Interface IDfSysObject

All Superinterfaces:
IDfPersistentObject, IDfTypedObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
IDfAcsConfig, IDfActivity, IDfBocsConfig, IDfContentTransferConfig, IDfDmsConfig, IDfDocument, IDfFolder, IDfLocation, IDfMethodObject, IDfMountPoint, IDfNote, IDfPlugin, IDfPolicy, IDfProcess, IDfRetainer, IDfRouter, IDfSearchResults, IDfSmartList, IDfSysObjectStream, IDfValidationDescriptor

public interface IDfSysObject extends IDfPersistentObject
This class provides the functionality for the client to interact with "dm_sysobject" objects in the repository. It extends DfPersistentObject
  • Method Details

    • saveAsNew

      IDfId saveAsNew(boolean shareContent) throws DfException
      Copies an object.
      shareContent - Determines if the content of this object is shared with the new object.
      the object id of the new copy.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • areAttributesModifiable

      boolean areAttributesModifiable() throws DfException
      Returns whether this object's attributes can be modified.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isImmutable

      boolean isImmutable() throws DfException
      Returns whether this object can be changed. This method returns the value of the r_immutable_flag attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isPublic

      boolean isPublic() throws DfException
      Returns whether the object is public or not. This method returns the value of the r_is_public attribute of the object.
      true if the object is public.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getObjectName

      String getObjectName() throws DfException
      Returns the object_name attribute of the object.
    • setObjectName

      void setObjectName(String objectName) throws DfException
      Sets the object_name attribute of the object.
      objectName - specifies the name of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName() throws DfException
      Returns the r_object_type attribute of the object.
    • getTitle

      String getTitle() throws DfException
      Returns the title attribute of the object.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String title) throws DfException
      Sets the title attribute of the object.
      title - specifies the title of the object
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getSubject

      String getSubject() throws DfException
      Returns the subject attribute of the object.
    • setSubject

      void setSubject(String subject) throws DfException
      Sets the subject attribute of the object.
      subject - specifies the subject of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAuthorsCount

      int getAuthorsCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of values the authors attribute has.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAuthors

      String getAuthors(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the authors attribute at the specified index.
      index - specifies the index at which the author is placed.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setAuthors

      void setAuthors(int index, String author) throws DfException
      Sets the authors attribute at a specified index.
      index - specifies the index at which the author is placed
      author - specifies the author at the specified index
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getKeywordsCount

      int getKeywordsCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of keywords for the object. keywords
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getKeywords

      String getKeywords(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the keywords attribute at the specified index.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setKeywords

      void setKeywords(int index, String keyword) throws DfException
      Sets the keywords attribute at a specified index.
      index - specifies the index at which the keyword is placed.
      keyword - specifies the keyword at the specified index.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getApplicationType

      String getApplicationType() throws DfException
      Returns the a_application_type attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setApplicationType

      void setApplicationType(String type) throws DfException
      Sets the a_application_type attribute of the object.
      type - specifies the application type.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getSpecialApp

      String getSpecialApp() throws DfException
      Reserved for use by Documentum products. This method returns the value of the a_special_app attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setSpecialApp

      void setSpecialApp(String specialApp) throws DfException
      Reserved for use by Documentum products. This method sets the value of the a_special_app attribute of the object.
      specialApp - specifies the special application information.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isHidden

      boolean isHidden() throws DfException
      Indicates if this object is visible to the end users. This method returns the value of the a_is_hidden attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setHidden

      void setHidden(boolean isHidden) throws DfException
      Sets the visibility of the object for end users. This method sets the a_is_hidden attribute of the object.
      isHidden - specifies the visibility of the object for end users.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getStatus

      String getStatus() throws DfException
      Returns the a_status attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setStatus

      void setStatus(String status) throws DfException
      Sets the a_status attribute of the object.
      status - specifies status.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCreationDate

      IDfTime getCreationDate() throws DfException
      Returns the r_creation_date attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessDate

      IDfTime getAccessDate() throws DfException
      Returns the date the content of this object was last accessed. This method returns the value of the r_access_date attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getModifyDate

      IDfTime getModifyDate() throws DfException
      Returns the r_modify_date attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getModifier

      String getModifier() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the user who made the last modification. This method returns the value of the r_modifier attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getRetentionDate

      IDfTime getRetentionDate() throws DfException
      Used internally. This method returns the value of the a_retention_date attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isArchived

      boolean isArchived() throws DfException
      Returns the a_archive attribute of the object.
      the a_archive attribute of this object
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setArchived

      void setArchived(boolean archived) throws DfException
      Sets the a_archive attribute of the object.
      archived - specifies the object has been archived.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getFullText

      boolean getFullText() throws DfException
      Returns whether the document is marked for full-text indexing. This method returns the value of the a_full_text attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setFullText

      void setFullText(boolean fullText) throws DfException
      Sets whether the document is marked for full-text indexing. This method sets the value of the a_full_text attribute of the object.
      fullText - specifies whether the document is marked for full-text indexing.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLogEntry

      String getLogEntry() throws DfException
      Returns the comment specified by the user. This method returns the value of the log_entry attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setLogEntry

      void setLogEntry(String logEntry) throws DfException
      Sets the comment specified by the user. This method sets the value of the log_entry attribute of the object.
      logEntry - specifies the user-defined comment
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • saveLock

      void saveLock() throws DfException
      Writes the object to the repository without creating a new version and directs the server to hold the intention lock on the saved object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLockOwner

      String getLockOwner() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the user who locked the object. This method returns the value of the r_lock_owner attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLockDate

      IDfTime getLockDate() throws DfException
      Returns the date this object was locked. This method returns the value of the r_lock_date attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLockMachine

      String getLockMachine() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the client machine on which the object was locked. This method returns the value of the r_lock_machine attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAntecedentId

      IDfId getAntecedentId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the object's parent. This method returns the value of the i_antecedent_id attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getChronicleId

      IDfId getChronicleId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the root object in the version tree. This method returns the value of the i_chronicle_id attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getVersions

      IDfCollection getVersions(String attrNames) throws DfException
      Runs a query to find all the versions of the object and returns the query results as a collection. The attrNames parameter is used to specify the "select" portion of the query. If attrNames is null, the following default attributes are used: r_version_label, r_modify_date, r_modifier, log_entry, object_name, r_object_type, a_content_type, r_lock_owner, r_link_cnt, r_object_id.

      Note: For reasons of backward compatibility, the executed query contains the following clause: "ORDER BY r_modify_date desc, r_object_id". If the caller of this method overrides the default set of attributes by passing a non-null value for attrNames, the query may fail if:

      1) the passed-in set of attributes does not include both r_modify_date and r_object_id AND

      2) the distinct_query_results flag has been set to true in the server.ini file of the underlying repository. (See the Content Server Administrator's Guide for more details on the server.ini.)

      The default value for the distinct_query_results flag is false, so this is not normally a problem. However, if you are overriding the default set of attributes, it is recommended that you include the attributes r_modify_date and r_object_id so that the code is portable across docbases regardless of how they are configured.
      attrNames - specifies a comma-delimited list of the desired attributes. If set to null, the query uses a default set of attributes.
      a collection of DfTypedObject interfaces for all the versions of the object.
      DfException - if attrNames is invalid.
    • getVersionPolicy

      IDfVersionPolicy getVersionPolicy() throws DfException
      This will extract all the version labels associated with this object and return the results as an IDfVersionPolicy interface. The returned IDfVersionPolicy interface will contain the complete version tree for the sysobject.
      an IDfVersionPolicy interface containing version information for the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLatestFlag

      boolean getLatestFlag() throws DfException
      Indicates whether this version is the most recent version of the object on a particular branch in the version tree. This method returns the value of the i_latest_flag attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getImplicitVersionLabel

      String getImplicitVersionLabel() throws DfException
      Returns the implicit version label from r_version_label. For example, if the version labels for an object are "1.2,CURRENT", the string "1.2" will be returned.
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • mark

      void mark(String versionLabels) throws DfException
      Assigns one or more symbolic version labels to an object.

      Before you can use the mark method, you must checkout the specified object. After you execute the mark method, you must checkin or save the object to keep the new label or labels.

      Note: If the object is a virtual document, you must use checkin the the object; you cannot use save to make the changes effective.

      The following code example demonstrates how to create a document and assign a symbolic version label. Assuming the prior version label is "1.0,CURRENT", the code below will set it to "1.1,APPROVED,CURRENT":

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       if (!sysObj.isCheckedOut())
       sysObj.checkin (false, "");

      versionLabels - defines the label that you want to assign to the object. You can specify one implicit label and/or one or more symbolic labels.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • unmark

      void unmark(String versionLabels) throws DfException
      Removes symbolic labels from an object.
      versionLabels - Defines the label that you want to remove from the object. You can specify one implicit label and/or one or more symbolic labels.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getVersionLabels

      IDfVersionLabels getVersionLabels() throws DfException
      Returns an IDfVersionLabels object associated with this sysobject.
      an IDfVersionLabels object.
      DfException - if failed to create a new DfVersionLabels object or if a server error occurs.
    • getVersionLabelCount

      int getVersionLabelCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of version labels. For example, the version label "1.0,CURRENT" will yield a count of 2.
      the number of version labels
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getVersionLabel

      String getVersionLabel(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the version label at the specified index. This method returns the value of the r_version_label attribute of the object at the given index.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • branch

      IDfId branch(String versionLabel) throws DfException
      Creates and checks out a new version of an object. Performs DMCL "branch".
      versionLabel - specifies the object version from which you want to branch.
      the object id of the new version of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getBranchCount

      int getBranchCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of branches on the version tree that contains the object. This method returns the value of the i_branch_cnt attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getDirectDescendant

      String getDirectDescendant() throws DfException
      Returns whether the object has any direct descendants (versions derived directly from this object). The default is false. This method returns the value of the i_direct_dsc attribute of the object.
      returns a "T" if the object has direct descendants, "F" otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • checkout

      void checkout() throws DfException
      Places a lock on the object.

