Interface IDfVirtualDocument

public interface IDfVirtualDocument
This class contains the functionality to manage virtual documents.
  • Field Details


      static final int ADDED_CHILD
      Added child. The child is added in an assembly if its parent is in an assembly.
      See Also:

      static final int REMOVED_CHILD
      Removed child. The child is removed from an an assembly if its parent is in an assembly.
      See Also:

      static final int COPY_BEHAVIOR_MODIFIED
      Copy behavior modified.
      See Also:

      static final int USE_NODE_VER_LABEL_MODIFIED
      Use Node Ver Label modified.
      See Also:

      static final int FOLLOW_ASSEMBLY_MODIFIED
      Follow assembly modified.
      See Also:

      static final int VERSION_LABEL_MODIFIED
      Version label modified.
      See Also:

      static final int REMOVED_ASSEMBLY
      Removed assembly.
      See Also:

      static final int ASSOCIATED_ASSEMBLY
      Associated assembly with assembly document.
      See Also:

      static final int ASSEMBLY_MODIFIED
      Assembly modified.
      See Also:

      static final int RESYNC_FLAG_ON_DISCONNECT
      Flag value for resync call when a session is about to disconnect. When this flag is passed, the cache is cleared.
      See Also:

      static final int RESYNC_ALL
      Flag value for resync call to change its default behavior. When this flag is passed, all the cache associated cache, that has not changed, is cleared.
      See Also:

      static final int RESYNC_FLAG_ON_REFRESH
      Flag value that can be passed to resync to change its default behavior. When this flag is passed, any assembly and containment cache, that has not changed, is cleared.
      See Also:

      static final int REVERT_ON_RESYNC
      Flag value that can be passed to resync to change its default behavior. If the object is checked out, this forces the object to revert to its prior state.
      See Also:

      static final int DONT_REVERT_ASSEMBLIES
      Flag value that can be passed to resync to change its default behavior. When this flag is passed to resync, any assembly cache associated with the object is not cleared from the VDM cache. (The version label and containment caches are still cleared, however.)
      See Also:

      static final int RESYNC_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY
      Flag value that can be passed to resync to change its default behavior. When this flag is passed to resync, the attribute cache(in VDM) associated with the object is cleared. The containment and assembly cache are not cleared.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addNode

      IDfVirtualDocumentNode addNode(IDfVirtualDocumentNode parentNode, IDfVirtualDocumentNode insertAfterNode, IDfId objectChronId, String binding, boolean followAssembly, boolean overrideLateBindingValue) throws DfException
      Adds a new node to the virtual document.

      Each node represents a component in the virtual document. This method adds a new component to the virtual document. To use this method, the node identified in the parentNode parameter must be checked out.

      The followAssembly and overrideLateBindingValue parameters are only useful if the new component is a virtual document. The followAssembly parameter sets the follow_assembly attribute of the component's associated containment object. The overrideLateBindingValue parameter sets the use_node_ver_label attribute. If the new component is not a virtual document, set these parameters to false.

      For more information about the follow_assembly and use_node_ver_label attributes, refer to Server Fundamentals. This manual also contains information about early and late binding for components.

      parentNode - An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object that is the virtual document to which you are adding the component.
      insertAfterNode - An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object that is the sibling that will immediately precede the new node in the virtual document's hierarchy. If this parameter is null, the new node is placed as the first child of parentNode.
      objectChronId - An IDfId object that contains the chronicle ID of the component being added.
      binding - To early bind the component, specify the version label of the version you want to bind to the virtual document. To late bind the component to the virtual document, specify null.
      followAssembly - Set this to true if you want to set the follow_assembly attribute to true for the component. Otherwise, set this parameter to false.
      overrideLateBindingValue - Set this to true to use the version label identified in binding to resolve late-bound descendents of this component.
      An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object for the newly created node
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • removeNode

      void removeNode(IDfVirtualDocumentNode node) throws DfException
      Removes a node from the virtual document.

      Each node represents a component in the virtual document. This method removes the component from the virtual document. The underlying selected object isn't removed from the repository.

