Interface IDfImportOperation

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfImportOperation extends IDfOperation
IDfImportOperation performs a complete client import of one or more nodes. This includes detecting compound file references, creating new docbase objects for top level and referenced files, uploading content files to the server, performing the initial save, and cleaning up local content files. Note that compound references to existing docbase objects (e.g. through XML links) will cause those existing objects to be checked in as part of the import operation. Note that you MUST specify a session using the setSession() method prior to adding any objects to the import operation. You should also set the destination cabinet or folder using the setDestinationFolderId() on either the operation as a whole or nodes individually. Either an IDfFile or a file path specified as a string may be added to the import operation. When importing XML content, you may specify the name of the XML application to apply to the XML content. The XML application defines the configuration rules to be applied to the XML, such as how the content will be broken out into docbase objects, the relationships between XML content chunks, etc. The automatic processing of XML content based on XML application configuration was added in DFC 4.2. Earlier versions of DFC do not have this capability. Here is one example of how to import an XML document:

 ' Construct the operation and create a
 ' cast to the import operation interface.
 Dim operation As IDfOperation
 Dim importOperation As IDfImportOperation
 Set operation = clientX.getOperation("Import")
 Set importOperation = operation

 ' Establish the docbase session for the import operation to use.
 Call importOperation.setSession(session)

 ' Setup the file path for the file to import.
 Dim myXMLFile As IDfFile
 Set myXMLFile = clientX.getFile("C:\mydoc.xml")

 ' Add the XML file to the import operation.
 ' Create a cast to the import node interface.
 Dim node As IDfOperationNode
 Dim importNode As IDfImportNode
 Set node = operation.Add(myXMLFile)
 Set importNode = node

 ' Specify the XML application to use in processing this XML
 ' instance. Note, this could also be accomplished through
 ' a processing instruction in the XML content itself.
 Call node.setXMLApplicationName("MyXMLApplication")

 ' Execute the operation.
 If (operation.execute() = False) Then
     ' Error hanlding code goes here. Use operation.getErrors() to
     ' get an IDfList of operation errors back.
 End If

  • Method Details

    • getSession

      IDfSession getSession() throws DfException
      Returns session to be used to import new objects.
      Specified by:
      getSession in interface IDfOperation
      session that will be used to create new docbase objects.
      See Also:
    • setSession

      void setSession(IDfSession importSession) throws DfException
      Sets the session that will be used to create new docbase objects.
      Specified by:
      setSession in interface IDfOperation
      importSession - session to use when importing objects.
      See Also:
    • getVersionLabels

      String getVersionLabels() throws DfException
      Returns the symbolic version labels that will be applied when the node is checked in. These labels should NOT include any implicit version labels (e.g. 1.0).
      comma separated list of symbolic version labels.
      See Also:
    • setVersionLabels

      void setVersionLabels(String newVersionLabels) throws DfException
      Sets the symbolic version labels that will be applied when the node is checked in. These labels should NOT include any implicit version labels (e.g. 1.0).
      newVersionLabels - comma separated list of symbolic version labels.
      See Also:
    • getKeepLocalFile

      boolean getKeepLocalFile() throws DfException
      Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the local content file should be preserved or deleted as part of the operation.
      if true, the local content file will not be deleted as part of the operation.
    • setKeepLocalFile

      void setKeepLocalFile(boolean keepFile) throws DfException
      Sets a boolean value indicating whether or not the local content file should be preserved or deleted as part of the operation.
      keepFile - if true the local content file will not be deleted as part of the operation.
    • getDestinationFolderId

      IDfId getDestinationFolderId() throws DfException
      Returns the docbase object Id of the destination folder for the copy operation. This is the folder where, by default, new objects will be created. The folder location may be overridden for individual nodes using setDestinationFolderId() of DfOperationNode.
      docbase Id of the default destination folder for the operation.
      See Also:
    • setDestinationFolderId

      void setDestinationFolderId(IDfId destinationFolderId) throws DfException
      Sets the docbase object Id for the destination folder for the copy operation. This is the folder where, by default, new objects will be created. The folder location may be overridden for individual nodes using setDestinationFolderId() of DfOperationNode.
      destinationFolderId - - IDfId destination docbase folder / cabinet Id.
      See Also:
    • getNewObjects

      IDfList getNewObjects() throws DfException
      Returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation. Each entry in the list is an IDfSysObject.
      returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation.
      See Also:
    • setExternalVariable

      void setExternalVariable(String varName, String value)
      Sets a variable that will be available to the XML application's configuration file as an <external_variable>.
      Here is an example of how the external variable is used in the XML configuration file:

      <template><var name="CITY"/></template>

      If a variable is declared in the XMl configuration file, but is not set via setExternalVariable, the default value of the variable will be used.
      varName - The name that the variable will be available as in the XMl configuration file.
      value - The value of the variable.
    • getExternalVariable

      String getExternalVariable(String varName)
      Returns the value of an external variable.
      varName - The name of the external variable.
      The value of the variable.
    • setLinkBase

      void setLinkBase(String linkBase)
      Sets the link base to be used during import operation. During export and check out operations, user can patch external references by specifying link base and cabinet folder path in setBaseFolder() method in IDfExportOperation or IDfCheckoutOperation During import operation, when a link base is encountered in external references, DFC will ignore the link base portion (which matches the link base provided in this method) in the path and will try and identify the object corresponding to the cabinet-folder path following the link base. For e.g. assume that the content file has link path corresponding to "". During check in operation user can specify link base as "". The import operation processing will ignore the link base "" and will try to find the object corresponding to "/WebsiteA/ProductABC/Images/product.jpg" path.
      linkBase - to be used during import operation
    • getMacOption

      int getMacOption()
      Returns the setting for Mac handling for this operation.

      Possible values include:
                      IGNORE_RESOURCE_FORK - No resource fork will be stored in the docbase, even
                                   if resource fork file path has been specified
                      USE_RESOURCE_FORK_IF_AVAILABLE - Resource fork will be set to the docbase if supplied
                                              by the caller of the operation
                      REQUIRE_RESOURCE_FORK - Resource fork is required. An error will be generated if
                                    resource fork is not made available.
                      GENERATE_RESOURCE_FORK - A resource fork will be generated if it is not explicitly
      the setting for Mac handling for this operation.If no mac option is set via setMacOption(), then RESOURCE_FORK_UNDEFINED will be returned.
      DFC 5.2.5
    • setMacOption

      void setMacOption(int option)
      Sets the Mac behavior options for this operation. The appledouble option may be overridden for individual nodes using setMacOption of IDfImportNode.

      Possible values include:
                      IGNORE_RESOURCE_FORK - No resource fork will be stored in the docbase, even
                                   if resource fork file path has been specified
                      USE_RESOURCE_FORK_IF_AVAILABLE - Resource fork will be set to the docbase if supplied
                                             by the caller of the operation
                      REQUIRE_RESOURCE_FORK - Resource fork is required. An error will be generated if
                                    resource fork is not made available.
                      GENERATE_RESOURCE_FORK - A resource fork will be generated if it is not explicitly
      DFC 5.2.5
    • getAcsTransferPreferences

      IDfAcsTransferPreferences getAcsTransferPreferences()
      Returns the IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used.
      IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used
    • setAcsTransferPreferences

      void setAcsTransferPreferences(IDfAcsTransferPreferences acsTransferPreferences)
      Sets the IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used.
      acsTransferPreferences - IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used