      The user executing the method must have at least Version permission on the object being checked out. Executing checkout sets the r_lock_machine attribute for the checked out object. This attribute records the machine name of the client machine on which the user is working.

      The following code example demonstrates how to checkout an object and copy the file from the Documentum server to the local drive (current working directory):

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       if (!sysObj.isCheckedOut())

      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • checkoutEx

      IDfId checkoutEx(String versionLabel, String compoundArchValue, String specialAppValue) throws DfException
      Places a lock on the object. This is the extended checkout method.

      The user executing the method must have at least Version permission on the object being checked out.

      The methods checks out the version specified in the versionLabel argument. If that version is not found, the method fails. The compoundArchValue sets the a_compound_architecture attribute. Setting the attribute to a value other than an empty string affects the behavior of the Virtual Document Manager when this object is opened in VDM. If the attribute is set to any value other than an empty string, VDM assumes that the object is readonly and will not allow structural changes on the object.

      The specialAppvalue argument sets the a_special_app attribute of the object. Setting the attribute to a value other than an empty string affects how Content Server and some EMC Documentum clients perceive the object. If there is any value other than an empty string in a_special_app, the system assumes that another application currently has control of the object.

      versionLabel - Identifies the version of the object. This can be an implicit or symbolic version label.
      compoundArchValue - Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object. The attribute is a string attribute with a length of 16.
      specialAppValue - Sets the a_special_app attribute of the object. The attribute is a string attribute with a length of 32.
      returns the id of the specified object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • cancelCheckout

      void cancelCheckout() throws DfException
      Removes an intention lock without saving any changes that may have been made to the locked object.

      Executing cancelCheckout clears the object's r_lock_machine attribute (when an object is checked out, this attribute is set to the name of the client machine on which the user who locked the object was working). Performs a DMCL "unlock".

      The following code example demonstrates how to cancel a checked out object:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       if (sysObj.isCheckedOut())

      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • cancelCheckoutEx

      void cancelCheckoutEx(boolean sendMail, String compoundValue, String specialValue) throws DfException
      This is the extended method that removes an intention lock without saving any changes that may have been made to the locked object.
      sendMail - Directs the server to send electronic mail to the lock owner, notifying the user that the lock is being removed.
      compoundValue - Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object.
      specialValue - Sets the a_special_app attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • checkin

      IDfId checkin(boolean keepLock, String versionLabels) throws DfException
      Creates a new version of this object and removes the lock from the previous version.

      To use the checkin method, the following conditions must be met:

      • The object must have been retrieved from the repository with a checkout method.
      • The user must have at least Version permission on the object.
      • The user must have at least Write permission on the cabinet or folder in which the object is stored if the repository is running with folder security.
      Note: Folder security is on by default when a repository is configured. The folder security setting is recorded in the folder_security attribute of the docbase config object.

      The checkin method unlocks an object and saves any changes you may have made to either its attributes or its content. (Note that to make changes to the content, you must issue explicit methods, such as getFile and setFile, to get and set the content after you checkout the object and before you issue the checkin).

      Executing this method clears the object's r_lock_machine, r_lock_owner, and r_lock_date attributes and sets the a_archive attribute to FALSE. Additionally, if the object is a policy object, the method sets the r_definition_state to DRAFT for the new version and clones the following attributes:

      • entry_criteria_id
      • user_criteria_id
      • action_object_id
      • user_action_id
      • type_override_id
      The primary content associated with the new version is stored in the storage area specified in default_storage attribute of the content's dm_format object if that attribute is set. If the storage area is not defined in the format object, the content is stored in the storage area identified in the default_storage attribute of the object's object type. You can override either default storage area by executing an explicit method to set the a_storage_type attribute of the object before the check in.

      The following code example demonstrates how to checkin an object using the default version labels, and to not retain a lock on the newly created version:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       if (sysObj.isCheckedOut())
            IDfId newSysObjId = sysObj.checkin(false, "");

      keepLock - set to true to place a lock on the newly created version.
      versionLabels - defines the version label for the new version. You can specify more than one label. If you do not define a label, the server automatically gives the new version an implicit version label and the symbolic label "CURRENT".
      the object id of the new version of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • checkinEx

      IDfId checkinEx(boolean keepLock, String versionLabels, String oldCompoundArchValue, String oldSpecialAppValue, String newCompoundArchValue, String newSpecialAppValue) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for checkin.

      Note: This method differs from checkin by providing arguments to set application-specific attributes. To use the checkinEx method, the following conditions must be met:

      • The object must have been retrieved from the repository with a checkout method.
      • The user must have at least Version permission on the object.
      • The user must have at least Write permission on the cabinet or folder in which the object is stored if the repository is running with folder security.
      Note: Folder security is on by default when a repository is configured. The folder security setting is recorded in the folder_security attribute of the docbase config object.

      The checkin method unlocks an object and saves any changes you may have made to either its attributes or its content. (Note that to make changes to the content, you must issue explicit methods, such as getFile and setFile, to get and set the content after you checkout the object and before you issue the checkinEx).

      Executing this method clears the object's r_lock_machine, r_lock_owner, and r_lock_date attributes and sets the a_archive attribute to FALSE. Additionally, if the object is a policy object, the method sets the r_definition_state to DRAFT for the new version and clones the following attributes:

      • entry_criteria_id
      • user_criteria_id
      • action_object_id
      • user_action_id
      • type_override_id
      The primary content associated with the new version is stored in the storage area specified in default_storage attribute of the content's dm_format object if that attribute is set. If the storage area is not defined in the format object, the content is stored in the storage area identified in the default_storage attribute of the object's object type. You can override either default storage area by executing an explicit method to set the a_storage_type attribute of the object before the check in.

      The oldCompoundArchValue and newCompoundArchValue arguments allow you to set the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object you are checking in and new version of the object. Setting the attribute to a value other than an empty string affects the behavior of the Virtual Document Manager when the object is opened in the VDM. If the attribute is set to any value other than an empty string, VDM assumes that the object is readonly and will not allow structural changes on the object.

      The oldSpecialAppvalue and newSpecialAppvalue arguments set the a_special_app attribute of the object you are checking in and the new version of the object. Setting the attribute to a value other than an empty string affects how Content Server and some EMC Documentum clients perceive the object. If there is any value other than an empty string in a_special_app, the system assumes that another application currently has control of the object.

      keepLock - Determines whether a lock is placed on the newly created version.
      versionLabels - Defines the version label for the new version. You can specify more than one label. If you do not define a label, the server automatically gives the new version an implicit version label and the symbolic label CURRENT.
      oldCompoundArchValue - Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the checked-out object.
      oldSpecialAppValue - Sets the a_special_app attribute of the checked-out object.
      newCompoundArchValue - Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the new version created by the check in.
      newSpecialAppValue - Sets the a_special_app attribute of the new version created by the checkin.
      returns the id of the new version.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isCheckedOut

      boolean isCheckedOut() throws DfException
      Returns whether this object is checked out.
      true if this object is checked out.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isCheckedOutBy

      boolean isCheckedOutBy(String userName) throws DfException
      Returns whether this object is checked out by the specified user. If the specified user i.e. userName is null or an empty string, the user name from the current session is used.
      userName - identifies the name the user.
      true if this object is checked out by the specified user.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • prune

      void prune(boolean keepLabels) throws DfException
      Removes unwanted versions of an object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • destroyAllVersions

      void destroyAllVersions() throws DfException
      Destroys all versions of the object. You must have DELETE permission for the original version of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getReferenceCount

      int getReferenceCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of folder references made by the object. This method returns the value of the i_reference_cnt attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getHasFolder

      boolean getHasFolder() throws DfException
      Returns whether this object is the CURRENT object in the version tree. This method returns the value of the i_has_folder attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getFolderIdCount

      int getFolderIdCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of folders linked to the object.
      the number of folders linked to the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getFolderId

      IDfId getFolderId(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the folder linked to this object at the given index. This method returns the value of the i_folder_id attribute of the object given the specified index.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCabinetId

      IDfId getCabinetId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the cabinet that is the object's primary storage location. This method returns the value of the i_cabinet_id attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • link

      void link(String folderSpec) throws DfException
      Associates the object with a folder or cabinet.

      The first execution of link for an object defines the object's primary link, the place where the object is stored in the repository. Subsequent executions link the object to other folders or cabinets. These are called secondary links.

      Executing link has the following permission requirements:

      • To create a primary link, the user must have at least Write permission on the object and Change Location permission on the object.
      • To create a secondary link, the user must have at least Browse permission on the object and Change Location permission for the object.
      • If the repository is running under folder security, the user must also have at least Write permission on the folder or cabinet to which the object is being linked.
      You cannot execute link against a cabinet object. That is, cabinets cannot be linked to folders or other cabinets. A link operation is not committed until a save or checkin is performed.

      The following code example demonstrates how to create a document and link it to a specific cabinet and folder:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");

      folderSpec - Defines the folder or cabinet to which you want to link the object. You can use either the folder or cabinet's object ID or its folder path.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • unlink

      void unlink(String folderSpec) throws DfException
      Removes a link between the object and a folder or cabinet.

      Executing unlink has the following permission requirements:

      • To unlink an object from a primary link, the user must have at least Write permission on the object and Change Location permission on the object.
      • To unlink an object from a secondary link, the user must have at least Browse permission on the object and Change Location permission for the object.
      • If the repository is running under folder security, the user must also have at least Write permission on the folder or cabinet from which the object is being unlinked.
      The folders and cabinets to which an object is linked are recorded in the repeating attribute i_folder_id. The first recorded folder or cabinet (in i_folder_id[0]) represents the object's primary link. The folders or cabinets recorded in the remaining index positions in the attribute represent the object's secondary links.

