException newApiBadType(IDfId componentId, String typeName)
    • newBadClassException

      public static DfException newBadClassException(String className, String baseClassName, Throwable cause)
    • newClassNotFoundException

      public static DfException newClassNotFoundException(String className, Throwable cause)
    • newProxyInstantiateFailedException

      public static DfException newProxyInstantiateFailedException(String className, Throwable cause)
    • newReplicaAspectGenerationFailed

      public static DfException newReplicaAspectGenerationFailed(String className, Throwable cause)
    • newIllegalSBOAccessException

      public static DfException newIllegalSBOAccessException(String sboName)
    • newCantApplyException

      public static DfException newCantApplyException(String methodName)
    • newCantFetchInvalidId

      public static DfException newCantFetchInvalidId(String objectId)
    • newSerializeFailedException

      public static DfException newSerializeFailedException(Object object, Throwable cause)
    • newDeserializeFailedException

      public static DfException newDeserializeFailedException(String serializedValue, Throwable cause)
    • newMultipleObjectsQualify

      public static DfException newMultipleObjectsQualify(String predicate, String docbaseName)
    • newIllegalDateFormatException

      public static DfException newIllegalDateFormatException(String value)
    • newMaterializationOptionMismatchException

      public static DfException newMaterializationOptionMismatchException(IDfId objectId)
    • newShareableTypeMismatchException

      public static DfException newShareableTypeMismatchException(String shareableTypeName)
    • newTransactionActiveException

      public static DfException newTransactionActiveException()
    • newTransactionLostException

      public static DfException newTransactionLostException()
    • newDynamicGroupUpdateException

      public static DfException newDynamicGroupUpdateException()
    • newCantWithOpenTranException

      public static DfException newCantWithOpenTranException(String operationName)
    • newBadFlushArgException

      public static DfException newBadFlushArgException(String flushType)
    • newFlushDDCacheNoKeyException

      public static DfException newFlushDDCacheNoKeyException()
    • newFlushDDCacheBadKeyException

      public static DfException newFlushDDCacheBadKeyException(String cacheKey)
    • newFlushRegistryCacheNoKeyException

      public static DfException newFlushRegistryCacheNoKeyException()
    • newInvalidTypeException

      public static DfException newInvalidTypeException(String typeName, IDfId objectId, String requiredTypeName)
    • newInvalidNewObjectException

      public static DfException newInvalidNewObjectException(String typeName)
    • newInvalidAspectName

      public static DfException newInvalidAspectName(String aspectName)
    • newCannotDestroyAspect

      public static DfException newCannotDestroyAspect(String aspectName)
    • newAlreadyMaterializedException

      public static DfException newAlreadyMaterializedException(IDfId objectId)
    • newQueryFailException

      public static DfException newQueryFailException(String dql, Throwable cause)
    • newQuerySessionClosedException

      public static DfException newQuerySessionClosedException()
    • newAspectMissingPropertyBag

      public static DfException newAspectMissingPropertyBag(String aspectName, IDfId objId, String typeName)
    • newInvalidDefaultValue

      public static DfException newInvalidDefaultValue(String typeName, String attrName, String defaultValue)
    • newRetentionOnParkedContentDisabled

      public static DfException newRetentionOnParkedContentDisabled()
    • newAuditTrailOutOfRangeException

      public static DfException newAuditTrailOutOfRangeException(int valueIndex, String attributeName, int count)
    • newNoEventNameException

      public static DfException newNoEventNameException(String commandName)
    • newDecodingFailedException

      public static DfException newDecodingFailedException(String tokenName, String tokenValue, Throwable cause)
    • newUnsupportedLoginTicketObjectVersionException

      public static DfException newUnsupportedLoginTicketObjectVersionException(int version)
    • newNoCacheNameException

      public static DfException newNoCacheNameException()
    • newWrongCacheNameException

      public static DfException newWrongCacheNameException(String cacheName)
    • newUpdateBadAttrException

      public static DfException newUpdateBadAttrException(String attributeName)
    • newFailedPolicyUpdateException

      public static DfException newFailedPolicyUpdateException(Throwable cause)
    • newCantExportDirtyObjectException