      To use this method, the virtual document that is the direct parent of the node must be checked out.

      node - An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object for the node to be removed
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getRootNode

      IDfVirtualDocumentNode getRootNode() throws DfException
      Returns the node that is the root of the virtual document.

      The root node is the virtual document at the top of a virtual document tree displayed by the Virtual Document Manager.

      An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object for the root node
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getNodeFromNodeId

      IDfVirtualDocumentNode getNodeFromNodeId(IDfId nodeId) throws DfException
      Returns the IDfVirtualDocumentNode interface for the node corresponding to a given node ID.

      Each node in a virtual document tree displayed in a VDM window has a node ID. The ID is unique across all open VDM windows.

      nodeId - An IDfId object that contains the node ID
      An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object for the node matching the specified node ID.
      DfException - if a node matching the specified ID cannot be found
      See Also:
    • setIncludeBrokenBindings

      void setIncludeBrokenBindings(boolean shouldIncludeBroken) throws DfException
      Specifies whether to display nodes with broken bindings using the CURRENT label.

      Broken bindings occur when some user action asks the VDM to display a version of the node that doesn't exist. VDM can display such nodes using the CURRENT version of the node. To require this behavior, execute this method and pass shouldIncludeBroken as true.

      If the setIncludeBrokenBindings flag is set to false, nodes with broken bindings are not displayed.

      shouldIncludeBroken - Set this to true if you want the server to attempt to resolve broken bindings using the CURRENT label. Set this to false to omit nodes with broken bindings.
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getIncludeBrokenBindings

      boolean getIncludeBrokenBindings() throws DfException
      Indicates whether nodes with broken bindings are included in the display.

      Broken bindings occur when some user action asks the VDM to display a version of the node that doesn't exist. If the setIncludeBrokenBindings(boolean) flag is set to true, VDM displays nodes with broken bindings using the CURRENT version of the node.

      true if nodes with broken bindings are being resolved using the CURRENT label; false if broken nodes are being omitted
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • resetSelectedVersionsFromBinding

      void resetSelectedVersionsFromBinding() throws DfException
      Clears temporary object selections and resets all node object selections based on their defined bindings.

      Use this method to clear any node changes made through IDfVirtualDocumentNode.setSelectedVersion(java.lang.String). The temporary node selections are cleared and the nodes are reset based on their defined bindings.

      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • resync

      void resync(IDfSession session, IDfId objectId, int flags) throws DfException
      Flushes all node information and synchronizes cached object attributes with the repository.

      Calling resync for a node throws away all children of the node. After a resync, node IDs issued for the node and its children prior to the call are no longer valid. You must re-execute IDfVirtualDocumentNode.getId() to obtain new node IDs for the children.

      session - An IDfSession object for the current session
      objectId - An IdfId object containing the object ID of the node you want to resynchronize.
      flags - Optional flags that can be passed to change the default behavior of resync. You should pass 0 to get the default behavior. By default, if the object is checked out, calling resync does not clear the VDM cache. This behavior can be altered by passing either REVERT_ON_RESYNC or DONT_REVERT_ASSEMBLIES as the flag value.
      DfException - if the server returns an error
      See Also:
    • getId

      IDfId getId()
      Returns a unique identifier for the current VDM window.

      Each open VDM window is assigned a unique identifier.

      An IDfId object that contains the identifier for the current window.
    • getUniqueObjectIdCount

      int getUniqueObjectIdCount() throws DfException
      Returns the count of the unique object IDs in the current virtual document.

      Each node in a virtual document represents a repository object. However, any given repository object can appear in more than one node. This method returns a count of the number of different objects represented by the nodes in the virtual document. Repository objects represented by more than one node are only counted once by this method.

      A count of the unique object IDs in the current virtual document
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getUniqueObjectId

      IDfId getUniqueObjectId(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the object ID of the object at the specified index.

      When you execute getUniqueObjectIdCount(), the method returns the number of unique object IDs in the virtual document. It also stores the object IDs in an internal structure. By providing the index into that structure as a parameter in getUniqueObjectId, you can obtain the object ID for that object. Index values begin at 0.