      When you unlink an object, the entry in the attribute for the specified folder or cabinet is removed and the entries in subsequent index positions are shifted up one position.

      Documents and folders must have at least one link to a folder or cabinet. Consequently, if you unlink an object from its only link, you must relink it to some folder or cabinet before saving or checking in the object.

      This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. The following code example demonstrates how unlink an object from a source cabinet and relink it to a target cabinet:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));

      folderSpec - Defines the folder or cabinet from which you want to unlink the object. You can use either the folder or cabinet's object ID or its folder path.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getLocations

      IDfCollection getLocations(String attrNames) throws DfException
      Runs a query to find all the places this object is used and returns the query result as a collection. The attrNames are used to specify the "select" portion of the query. Results are sorted by the first element in attrNames.
      attrNames - specifies the desired attributes.
      a collection of DfTypedObject interfaces.
      DfException - if attrNames are invalid.
    • getCreatorName

      String getCreatorName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the creator. This method returns the value of the r_creator_name attribute of the object.
      the name of the creator.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getOwnerName

      String getOwnerName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of this object's owner. This method returns the value of the owner_name attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setOwnerName

      void setOwnerName(String ownerName) throws DfException
      Sets the name of the object's owner. This method sets the value of the owner_name attribute of the object.
      ownerName - specifies the name of the object's owner.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getOwnerPermit

      int getOwnerPermit() throws DfException
      Returns the object-level permission assigned to the owner of the object. This method returns the value of the owner_permit attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setOwnerPermit

      void setOwnerPermit(int permit) throws DfException
      Assigns the object-level permission to the owner of the object. This method sets the value of the owner_permit attribute of the object.
      permit - specifies the object-level permission to the owner of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getGroupName

      String getGroupName() throws DfException
      Returns the group name to which this object belongs. This method returns the value of the group_name attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setGroupName

      void setGroupName(String name) throws DfException
      Set the group name to which this object belongs. This method sets the value of the group_name attribute of the object.
      name - specifies the group name to which this object belongs.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getGroupPermit

      int getGroupPermit() throws DfException
      Returns the object-level permission assigned to the group for this object. This method returns the value of the group_permit attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setGroupPermit

      void setGroupPermit(int permit) throws DfException
      Sets the object-level group permission for the object. This method sets the value of the group_permit attribute of the object.
      permit - specifies the object-level group permission to set.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getWorldPermit

      int getWorldPermit() throws DfException
      Returns the object-level permission assigned to the world for the object. This method returns the value of the world_permit attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setWorldPermit

      void setWorldPermit(int permit) throws DfException
      Sets the object-level permission assigned to the world for the object. This method sets the value of the world_permit attribute of the object.
      permit - specifies the object-level permission assigned to the world for the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getPermit

      int getPermit() throws DfException
      Returns an integer number that corresponds to the access permission level that the current user has for the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getPermitEx

      int getPermitEx(String accessorName) throws DfException
      Returns an integer number that corresponds to the access permission level that the specified user or group has for the object.
      accessorName - specifies the name of the user or group. If not specified, it will be the connected user.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getAccessorCount

      int getAccessorCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of users or groups for whom some level of access is defined for the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessorName

      String getAccessorName(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the list of users and groups for whom some level of access is defined for the object. This method uses the _accessor_name computed attribute.
      index - specifies the index of the user or group
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessorPermitType

      int getAccessorPermitType(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the permit type assigned to each user or group using the computed attribute _accessor_name.
      index - specifies the index of the user or group.
      the permit type assigned to each user or group returned by _accessor_name.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessorPermit

      String getAccessorPermit(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the permit levels assigned to each user or group using the computed attribute _accessor_name.
      index - specifies the index of the user or group.
      the permit levels assigned to each user or group returned by _accessor_name.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getXPermit

      int getXPermit(String accessorName) throws DfException
      Returns the extended permissions, in integer form, for a specified user or group using the computed attribute _xpermit.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessorXPermit

      int getAccessorXPermit(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the extended permission levels of the specified user or group using the computed attribute _accessor_name.
      index - specifies the index of the user or group.
      the extended permission levels of the specified user or group.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessorXPermitNames

      String getAccessorXPermitNames(int index) throws DfException
      Retrieves the extended permissions, in upper case and separated by a comma, that are assigned to each user or group.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAccessorApplicationPermit

      String getAccessorApplicationPermit(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the application permit assigned to a user or group.
      index - the index position of the user or group among the ACL's accessors
      the application permit in string form assigned to the user or group
      DfException - if a server error occurs
      See Also:
    • hasPermission

      boolean hasPermission(String permission, String accessorName) throws DfException
      Returns whether there is an access control entry in this object to a specified user or group.
      permission - specifies the permission name.
      accessorName - specifies the name of the user or group to whom you are assigning the access level.
      true if the specified user or group has the permission.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getXPermitNames

      String getXPermitNames(String accessorName) throws DfException
      Returns the extended permissions of a specified user or group, in string form, in upper case, and separated by a comma. Note that if accessorName is not specified, the default will be the session user.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getXPermitList

      String getXPermitList() throws DfException
      Returns a list of extended permissions, separated by a comma, and supported by the server, using the computed attribute _xpermit_list.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • grant

      void grant(String accessorName, int accessorPermit, String extendedPermission) throws DfException
      Creates an access control entry in this object, assigning an access level to a specified user or group. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin. Performs a DMCL "grant".
      accessorName - specifies the name of the user or group to whom you are assigning the access level.
      accessorPermit - the integer corresponding to the basic privilege level that you want to grant. You can pass 0 if you just wanted to change the extended permission and leave the basic permission the same.
      extendedPermission - the extended permission that you want to grant; If you do not want to grant an extended permission, specify null for this parameter
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • grantPermit

      void grantPermit(IDfPermit permit) throws DfException
      Creates an access control entry in this object, assigning an access level to a specified user or group. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin. Performs a DMCL "grant".
      permit - Describes the permit being added.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • revoke

      void revoke(String accessorName, String extendedPermission) throws DfException
      Removes all access control entries from this object for a specified user or group. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin. Performs a DMCL "revoke".
      accessorName - specifies the name of the user or group to whom you are removing the access level.
      extendedPermission - defines the extended permission names; can be null if no extended permissions.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • revokePermit

      void revokePermit(IDfPermit permit) throws DfException
      Removes specified permit from the sysobject. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin. Performs a DMCL "revoke".
      permit - Describes the permit being removed.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getPermissions

      IDfList getPermissions() throws DfException
      Returns a list of DfPermit objects representing all the permissions specified in the ACL for the sysobject.
      IDfList containing all permissions specified in the ACL
      DfException - if a server error occurs
    • getACL

      IDfACL getACL() throws DfException
      Returns an ACL associated with the object. It is based on the getACLName and getACLDomain.
      an ACL associated with the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setACL

      void setACL(IDfACL acl) throws DfException
      Assigns an ACL object to the object.

      An ACL is assigned to an object when it is created. The ACL can remain with the object for the life of the object, or you can replace the ACL with a call to setACL.

      The following code example demonstrates how to assign a private ACL to an object, then reset the object back to the original ACL settings:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       IDfACL oldACL = sysObj.getACL();
       IDfACL newACL = sess.getACL(sess.getLoginUserName(), "MyPrivateACL");

      acl - the ACL object to assign to the sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • useACL

      void useACL(String aclType) throws DfException
      Assigns an ACL specification to the object.
      aclType - Specifies which ACL you want to use for this object. The ACL is specified using a keyword. Valid key words are:
       FOLDER   The ACL associated with the object's primary folder
       TYPE     The ACL associated with the object's type definition
       USER     The ACL associated with the dm_user object representing the
                creator of the object
       NONE     No default ACL
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • revertACL

      void revertACL() throws DfException
      Throws away unsaved permission changes.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getACLName

      String getACLName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the associated ACL. This method returns the value of the acl_name attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setACLName

      void setACLName(String ACLName) throws DfException
      Sets the name of the associated ACL. This method sets the value of the acl_name attribute of the object.
      ACLName - specifies the name of the associated ACL.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getACLDomain

      String getACLDomain() throws DfException
      Returns the domain of the ACL associated with this user. This method returns the value of the acl_domain attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setACLDomain

      void setACLDomain(String aclDomain) throws DfException
      Sets the domain of the ACL associated with this user. This method sets the value of the acl_domain attribute of the object.
      aclDomain - specifies the domain of the ACL associated with this user.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAclRefValid

      boolean getAclRefValid() throws DfException
      Indicates whether the values in _accessor_name and _accessor_permit have been saved to the repository using the computed attribute _acl_ref_valid.
      DfException - if server occurs an error.
    • getContentsId

      IDfId getContentsId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the content object for an object that has only one content. This method returns the value of the i_contents_id attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContentType

      String getContentType() throws DfException
      Returns the file format of the object's content. This method returns the value of the a_content_type attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setContentType

      void setContentType(String contentType) throws DfException
      Sets the file format of the object's content.

      Use any file format recognized by the Documentum server. Document format types can be obtained by querying the dm_format object (i.e. select name from dm_format).

      The following code example demonstrates how to create a document with a "text" file format:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document"); sysObj.setObjectName("testDoc");
       sysObj.setContentType("crtext"); sysObj.setFile("c:\\textdoc.txt");; 

      contentType - specifies the file format of the object's content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getFormat

      IDfFormat getFormat() throws DfException
      Returns the format of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getPageCount

      int getPageCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of pages in the primary content. This method returns the value of the r_page_cnt attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContentSize

      long getContentSize() throws DfException
      Returns the number of bytes in the content. This method returns the value of the r_content_size attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getStorageType

      String getStorageType() throws DfException
      Returns the default storage area for content files associated with the object. This method returns the value of the a_storage_type attribute of the object (e.g. filestore_01).
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setStorageType

      void setStorageType(String type) throws DfException
      Sets the storage area for content files associated with the object. This method sets the value of the a_storage_type attribute of the object.
      type - specifies the storage area for the content files associated with the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContentStateCount

      int getContentStateCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of states of a content for the sysobject using the computed attribute _content_state. Valid states are:
       0 Available and online
       1 Archived
       2 Offline
       3 Error fetching content from repository
      the number of states of a content for the sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContentState

      int getContentState(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the state of the content for a given sysobject using the computed attribute _content_state. Valid states are:
       0 Available and online
       1 Archived
       2 Offline
       3 Error fetching content from repository
      index - specifies the position of the sysobject.
      the state of the content for a specified sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCollectionForContent

      IDfCollection getCollectionForContent(String format, int pageNumber) throws DfException
      Returns a collection containing the object's content in the repository.

