Interface IDfAttr

public interface IDfAttr
This interface provides access to the following information about attributes: name, length, type and whether an attribute is repeating.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The boolean datatype.
    static final int
    The double datatype.
    static final int
    The object ID datatype.
    static final int
    The integer datatype.
    static final int
    The string datatype.
    static final int
    The time, or date, datatype.
    static final int
    The undefined datatype.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves the number of characters that will fit in the attribute for a given string.
    Retrieves the datatype of an attribute.
    Retrieves the maximum number of bytes in a string attribute.
    Retrieves the name of an attribute.
    Indicates whether an attribute is repeating.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getLength

      int getLength()
      Retrieves the maximum number of bytes in a string attribute.
      the maximum number of bytes in a string attribute. 0 is returned for all non-string attributes.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Retrieves the name of an attribute.
      the name of the attribute
    • getDataType

      int getDataType()
      Retrieves the datatype of an attribute.

      The following list specifies the dataype corresponding to all return values.

       Value    Datatype
       0        Boolean
       1        Integer
       2        String
       3        ID
       4        Time, or date
       5        Double
       6        Undefined
      Note: This method can return unexpected values. The datatype it returns for an attribute that is part of a query collection is the type that Content Server returns. This may differ from the datatype that the IDfSysObject interface specifies for that attribute. The type returned may vary with the server’s underlying relational database. Workaround: Structure your application in such a way that you do not need to invoke this method.
      an integer representing the datatype of the attribute. The possible return values are DM_BOOLEAN, DM_INTEGER, DM_STRING, DM_ID, DM_TIME, DM_DOUBLE, and DM_UNDFINED.
    • isRepeating

      boolean isRepeating()
      Indicates whether an attribute is repeating.
      TRUE if the attribute is repeating; FALSE if it is not.
    • getAllowedLength

      int getAllowedLength(String value)
      Retrieves the number of characters that will fit in the attribute for a given string.
      value - specifies the string for evaluation. The value could not be a null.
      value indicates the position in the string that truncation would occur.
    • getId

      String getId()
    • isQualifiable

      boolean isQualifiable()