      For example:

       int count=virtualDocument.getUniqueObjectIdCount();
       for(int index=0; index < count; i++)
            IDfId id = virtualDocument.getUniqueObjectId(index);
            // use ID...
      index - The index value that identifies the object whose ID you want to obtain
      An IDfId object that contains the object ID
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • addChangeDescription

      void addChangeDescription(int code, IDfId objectId, String contextTag, String description) throws DfException
      Records a change made to a node.

      Certain key changes to the virtual document tree, such as adding or removing a node or changing a node's binding, are recorded in IDfChangeDescription objects. Each IDfChangeDescription object represents one change.

      code - Set this to the change description code corresponding to the change description string.
      objectId - An IDfId object that contains the object ID of the object affected by the change. (Each node represents a repository object that is a component of the virtual document.)
      contextTag - Set this to the virtual document tree identifier
      description - The text description of the change
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • removeChangeDescription

      void removeChangeDescription(IDfId objectId) throws DfException
      Removes the change or changes made to a node.

      This method removes all the change description records that affect a given node, or object, in the virtual document tree.

      objectId - An IDfId object for the object whose changes you want to remove
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • removeAllChangeDescriptions

      void removeAllChangeDescriptions(String contextTag) throws DfException
      Removes all the changes made in a particular VDM window.

      If the contextTag parameter is specified as an empty string, the method removes all the changes made for all open VDM windows.

      contextTag - Identifies the VDM window. If this is an empty string, all the changes are removed for all open VDM windows.
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getChangeDescriptionCount

      int getChangeDescriptionCount() throws DfException
      Returns a count of the changes made in all open VDM windows.

      The count of the changes
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getChangeDescription

      IDfChangeDescription getChangeDescription(int index) throws DfException
      Returns the change description at a given index position.

      The value for the index parameter for this method is derived from the count returned by getChangeDescriptionCount(). Index positions begin at 0 and increment by 1 up to the total count returned by getChangeDescriptionCount.

      index - Identifies the index position of the change description
      An IDfChangeDescription object that contains the change description
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • setNumberingScheme

      void setNumberingScheme(IDfVDMNumberingScheme scheme) throws DfException
      Defines the numbering scheme for the virtual document display.

      scheme - An IDfVDMNumberingScheme object for the desired numbering scheme
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • find

      IDfVirtualDocumentNode find(IDfVirtualDocumentNode startNode, String searchString, String attributeList, int flags) throws DfException
      Returns the node corresponding to a specified search string.

      This method searches the values in a specified list of attributes for the specified search string. The search begins at the node identified in startNode. The attributes to be searched are specified in attributeList. The search string is defined in searchString.

      startNode - An IDfVirtualDocument object representing the node at which the search is started
      searchString - Identifies the string for which you are searching
      attributeList - Set this to a comma-separated list of attributes on which to conduct the search
      flags - Defines the settings for find. Pass 0 to obtain the default settings. The default settings are that the search is case insensitive and is performed on the attributes in the order in which they are listed in attributeList. To obtain non-default settings, you must customize the implementation of this method.
      An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object corresponding to the search string
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getNumberingScheme

      IDfVDMNumberingScheme getNumberingScheme() throws DfException
      Returns the numbering scheme for the virtual document.

      An IDfVDMNumberingScheme object corresponding to the numbering scheme
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • addNodeToNode

      IDfVirtualDocumentNode addNodeToNode(IDfVirtualDocumentNode parentNode, IDfVirtualDocumentNode insertAfterNode, IDfVirtualDocumentNode nodeToAdd) throws DfException
      Adds a node to another node in the display.

      This method is only valid if the node being added and the target node are virtual documents.

      parentNode - An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object identifying the node to which you are adding the new node
      insertAfterNode - An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object identifying the node that will immediately precede the new node in the display
      nodeToAdd - An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object identifying the node you are adding
      An IDfVirtualDocumentNode object for the new node
      DfException - if the server returns an error
    • getProperties

      IDfProperties getProperties()
      Returns an interface to the DfProperties object owned by this virtual document. This may be used to set and get application-specific properties on this object.
      An IDfProperties object associated with this virtual document.