      In order to access the full functionality of the returned content collection you should cast the result to IDfContentCollection or call getCollectionForContentEx4.

      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      a collection containing the object's content in the repository.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCollectionForContentEx2

      IDfCollection getCollectionForContentEx2(String format, int pageNumber, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Returns a collection containing the object's content in the repository.

      In order to access the full functionality of the returned content collection you should cast the result to IDfContentCollection or call getCollectionForContentEx4.

      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      a collection containing the object's content in the repository.
    • getCollectionForContentEx3

      IDfCollection getCollectionForContentEx3(String format, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, boolean other) throws DfException
      Returns a collection containing the object's content in the repository.

      In order to access the full functionality of the returned content collection you should cast the result to IDfContentCollection or call getCollectionForContentEx4.

      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to retrieve the data fork (the file containing the content) or the resource fork. If true, the resource fork is returned. If false, the data fork is returned. The default is false.
      a collection containing the object's content in the repository.
    • getCollectionForContentEx4

      IDfContentCollection getCollectionForContentEx4(String format, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, boolean other) throws DfException
      Returns a collection containing the object's content in the repository.

      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to retrieve the data fork (the file containing the content) or the resource fork. If true, the resource fork is returned. If false, the data fork is returned. The default is false.
      a collection containing the object's content in the repository.
    • getContent

      ByteArrayInputStream getContent() throws DfException
      Copies this object's content from the Documentum server into a ByteArrayInputStream object.

      The following code example demonstrates how to copy an objects content from the Documentum server into memory:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)session.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900"));
       ByteArrayInputStream bais = sysObj.getContent();
       if (bais.available() > 0)
            // Data successfully fetched from the server...

      a ByteArrayInputStream object containing the objects content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getContentEx

      ByteArrayInputStream getContentEx(String format, int pageNumber) throws DfException
      Copies this object's content in the repository into a ByteArrayInputStream.
      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      ByteArrayInputStream containing the content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContentEx2

      ByteArrayInputStream getContentEx2(String format, int pageNumber, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Copies this object's content in the repository into a ByteArrayInputStream.
      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      ByteArrayInputStream containing the content.
    • getContentEx3

      ByteArrayInputStream getContentEx3(String format, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, boolean other) throws DfException
      Copies this object's content in the repository into a ByteArrayInputStream.
      format - specifies the format in which you want the content.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to retrieve the data fork (the file containing the content) or the resource fork. If true, the resource fork is returned. If false, the data fork is returned. The default is false.
      ByteArrayInputStream containing the content.
    • getFile

      String getFile(String fileName) throws DfException
      Retrieves a content file from the Documentum server.

      Content files associated with objects are ordered within the object. The position of any particular content file within an object is determined by its page number. The first content associated with an object has the page number zero, and the page numbers of subsequent contents increment by one with each content. When you want to obtain any content file other than the first, whose page number is zero, you must use the DFC method getFileEx.

      The following code example demonstrates how to checkout an object and copy the file from the Documentum server to the local drive (current working directory):

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       if (!sysObj.isCheckedOut())

      fileName - specifies the location where you want to put the copy of the retrieved content file. If set to null, the content will be placed in the DMCL common area.
      the file location of the retrieved file.
      DfException - if formatName are invalid.
      See Also:
    • getFileEx

      String getFileEx(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, boolean other) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for retreiving a content file from the repository.
      fileName - specifies the location where you want to put the copy of the retrieved content file. If it is null, it will be placed in the DMCL common area. Note: Files in the client local area or the common area are removed when the session is closed or when the user terminates the connection to the Docbase.
      formatName - specifies the format in which you want the file.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to retrieve the data fork (the file containing the content) or the resource fork. If true, just the resource fork is returned. If false, the data fork is returned. The default is false.
      the file location of the retrieved file.
      DfException - if formatName is invalid.
    • getFileEx2

      String getFileEx2(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, boolean other) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for retreiving a content file from the repository.
      fileName - specifies the location where you want to put the copy of the retrieved content file. If it is null, it will be placed in the DMCL common area.
      formatName - specifies the format in which you want the file.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to retrieve the data fork (the file containing the content) or the resource fork. If true, the resource fork is returned. If false, data fork is returned. The default is false.
      the file location of the retrieved file.
    • getPath

      String getPath(int pageNumber) throws DfException
      Retrieves the content location for an external store object.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      the file location of the retrieved file.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getPathEx

      String getPathEx(int pageNumber, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Retrieves the content location for an external store object.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format.
      the file location of the retrieved file.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • getPathEx2

      String getPathEx2(String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, boolean other) throws DfException
      Retrieves the content location for an external store object.
      formatName - the format for which you want the path.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to retrieve the path of the data fork (the file containing the content) or the path of the resource fork. If true, the path of the resource fork is returned. If false, the path of the data fork is returned. The default is false.
      the file location of the retrieved file.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • setContent

      boolean setContent(ByteArrayOutputStream content) throws DfException
      Sets new content to an object. Use this method when you want to set data that resides in working memory.

      The following code example demonstrates how to set content residing in memory to a new document:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");
       byte b[] = {35,36,37,38,39};
       ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
       out.write(b, 0, 5);

      content - the content as a ByteArrayOutputStream.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • setContentEx

      boolean setContentEx(ByteArrayOutputStream content, String format, int pageNumber) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for setting the content of an object.
      content - Specifies the the content.
      format - Specifies the file format of the content.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setContentEx2

      boolean setContentEx2(ByteArrayOutputStream content, String format, int pageNumber, boolean other) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for setting the content of an object.
      content - Specifies the the content.
      format - Specifies the file format of the content.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to set the data fork (the file containing the content) or the resource fork. If true, the resource fork is set. If false, the data fork is set. The default is false. Note that you can only set this flag to true right after you set the content for the same page and before the document is saved.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setStringContentAttribute

      void setStringContentAttribute(String name, String value, String formatName, int page, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Set a String content attribute.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      value - the value of the attribute.
      formatName - the name for the content objects format.
      page - the content page.
      pageModifier - the content object's page modifier.
    • setTimeContentAttribute

      void setTimeContentAttribute(String name, IDfTime value, String formatName, int page, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Set a Date/Time content attribute.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      value - the value of the attribute.
      formatName - the name for the content objects format.
      page - the content page.
      pageModifier - the content object's page modifier.
    • setDoubleContentAttribute

      void setDoubleContentAttribute(String name, double value, String formatName, int page, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Set a numeric content attribute.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      value - the value of the attribute.
      formatName - the name for the content objects format.
      page - the content page.
      pageModifier - the content object's page modifier.
    • getStringContentAttr

      String getStringContentAttr(String name, String formatName, int page, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Return a string content attribute.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      formatName - the name for the content objects format.
      page - the content page.
      pageModifier - the content object's page modifier.
    • getTimeContentAttr

      IDfTime getTimeContentAttr(String name, String formatName, int page, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Return a time content attribute.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      formatName - the name for the content objects format.
      page - the content page.
      pageModifier - the content object's page modifier.
    • getDoubleContentAttr

      Double getDoubleContentAttr(String name, String formatName, int page, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Return a numeric content attribute.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      formatName - the name for the content objects format.
      page - the content page.
      pageModifier - the content object's page modifier.
    • setFile

      void setFile(String fileName) throws DfException
      Sets the content file of this object or replaces an existing content. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Performs a DMCL "setfile".

      The following code example demonstrates how to create a document:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");

      fileName - the file that contains the content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • setFileEx

      void setFileEx(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, String otherFile) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for setting the content file of this object, or it replaces existing content. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Performs DMCL "setfile".
      fileName - specifies the file that contains the content.
      formatName - specifies the format in which you want the file.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      otherFile - specifies the resource fork for a Macintosh document. This argument should be set to null for non-Macintosh documents.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setPath

      void setPath(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, String otherFile) throws DfException
      Sets the path to a content object or replaces an existing content.
      fileName - Specifies the file that contains the content. Use either an absolute or relative path to specify the file. The file must be located on the machine from which this method is called or in a directory visible to that machine.
      formatName - Specifies the content's file format. The format must be a valid file format. You must specify this argument if you are setting an object's first content. Set this argument to null when you are setting second or subsequent content for an object.
      pageNumber - Defines the position where you want to place the content within the ordered contents of the object. Use this argument when you are adding second or subsequent contents to an object or when you want to replace an existing content. Otherwise, set this to 0.
      otherFile - specifies the resource fork for a Macintosh document. You can use either an absolute or a relative path. If this is set, the path must be valid or this method fails. The value is ignored when used with external stores. This argument should be set to null for non-Macintosh documents.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • appendContent

      void appendContent(ByteArrayOutputStream content) throws DfException
      Appends new content to an object. Use this method when you want to append data that resides in working memory.

      The following code example demonstrates how to append content to a new document:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");
       byte b[] = {35,36,37,38,39};
       ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
       out.write(b, 0, 5);

      content - the content as a ByteArrayOutputStream object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • appendContentEx

      void appendContentEx(ByteArrayOutputStream content, boolean other) throws DfException
      Appends new content to an object. Use this method when you want to append data that resides in working memory.