      public static DfException newCantExportDirtyObjectException(IDfId id)
    • newNoCacheTypeNameException

      public static DfException newNoCacheTypeNameException()
    • newBadCacheTypeNameException

      public static DfException newBadCacheTypeNameException(String cacheTypeName)
    • newNoCacheKeyException

      public static DfException newNoCacheKeyException()
    • newCannotChangeSharedParentException

      public static DfException newCannotChangeSharedParentException()
    • noLightweightParentTypeException

      public static DfException noLightweightParentTypeException(String lwTypeName)
    • notShareableParentTypeException

      public static DfException notShareableParentTypeException(String lwTypeName)
    • materializedLightObjectException

      public static DfException materializedLightObjectException(IDfId id)
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the error message associated with this exception.
      Specified by:
      getMessage in interface IDfException
      getMessage in class Throwable
    • getMessageId

      public String getMessageId()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the alphanumeric message identifier.
      Specified by:
      getMessageId in interface IDfException
    • getArguments

      public Object[] getArguments()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the arguments for this Exception.
      Specified by:
      getArguments in interface IDfException
    • setMessage

      public final void setMessage(String message)
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Sets the error message for this exception.
      Specified by:
      setMessage in interface IDfException
      message - the localized error message.
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
      printStackTrace in class Throwable
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
      printStackTrace in class Throwable
    • getErrorCode

      public final int getErrorCode()
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the error code associated with this exception object. If no error code has been set, it will have the value IDfException.UNDEFINED.
      Specified by:
      getErrorCode in interface IDfException
    • setErrorCode

      public final void setErrorCode(int errorCode)
      Alphanumeric identifiers are now used instead of numeric error codes
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Sets the error code for the given exception.
      Specified by:
      setErrorCode in interface IDfException
      errorCode - an application-defined error code.
    • getThreadInfo

      public final String getThreadInfo()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the name of the Java thread on which this exception was thrown.
      Specified by:
      getThreadInfo in interface IDfException
    • getCount

      public final int getCount()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the number of exceptions chained to this exception (including this exception itself).
      Specified by:
      getCount in interface IDfException
    • getNextException

      public final IDfException getNextException()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the next exception in the chain, that is, the exception which triggered this one. This method allows a handler routine to iterate through the chain of exceptions that resulted in the one that was caught.
      Specified by:
      getNextException in interface IDfException
    • setNextException

      public final void setNextException(DfException nextException)
    • getTailException

      public final IDfException getTailException()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the last exception in the chain of exceptions. If this is the only exception, this method returns null.
      Specified by:
      getTailException in interface IDfException
    • getProperties

      public IDfProperties getProperties()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the the IDfProperties interface to the object. Subclasses of DfException may use this to store and expose additional information about the exception.
      Specified by:
      getProperties in interface IDfException
    • getStackTraceAsString

      public String getStackTraceAsString()
      Description copied from interface: IDfException
      Returns the Java stack trace as a String. This is useful for debugging purposes.
      Specified by:
      getStackTraceAsString in interface IDfException
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Throwable
    • toStringForCOM

      public String toStringForCOM()
      Returns a string encoding of the exception that can be used to transfer the exception across COM. The COM error string can then be turned back into an exception object by calling parseException() on DfClientX.

      In a VB program that provides no error handling routines, the string returned from this method will be displayed in a message box in the event that an exception occurs.

    • registerResourceBundle

      public static void registerResourceBundle(ResourceBundle bundle)
      Registers a resource bundle containing messages used in exceptions. This new resource bundle is added to the list of bundles that are searched whenever an exception messages needs to be translated.

      Since exceptions are often logged, the resource bundle is also automatically registered with DfLogger.

    • appendException

      public static DfException appendException(DfException exptHead, DfException e, int stopAfterNumOfErrors) throws DfException
      Appends a DfException to the end of an exception chain.
    • parseException

      public static IDfException parseException(String exceptionString)
      Turns a string returned by toStringForCOM into a DfException object. Hopefully it will be the same one from which the string came.
    • setIncludeStackTraceInMsg

      public static void setIncludeStackTraceInMsg(boolean value)
      Use DfPreferences instead.
      Controls a special debugging option for including a stack trace with the message text.
    • convert

      public static DfException convert(Exception e)