      The following code example demonstrates how to append content to a new document:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");
       byte b[] = {35,36,37,38,39};
       ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
       out.write(b, 0, 5);

      content - the content as a ByteArrayOutputStream object.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to set a data fork (the file containing the content) or a resource fork. If true, the resource fork is set. If false, the data fork is set. The default is false.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • appendFile

      void appendFile(String fileName) throws DfException
      Appends new content to an object.

      When you add content to a document, you can append the new file to the end of the document's list of content files or you can insert the file into the list. This method appends the content to the end of the document's list of content files.

      The following code example demonstrates how to append content to a new document:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");

      fileName - the file that you are adding as content to the object. Use either a relative or absolute path specification.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • appendFileEx

      void appendFileEx(String fileName, String otherFileName) throws DfException
      Appends new content to an object.

      When you add content to a document, you can append the new file to the end of the document's list of content files or you can insert the file into the list. This method appends the content to the end of the document's list of content files.

      The following code example demonstrates how to append content to a new document:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.newObject("dm_document");

      fileName - the file that you are adding as content to the object. Use either a relative or absolute path specification.
      otherFileName - specifies the resource fork for an object with Macintosh content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • insertContent

      void insertContent(ByteArrayOutputStream content, int pageNumber) throws DfException
      Inserts new content into an object.
      content - specifies the content
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • insertContentEx

      void insertContentEx(ByteArrayOutputStream content, int pageNumber, boolean other) throws DfException
      Inserts new content into an object.
      content - specifies the content
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      other - for files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you want to set a data fork (the file containing the content) or a resource fork. If true, the resource fork is set. If false, the data fork is set. The default is false.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • insertFile

      void insertFile(String fileName, int pageNumber) throws DfException
      Inserts a new content file into an object.
      fileName - Specifies the file that you are adding to the object. Use either an absolute or relative path to specify the file.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • insertFileEx

      void insertFileEx(String fileName, int pageNumber, String otherFileName) throws DfException
      Inserts a new content file into an object.
      fileName - Specifies the file that you are adding to the object. Use either an absolute or relative path to specify the file.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      otherFileName - specifies the resource fork for an object with Macintosh content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • addRendition

      void addRendition(String fileName, String formatName) throws DfException
      Adds a new rendition to the object. This operation is not committed until a save or checkin is performed.

      The following code example demonstrates how to add a Word Perfect rendition to the sysobject:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)session.getObjectByQualification("dm_document where r_object_id='0900d5bb8001f900'");
       sysObj.addRendition("chap_1.wp7", "wp7");;

      fileName - specifies the file that contains the content.
      formatName - specifies the content's file format.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • addRenditionEx

      void addRenditionEx(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, String storageName, boolean atomic) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for adding a new rendition to the object.. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Perform DMCL "addrendition".
      fileName - specifies the file that contains the content.
      formatName - specifies the content's file format.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      storageName - identifies the storage area where you want to store the new rendition..
      atomic - indicates whether you want the changes resulting from the addRendition operation to be saved automatically to the repository. Set this to true to save the changes automatically or false if you want to require an explicit save operation.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • addRenditionEx2

      void addRenditionEx2(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, String storageName, boolean atomic, boolean keep, boolean batch) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for adding a new rendition to the object.. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Perform DMCL "addrendition".
      fileName - specifies the file that contains the content.
      formatName - specifies the content's file format.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If there already exists a rendition with the supplied page_modifier (at the given format and page) the rendition will be overwritten. If null is passed then page_modifier is set to empty string. This argument must be null if the batch argument is true. The argument cannot be "dm_batch" as this is a reserved word.
      storageName - identifies the storage area where you want to store the new rendition..
      atomic - indicates whether you want the changes resulting from the addRendition operation to be saved automatically to the repository. Set this to true to save the changes automatically or false if you want to require an explicit save operation.
      keep - indicates whether this rendition should remain (i.e. not be removed) when the primary content with the same page number is removed or updated.
      batch - indicates whether the fileName argument is a tar-ed file containing a set of content files including a a property file named 'property.txt'. The format of of this property file is as follows (with a blank line separating each file_name entry): file_name='file_name' page_modifier='' parameters='' If a page_modifier specified in the property file exists, the new one will overwrite the old one. If you issue two non-atomic batch addrendition against the same format and page, the new one will replace the old one.
    • addRenditionEx3

      void addRenditionEx3(String fileName, String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, String storageName, boolean atomic, boolean keep, boolean batch, String otherFileName) throws DfException
      This is the extended method for adding a new rendition to the object.. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Perform DMCL "addrendition".
      fileName - specifies the file that contains the content.
      formatName - specifies the content's file format.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If there already exists a rendition with the supplied page_modifier (at the given format and page) the rendition will be overwritten. If null is passed then page_modifier is set to empty string. This argument must be null if the batch argument is true. The argument cannot be "dm_batch" as this is a reserved word.
      storageName - identifies the storage area where you want to store the new rendition..
      atomic - indicates whether you want the changes resulting from the addRendition operation to be saved automatically to the repository. Set this to true to save the changes automatically or false if you want to require an explicit save operation.
      keep - indicates whether this rendition should remain (i.e. not be removed) when the primary content with the same page number is removed or updated.
      batch - indicates whether the fileName argument is a tar-ed file containing a set of content files including a a property file named 'property.txt'. The format of of this property file is as follows (with a blank line separating each file_name entry): file_name='file_name' page_modifier='' parameters='' If a page_modifier specified in the property file exists, the new one will overwrite the old one. If you issue two non-atomic batch addrendition against the same format and page, the new one will replace the old one.
      otherFileName - specifies the resource fork for an object with Macintosh content.
    • getRenditions

      IDfCollection getRenditions(String attrNames) throws DfException
      Runs a query against the dmr_content table to return values for all the page 0 content for this object. Values for renditions are also returned. The attributes listed in attrNames in the form of a comma separated list suitable for inclusion in a DQL select list are returned. If attrNames is null or a zero length String, values for the following default attributes are returned - full_format, content_size, set_time, set_file. Rsults are sorted by the first element in the attrNames.
      a collection of DfTypedObject interfaces.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • removeContent

      void removeContent(int pageNumber) throws DfException
      Deletes content from an object.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • removeRendition

      void removeRendition(String formatName) throws DfException
      Deletes a rendition from the object. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Perform DMCL "removerendition".
      formatName - Defines the format of the file you are removing.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • removeRenditionEx

      void removeRenditionEx(String formatName, int pageNumber, boolean atomic) throws DfException
      Deletes a rendition from the object. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Perform DMCL "removerendition".
      formatName - Defines the format of the file you are removing.
      pageNumber - Identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      atomic - Indicates whether you want the changes that result from the removeRendition operation to be saved automatically to the repository. Set this to true to save the changes automatically or to false to require an explicit save operation.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • removeRenditionEx2

      void removeRenditionEx2(String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, boolean atomic) throws DfException
      Deletes a rendition from the object. This operation is not committed until a save or a checkin is performed. Perform DMCL "removerendition".
      formatName - Defines the format of the file you are removing.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format for a document. If null value is passed then all renditions are removed at the specified page number and format. If you want to remove the rendition with an empty page_modifier value, pass in an empty string value (i.e. '').
      atomic - Indicates whether you want the changes that result from the removeRendition operation to be saved automatically to the repository. Set this to true to save the changes automatically or to false to require an explicit save operation.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • bindFile

      void bindFile(int pageNumber, IDfId srcId, int srcPageNumber) throws DfException
      Binds content associated with an object to another object.
      pageNumber - Specifies the position of the new content in the ordered contents of the target object. Specify 0 if this is the first content for the object.
      srcId - Identifies the object in which the content currently resides.
      srcPageNumber - Identifies which content you want to retrieve. Use the contents page number.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • mount

      @Deprecated void mount(String path) throws DfException
      Sets the content location for an external store object.

      If a client application does not execute the Mount method, but issues a getfile or a getcontent method, then the content will be retrieved on the server side if a server side plugin is available and returned to the client application.

      path - Specifies the path of the external file store.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • addNote

      void addNote(IDfId targetId, boolean keepPermanent) throws DfException
      Adds an annotation (the current IDfSysObject) to the target object.
      targetId - Specifies the id of the sysobject to which the annotation is being added.
      keepPermanent - Indicates whether you want the annotation to remain attached to the document when users version the document.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • removeNote

      @Deprecated void removeNote(IDfId annotationId) throws DfException
      Detaches an annotation from the object. Unlike addNote which is invoked on the dm_note object removeNote is applied to the parent object to which the dm_note has been added. To persist the removal of the note the caller must invoke save on the dm_note object being removed.
      annotationId - Specifies the id of the sysobject from which the annotation is being removed.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getPolicyId

      IDfId getPolicyId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of attached business policy object. This method returns the value of the r_policy_id attribute of the object.
      the object id of attached business policy object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getPolicyName

      String getPolicyName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of attached business policy object.
      the value of the computed attribute _policy_name.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getResumeState

      int getResumeState() throws DfException
      Returns the resume state. This method returns the value of the r_resume_state attribute of the object.
      the resume state
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getResumeStateName

      String getResumeStateName() throws DfException
      Returns the resume state name. This method uses the _resume_state computed attribute.
      the resume state name
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCurrentState

      int getCurrentState() throws DfException
      Returns the current state. This method returns the value of the r_current_state attribute of the object.
      the current state
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCurrentStateName

      String getCurrentStateName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the current state. This method uses the _current_state computed attribute.
      the current state name
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • attachPolicy

      void attachPolicy(IDfId policyId, String state, String scope) throws DfException
      Attaches a business policy object to the object.

      Business policies define object life cycles. Each business policy defines a series of states (such as review or approved) through which an object progresses. A policy includes requirements that must be met before the object can move from one state to the next, actions to be performed before the object enters a state, and postprocessing to perform after entering a new state.

      The following code example demonstrates how to attach a business policy object to a sysobject where the initial state of the lifecycle is defined as "preliminary":

       IDfSysObject busPolicyObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900"));
       sysObj.attachPolicy(busPolicyObj.getObjectId(), "preliminary", "");

      You cannot use this method in a user-defined transaction.

      policyId - the object id of the business policy object.
      state - the state of the business policy. The state can be the position of the state or the state name.
      scope - is the key to the dm_alias_set type for retrieving the alias value mapping defined there.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • detachPolicy

      void detachPolicy() throws DfException
      Detaches an existing business policy object from the object.

      The following code example demonstrates how to detach a business policy object from a sysobject;

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001f900"));

      DfException - if a server error occurs.
      See Also:
    • promote

      void promote(String state, boolean override, boolean fTestOnly) throws DfException
      Promotes the sysobject to the state specified in the state argument. The state can be passed in as the position or the name of the state.

      You cannot use this method in a user-defined transaction.

      state - is the state to which sysobject is to be promoted. If null, the object will be promoted to the next normal state.
      override - optionally, set this to true to force the sysobject to be promoted, regardless of other conditions.
      fTestOnly - set this to true to test if the promote can be done. This will not actually promote the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getPreviousStateName

      String getPreviousStateName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the previous state. This method uses the _previous_state computed attribute.
      the previous state name
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getNextStateName

      String getNextStateName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the next state. This method uses the _next_state computed attribute.
      the next state name
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • canPromote

      boolean canPromote() throws DfException
      Returns whether the sysobject can be promoted from current state to the next state. This is a light weight test at the client side based on the simple rule. The object can be promoted if:
       1. The correct Business Policy is installed and attached.
       2. The objects current state is NOT a terminal state and
                is NOT an exception state.
      true if the object can be promoted, false otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • schedulePromote

      void schedulePromote(String state, IDfTime scheduleDate, boolean override) throws DfException
      Schedules a sysobject to be promoted to the next state on a particular date/time specified by the scheduleDate parameter. This scheduled promotion can be enforced by setting the override parameter to true.
      state - is the state to which sysobject is to be promoted. This is required for schedule promote.
      scheduleDate - is the time and date sysobject will be promoted.
      override - set this to true to force the sysobject's promotion.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • cancelScheduledPromote

      void cancelScheduledPromote(IDfTime scheduleDate) throws DfException
      This will cancel the scheduled promote for the date/time specified in the scheduleDate argument.
      scheduleDate - the date/time used to set the schedule promote.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • canDemote

      boolean canDemote() throws DfException
      Returns whether the object can be demoted from the current state. This is a light weight test at the client side based on the simple rules. The object can be demoted if:
       1. Correct BP is installed and attached.
       2. Objects current state is NOT a base state and is NOT
                an exception state.
       3. "allow_demote" attribute is set to true for the current state.
      true if the object can be demoted, false otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • demote

      void demote(String state, boolean toBase) throws DfException
      This method will demote the sysobject from its current normal state to the previous normal state, or to the base state if the toBase parameter is set to true. If state is not null, the current state should be the state right after the state specified.

      You cannot use this method in a user-defined transaction.

      state - the state to which the sysobject will be demoted. This can be the name of the state or position number.
      toBase - set this to true if sysobject is to be demoted to the base state. If the state is specified with this flag as true, the state should be the base state.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • scheduleDemote

      void scheduleDemote(String state, IDfTime schedule_date) throws DfException
      Schedules the sysobject to demote from its current normal state to the state defined in the state parameter. The state parameter cannot be null in this case.
      state - is the state to which the sysobject will be demoted. This can be the name of the state or the position number.
      schedule_date - represent the date/time used to set the schedule demote for this sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • cancelScheduledDemote

      void cancelScheduledDemote(IDfTime scheduleDate) throws DfException
      This will cancel the scheduled demote of the sysobject at the date/time specifed by scheduleDate.
      scheduleDate - the date/time used to set the demote for this sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • suspend

      void suspend(String state, boolean override, boolean fTestOnly) throws DfException
      Suspends the sysobject from its current state to the exception state. An exception is thrown if no exception state exists for the current normal state.

      You cannot use this method in a user-defined transaction.

      state - if specified, this should be the current state from where the sysobject will be suspended. This can be either the position number or the name of the state.
      override - setting this to true will force the sysobject to suspend.
      fTestOnly - set this to true to test if the suspend can be done. This will not actually suspend the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • canSuspend

      boolean canSuspend() throws DfException
      Returns whether the sysobject can suspend from its current state to the exception state. An exception is thrown if no exception state exists for the current normal state. This is a light weight test at the client side based on the simple rules. The object can be suspended if:
       1. The correct Business Policy is installed and attached.
       2. The objects current state has an exception state.
      true if the object can be suspended, false otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isSuspended

      boolean isSuspended() throws DfException
      Return whether the object is in a suspended state. The object is in a suspended state if:
       1. The correct Business Policy is installed and attached.
       2. The objects current state is an exception state.
      true if the object is in the suspended state, false otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • scheduleSuspend

      void scheduleSuspend(String state, IDfTime scheduleDate, boolean override) throws DfException
      Schedule a suspend of the sysobject from its current state to the exception state at a certain date/time. An exception is thrown if no exception state exists for the current normal state.
      state - this should be the current state from where the sysobject will be suspended. This can be either the position number or the name of the state. This can not be null.
      override - set this to true to force the sysobject's suspension.
      scheduleDate - the date/time used to set the schedule suspend for this sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • cancelScheduledSuspend

      void cancelScheduledSuspend(IDfTime scheduleDate) throws DfException
      This method can be used to cancel a scheduled suspend of the sysobject at a date/time.
      scheduleDate - the date/time at which the sysobject was scheduled for suspension.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • resume

      void resume(String state, boolean toBase, boolean override, boolean fTestOnly) throws DfException
      Resumes the sysobject from an exception state.

      You cannot use this method in a user-defined transaction.

      state - define the state number or the state name from where the sysobject will be resumed. This must be an exception state.
      toBase - set it to true if sysobject is to be resumed to the base state.
      override - set this to true to force the resume.
      fTestOnly - set this to true to test if the resume can be done. This will not actually resume the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • canResume

      boolean canResume() throws DfException
      Returns whether the sysobject can be resumed from an exception state. This is a light weight test at the client side based on the simple rules. The object can be resumed if:
       1. The correct Business Policy is installed and attached.
       2. The objects current state is an exception state.
      true if the object can be resumed, false otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • scheduleResume

      void scheduleResume(String state, IDfTime scheduleDate, boolean toBase, boolean override) throws DfException
      Schedules to resume the sysobject from an exception state to the next state at the specified date/time.
      state - define the state number or the state name from where the sysobject will be resumed from. This must be an exception state.
      scheduleDate - contains the date/time at which the resume will take place.
      toBase - set this to true if the sysobject is to be resumed to the base state.
      override - set this to true to force the resume.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • cancelScheduledResume

      void cancelScheduledResume(IDfTime schedule) throws DfException
      This will cancel a scheduled resume of the sysobject for a certain date/time.
      schedule - represent the date/time which was used to schedule the resume.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isVirtualDocument

      boolean isVirtualDocument() throws DfException
      Returns true if this document should be treated as a virtual document. Always returns true if the document has any virtual or compound children.
      boolean true if this is a virtual document.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setIsVirtualDocument

      void setIsVirtualDocument(boolean is_virtual_doc) throws DfException
      Sets the r_is_virtual_doc attribute for the object. Note that clearing this flag will not autmatically cause isVirtualDocument to return false; isVirtualDocument will return true for as long as there are containment children.
      is_virtual_doc - If true, the document will be treated as a virtual document even if it has no children. If false, the document will not be treated as a virtual document ONLY if it has no children.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAssembledFromId

      IDfId getAssembledFromId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the virtual document that was the source of the assembly associated with the object. This method returns the value of the r_assembled_from_id attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getFrozenAssemblyCount

      int getFrozenAssemblyCount() throws DfException
      Returns a count of the number of frozen assemblies that contain the object. This method returns the value of the r_frzn_assembly_cnt attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getHasFrozenAssembly

      boolean getHasFrozenAssembly() throws DfException
      Returns whether the document's assembly is frozen. This method returns the value of the r_has_frzn_assembly attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getCompoundArchitecture

      String getCompoundArchitecture() throws DfException
      Used by the virtual document manager to determine if the object can be changed. This method returns the value of the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setCompoundArchitecture

      void setCompoundArchitecture(String compoundArchitecture) throws DfException
      Used by the virtual document manager to determine if the object can be changed. This method sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object.

      The a_compound_architecture attribute is used internally by the Documentum clients' Virtual Document Manager (VDM) to determine if the object can be structurally changed in the VDM. If an object's a_compound_architecture attribute is set to any value other than an empty string, VDM assumes the object is read only and does not allow any structural changes in the object.

      compoundArchitecture - specifies if the object can be structurally changed by the virtual document manager
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getResolutionLabel

      String getResolutionLabel() throws DfException
      Returns the default version label used to resolve late-bound nodes of a virtual document. This method returns the value of the resolution_label attribute of the object.
      the resolution label of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setResolutionLabel

      void setResolutionLabel(String label) throws DfException
      Sets the resolution label for the object. This sets the value of the resolution_label attribute of the object.
      label - specifies the resolution label for the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLinkCount

      int getLinkCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of objects linked to the object. This method returns the value of the r_link_cnt attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getLinkHighCount

      int getLinkHighCount() throws DfException
      Returns the current maximum order number assigned to a component. This method returns the value of the r_link_high_cnt attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isLinkResolved

      boolean isLinkResolved() throws DfException
      Returns the a_link_resolved attribute of the object.
      the a_link_resolved attribute
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • setLinkResolved

      void setLinkResolved(boolean linkResolved) throws DfException
      Sets the a_link_resolved attribute of the object.
      linkResolved - specifies the object has been archived.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • appendPart

      IDfId appendPart(IDfId componentId, String versionLabel, boolean useNodeVerLabel, boolean followAssembly, int copyChild) throws DfException
      Appends a document as the last virtual document child of the object.
      componentId - the object id or chronicle id of the document to be appended.
      versionLabel - the version label to use to bind to the new child document.
      useNodeVerLabel - if true, causes any late bound descendents of the child to inherit the early binding of the child.
      followAssembly - if true and an assembly is present for the child document, will cause virtual document operations to use the assembly in place of any virtual or compound descendents.
      copyChild - determines if a new copy of the child should be created when this parent is copied. A value of 0 indicates that the user (caller) will decide. A value of 1 will reference the same child in the newly copied parent. A value of 2 will cause a new copy of the child to be assocaited with the newly copied parent.
      IDfId the object id of the newly created containment object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • insertPart

      IDfId insertPart(IDfId componentID, String versionLabel, IDfId beforeContainmentId, double orderNo, boolean orderNoFlag, boolean useNodeVerLabel, boolean followAssembly, int copyChild) throws DfException
      Inserts a document into the list of virtual child documents for the object.
      componentID - the object id or chronicle id of the document to be inserted.
      versionLabel - the version label to use to bind to the new child document.
      beforeContainmentId - specifies the containment id occupying the position at which the new component should be inserted.
      orderNo - can be used in place of beforeContainmentId to specify the point at which the new child should be inserted.
      orderNoFlag - if true, orderNo will specify the insertion point. If false, beforeContainmentId will specify the insertion point.
      useNodeVerLabel - if true, causes any late bound descendents of the child to inherit the early binding of the child.
      followAssembly - if true and an assembly is present for the child document, will cause virtual document operations to use the assembly in place of any virtual or compound descendents.
      copyChild - determines if a new copy of the child should be created when this parent is copied. A value of 0 indicates that the user (caller) will decide. A value of 1 will reference the same child in the newly copied parent. A value of 2 will cause a new copy of the child to be assocaited with the newly copied parent.
      IDfId the object id of the newly created containment object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • removePart

      void removePart(IDfId containmentId, double orderNo, boolean orderNoFlag) throws DfException
      Removes a virtual document child from the object.
      containmentId - the object id for the dmr_containment representing the child to be removed.
      orderNo - can be used in place of containmentId to specify the part to be removed.
      orderNoFlag - if true, orderNo will specify the part to be removed. If false containmentId will specify the part to be removed.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • updatePart

      void updatePart(IDfId containmentId, String versionLabel, double orderNumber, boolean useNodeVerLabel, boolean followAssembly, int copyChild) throws DfException
      Modifies a child dmr_containment attribute value.
      containmentId - the object id of the dmr_containment to be updated.
      versionLabel - the version label to use to bind to the child document.
      orderNumber - sequence number of this child relative to its siblings.
      useNodeVerLabel - if true, causes any late bound descendants of the child to inherit the early binding of the child.
      followAssembly - if true and an assembly is present for the child document, will cause virtual document operations to use the assembly in place of any virtual or compound descendents.
      copyChild - determines if a new copy of the child should be created when this parent is copied. A value of 0 indicates that the user (caller) will decide. A value of 1 will reference the same child in the newly copied parent. A value of 2 will cause a new copy of the child to be associated with the newly copied parent.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • updatePartEx

      void updatePartEx(IDfId containmentId, String versionLabel, double orderNumber, boolean useNodeVerLabel, boolean followAssembly, int copyChild, String containType, String containDesc) throws DfException
    • assemble

      IDfCollection assemble(IDfId virtualDocId, int interruptFreq, String qualification, String nodesortList) throws DfException
      Creates an assembly and associates it with the object. An implicit transaction is started and left open. The transaction is committed by calling on the returned IDfCollection object. You cannot call this method in a transaction.
      virtualDocId - the object id of the virtual doucment to traverse in the creation of the assembly.
      interruptFreq - specifies how often the system stops the assembly process and turns control back to the caller (via the collection).
      qualification - determines which nodes will be selected for inclusion in the assembly. A qualification is the portion of a DQL SELECT statement that follows "FROM". Pass an empty string to include all nodes.
      nodesortList - comma separated list of attributes on which you want to sort version that are candidates for inclusion in the assembly.
      an IDfCollection interface to the results of the most recently executed query.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • disassemble

      void disassemble() throws DfException
      Disassembles the assembly associated with the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isFrozen

      boolean isFrozen() throws DfException
      Returns whether this object was specifically frozen and is now unchangeable. This method returns the value of the r_frozen_flag attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • freeze

      void freeze(boolean freezeComponents) throws DfException
      Marks an object as unchangeable (and optionally its components), if the object is a virtual document.
      freezeComponents - Indicates whether you want to freeze the components that make up the specified object's assembly as well as the object itself. Set this flag to true to freeze the assembled components as well as the object. This flag is only set if the specified object is a virtual document that has an associated assembly.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • unfreeze

      void unfreeze(boolean thawComponents) throws DfException
      Unfreezes a frozen object, and optionally if the object is a virtual document, it unfreezes the object's associated assembly.
      thawComponents - Indicates whether you want to unfreeze the assembly associated with the specified object. Set this to true to unfreeze the assembly.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • asVirtualDocument

      IDfVirtualDocument asVirtualDocument(String lateBindingValue, boolean followRootAssembly) throws DfException
      Returns a virtual document representation of the object.

      Refer to Server Fundamentals for more information about virtual documents.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain a virtual document representation of an sysobject:

       IDfSysObject sysObjRoot = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       IDfVirtualDocument vDoc = sysObjRoot.asVirtualDocument("CURRENT", false);

      lateBindingValue - the symbolic version label to use to resolve late bound nodes.
      followRootAssembly - if true, the assembly specified by the root node will be used as the "virtual" document.
      a virtual document representation of this sysobject.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getComponentIdCount

      int getComponentIdCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of chronicle IDs of the component documents that make up the virtual document using the computed attribute _componentID.
      the number of chronicle IDs of the component documents that make up the virtual document.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getComponentId

      IDfId getComponentId(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the chronicle id of the component documents that make up the virtual document using the computed attribute _componentID.
      index - specifies the position of the component in the virtual document.
      the chronicle id of the specified component documents that make up the virtual document.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContainIdCount

      int getContainIdCount() throws DfException
      Returns the number of containment objects IDs that link the component document to its containing virtual document using the computed attribute _containID.
      the number of containment objects IDs that link the component document to its containing virtual document.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getContainId

      IDfId getContainId(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the object id of a containment object that link the component document to its containing virtual document using the computed attribute _containID.
      index - specifies the position of the containment object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isReference

      boolean isReference() throws DfException
      Returns whether the object is a reference object. This method returns the value of the i_is_reference attribute of the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getMasterDocbase

      String getMasterDocbase() throws DfException
      Returns the repository id of the repository that owns the object using the computed attribute _master_docbase.
      the repository id of the repository that owns the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • addReference

      IDfId addReference(IDfId folderId, String bindingCondition, String bindingLabel) throws DfException
      Add a reference to the object in another folder. This folder may be in another repository.
      folderId - specifies the folder the reference object is added.
      bindingCondition - the binding condition for the reference object. It can be one of the following 2 values:
            EXACT_ID - the bindingLabel is ignored.
            VERSION_LABEL - the bindingLabel parameter will specify
                            the version label of the object to bind to.
      bindingLabel - the binding label for the reference object.
      the object id of the reference object.
      DfException - if a reference cannot be added or if a server error occurs.
    • refreshReference

      void refreshReference() throws DfException
      Refreshes the reference object. Performs a DMCL "refresh".
      DfException - if this object is not a reference object or if a server error occurs.
    • getRemoteId

      IDfId getRemoteId() throws DfException
      Returns the object id of the remote object.
      the object id of the remote object.
      DfException - if this object is not a reference object or if a server error occurs.
    • getAliasSetId

      IDfId getAliasSetId() throws DfException
      Returns the position of alias-binding scope specified in the associated policy object. The default value is -1. If the sysobject is attached to a policy object and the value of this attribute is -1, then no alias binding is allowed for this sysobject.
      the value of the attribute r_policy_alias_set.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAliasSet

      String getAliasSet() throws DfException
      Returns the symbolic name of the policy alias set. This method uses the _policy_alias_set computed attribute.
      the value of the computed attribute _policy_alias_set.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • resolveAlias

      String resolveAlias(String scopeAlias) throws DfException
      Searches an alias set for a specified alias.
      scopeAlias - the name of the alias you want to search for in the following format: %[scope].alias, where scope is the name of the alias set associated with the sysobject.
      the alias
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • print

      String print(String printer, boolean printCover, boolean saveOutput, int numCopies, int startingContentPage, int endingContentPage) throws DfException
      Prints the object.
      printer - Specifies the printer that you want to use. Use the object name of the output device object that represents the printer. If you do not specify a printer, the default is the system printer.
      printCover - Directs the printer to print a cover page.
      saveOutput - Directs the system to save the postscript output generated by the printing process.
      numCopies - Defines the number of copies that you want to print.
      startingContentPage - Defines the content file with which to start printing.
      endingContentPage - Defines the content file at which to end printing.
      returns the print job's number.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • queue

      IDfId queue(String queueOwner, String event, int priority, boolean sendMail, IDfTime dueDate, String message) throws DfException
      Places the object on a specified queue.

      The following code example demonstrates how to queue an item into a user's inbox:

       IDfSysObject sysObj = (IDfSysObject)sess.getObject(new DfId("0900d5bb8001fd49"));
       IDfTime t = new DfTime("08/09/2000", "mm/dd/yyyy");
       IDfId inboxId = sysObj.queue("tuser","EventName",1,false,time,"Please review.");

      queueOwner - identifies the queue where you want to place the object. Specify the Documentum username of the queue's owner.
      event - provides information to be interpreted by the application about the specified object.
      priority - defines an application- or user-interpreted priority level for the queued item.
      sendMail - directs the server to send an electronic message to the queue's owner notifying the owner that an item has been placed on his or her queue. The notification includes the text of the message argument.
      dueDate - a date for the completion of the work represented by the queued object.
      message - defines a message to the owner of the queue on which you are placing the task.
      returns the id of an inbox object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getHasEvents

      boolean getHasEvents() throws DfException
      Returns whether any users have registered to receive events for the object. This method returns the value of the r_has_events attribute of the object.
      true if users have registered to receive events for the object.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getRouters

      IDfCollection getRouters(String additionalAttributes, String orderBy) throws DfException
      Returns a collection of routers the document participates in. The attributes in the returned collection are router_id + any additional attributes passed in as an argument.
      additionalAttributes - for the query string. The parameter is in the form of a comma delimited string orderBy contains the attribute name to be used for the order by clause
      an IDfCollection interface.
      DfException - if the query failed.
    • getWorkflows

      IDfCollection getWorkflows(String additionalAttributes, String orderBy) throws DfException
      Returns a collection of workflows the document currently participates in. The attributes in the returned collection are r_workflow_id + any additional attributes passed in as an argument
      additionalAttributes - for the query string, and is in the form of a comma delimited string orderBy contains the attribute name to be used for the order by clause
      an IDfCollection interface.
      DfException - if the query failed.
    • getVdmPath

      IDfCollection getVdmPath(IDfId rootId, boolean shortestPath, String versionList) throws DfException
      Returns the path or paths through a virtual document that lead to a particular component.
      rootId - object ID of a virtual document that contains the component. If you include this argument, the method returns only paths that start with the specified virtual document. If null, the method returns all paths to component.
      shortestPath - if TRUE thie method returns only the shortest path to the component. This argument is FALSE by default.
      versionList - Defines one or more version labels to be used to select a version when a late-bound component is encountered in a path. You can specify implicit or symbolic version labels. If you include multiple version labels, separate them with commas in a single string variable.
      IDfCollection The Vdmpath method returns a collection in which each row contains a result object that represents one path to the component. The result objects have four repeating attributes: r_object_id, i_chronicle_id, object_name, and title. The values at corresponding index positions across the attributes represent one node in the path to the component. * @exception DfException if a server error occurs. The following code example demonstrates the usage of this method.

                  IDfCollection collection = null;
                      collection = childSysObj.getVdmPath(null, false, "approved,released");
                      String attributeName = "object_name";
                      while (
                          IDfTypedObject obj = collection.getTypedObject();
                          int count = obj.getValueCount(attributeName);
                          StringBuffer vdmPath = new StringBuffer(64 * count);
                          vdmPath.append(obj.getRepeatingString(attributeName, 0));
                          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                              vdmPath.append(obj.getRepeatingString(attributeName, i));
                          System.out.println(vdmPath.toString()) ;
                  catch(DfException dfc);
                      // Error handling code
                      if (collection != null)
    • getVdmPathDQL

      IDfCollection getVdmPathDQL(IDfId rootId, boolean shortestPath, String parentType, String bindingLabel, String nodeSortBy) throws DfException
      Returns the path or paths through a virtual document that lead to a particular component.
      rootId - object ID of a virtual document that contains the component. If you include this argument, the method returns only paths that start with the speci?ed virtual document. If null, the method returns all paths to component.
      shortestPath - if TRUE thie method returns only the shortest path to the component. This argument is FALSE by default.
      parentType - object type of the parent documents in the paths to the component.if null, the default value set is "dm_sysobject".
      bindingLabel - defines a quali?cation used to select a version when a late-bound component is encountered in the path search. The quali?cation is that part of a DQL SELECT statement that appears after the WHERE clause.
      nodeSortBy - defines a selection criteria for returned versions if more than one version of a late-bound component meets the conditions imposed in binding_condition. Applies only if binding_condition is included.
      IDfCollection The Vdmpath method returns a collection in which each row contains a result object that represents one path to the component. The result objects have four repeating attributes: r_object_id, i_chronicle_id, object_name, and title. The values at corresponding index positions across the attributes represent one node in the path to the component.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getExceptionStateName

      String getExceptionStateName() throws DfException
      Returns the name of the exception state associated with the current state, if any exist. An empty string is returned if there is no associated exception state.
      the exception state name.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • addDigitalSignature

      IDfId addDigitalSignature(String userName, String reason) throws DfException
      Create an audit trail entry that records the signing of a DfSysObject by a user.
      userName - The name of the user who actually signed this DfSysObject or null to indicate the connected user signed.
      reason - Up to 200 characters describing why the document was signed or null.
      The id of the audit audit record this creates.
    • addESignature

      IDfId addESignature(String userName, String password, String signatureJustification, String formatToSign, String hashAlgorithm, String preSignatureHash, String signatureMethodName, String applicationProperties, String passThroughArgument1, String passThroughArgument2) throws DfException
      Electronically sign a sysobject. This method performs the following actions:

      • Verify that Trusted Content Services are enabled.
      • Authenticate the user using the password argument.
      • Verify that the document is checked-in.
      • Validate any pre-existing signatures.
      • Verify that preSignatureHash is valid.

      If any of the prior actions fail then the method fails. Otherwise, a signature page is added to the sysobject content specified in the formatToSign argument. The content is then hashed and the hash is saved in a dm_addesignature audit record. This record is used for later verification of the signed object. If the sysobject content is altered in the future then the signature will no longer verify.

      This method requires that Trusted Content Services are enabled.
      userName - The name of the user who is signing. If empty then the name of the currently logged in user is used.
      password - The password used to authenticate the user.
      signatureJustification - The reason given for signing the document. This text is included on the signature page.
      formatToSign - The content type which will receive the signature page. If empty then 'pdf' is used. A custom signature method must be provided in order to sign formats other than 'pdf'.
      hashAlgorithm - Specifies the hash algorithm to use when hashing the content. Currently only "SHA-1" is supported. If empty then "SHA-1" is used.
      preSignatureHash - A string containing a hash of the document that is being signed. This is used by the server to confirm identity of the document prior to signing. If empty then no check is made. The hash result is represented in hex and formatted along with the hash algorithm and the content format. Currently only "SHA-1" and "pdf" are supported. The string has the form: {SHA-1}/{pdf}:f64d3298b660119d5adbbf03f4eb683bca98b5a1
      signatureMethodName - The name of the server method that will add the signature page. If empty then the default method "esign_pdf" will be used. Custom signature methods can be created and specified here.
      applicationProperties - Used to optionally pass additional signature information to the signature method for inclusion on the signature page. See the server addesignature method documentation for signature page customization details. hashing the content. Currently only "SHA-1" is supported. If empty then "SHA-1" is used.
      passThroughArgument1 - This argument can be used to pass information to custom signature methods. It is unused by the default signature method.
      passThroughArgument2 - This argument can be used to pass information to custom signature methods. It is unused by the default signature method.
      returns the id of the dm_addesignature audit record tha is created.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • verifyESignature

      void verifyESignature() throws DfException
      Verify the signature on an electronically signed sysobject. This method performs the following actions:
      • Verify that Trusted Content Services are enabled.
      • Verify that the object is signed.
      • Verify that the last addesignature audit record for this object is valid.
      • Verify that the signature hash in the audit record matches the object hash.

      If any of the prior actions fail then the method fails.
      DfException - if the signature cannot be verified.
    • getContentAvailability

      IDfContentAvailability getContentAvailability(String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, String networkLocationIdentifier) throws DfException
      Returns content availability settings. This does not guarantee that content can be retrieved.
      formatName - specifies the format in which you want the file.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      networkLocationIdentifier - user network location identifier
      content availability
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • isContentTransferCapabilityEnabled

      boolean isContentTransferCapabilityEnabled(String networkLocationIdentifier, IDfContentTransferCapability capability) throws DfException
      Returns whether content transfer capability is enabled for the object
      networkLocationIdentifier - user network location identifier
      capability - content transfer capability
      true, if capability is enabled, false otherwise.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getAcsRequests

      IDfEnumeration getAcsRequests(String formatName, int pageNumber, String pageModifier, IDfAcsTransferPreferences transferPreferences) throws DfException
      Returns an IDfEnumeration object containing a list of IDfAcsRequest objects. These objects allow accessing content, using ACS and/or BOCS.
      formatName - specifies the format in which you want the file.
      pageNumber - identifies the position of the content when the object has multiple contents; otherwise, use 0.
      pageModifier - uniquely identifies a rendition within the same page number and format. If null is passed then the rendition with an empty page_modifier value is returned. But if there doesn't exist a rendition without a page_modifier and null is passed, then the one with the smallest page_modifier (in alphabetical order) will be returned.
      transferPreferences - IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used.
      IDfEnumeration of IDfAcsRequest objects for the requested content.
      DfException - if a server error occurs.
    • getRetainUntilDate

      IDfTime getRetainUntilDate() throws DfException
      Returns the retain until date for this object.
    • getRetainerCount

      int getRetainerCount() throws DfException
      Return the number of retainers on this object. The returned value does not reflect unsaved changes.
    • getRetainerId

      IDfId getRetainerId(int index) throws DfException
      Return the id of the requested retainer. The returned value does not include unsaved changes.
      index -
    • getContentSize

      long getContentSize(int page, String formatName, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Return the content size according to the page, format and pageModifier of the content
      page - page number of the content
      formatName - format of the content
      pageModifier - pageModifier of the content
      content size of the qualified content
    • getOtherFileSize

      long getOtherFileSize(int page, String formatName, String pageModifier) throws DfException
      Return the other file (resource fork for mac os) size according to the page, format and pageModifier of the content
      page - page number of the content
      formatName - format of the content
      pageModifier - pageModifier of the content
      other file size of the qualified content