Interface IDfOperationNode

All Known Subinterfaces:
IDfCancelCheckoutNode, IDfCheckinNode, IDfCheckoutNode, IDfCopyNode, IDfDeleteNode, IDfExportNode, IDfImportNode, IDfMoveNode, IDfPredictiveCachingNode, IDfValidationNode, IDfXMLTransformNode

public interface IDfOperationNode
Represents a node in an operation. IDfOperationNode is the base interface for all derived nodes.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      IDfId getId() throws DfException
      Returns a unique identifier for this node. This is not a repository object id, but rather an identifier for the node object.
      a unique identifier for this node.
    • getParent

      IDfOperationNode getParent() throws DfException
      Returns the node that is the immediate parent of this node. Returns null for root level nodes.
      node that is the immediate parent of this node or null if this is a root node.
    • getChildren

      IDfList getChildren() throws DfException
      Returns a list of the immediate children of this node. The list can be empty if there are no children for this node.
      list of immediate children of this node.
    • isRoot

      boolean isRoot() throws DfException
      Returns true if this node is a root level node (has no parent).
      true if this node is a root level node, false if this node has a parent.
    • getOperation

      IDfOperation getOperation()
      Returns the operation of which this node is a part. A node is part of exactly one operation.
      operation of which this node is a part.
    • getProperties

      IDfProperties getProperties() throws DfException
      Returns the properties of this node. All of the node's state is encapsulated in the returned properties. The IDfProperties interface is not a copy of the node's properties, but the actual properties themselves. This means that changes made though the interface returned from this method can impact node behavior. Most properties of an operation node are considered internal implementation details. However, there are a couple of special properties you might want to manipulate. Please note that, while Documentum strives for release to release compatibility for properties, they are more subject to change than are the DFC COM interfaces. The properties listed here will likely migrate to the official COM interfaces in future DFC releases.

       "AddDCTMObjectXMLAttrs" - Cause object ID and status attributes to be written to the XML
       chunk points when exporting or checking out an XML instance. This is a boolean property
       that can be set on either the operation as a whole, or for individual operation nodes.
       "TemplateForNewObject" - For import (or check-in operations referencing new objects),
       this property sets a template object to use when creating the docbase object for this node.
       Setting this value will trigger a copy (saveasnew) of the template object, instead of
       creating a new repository object from scratch. Using a template allows attributes
       set on the template object to be inherited as default values for the new repository object.
       The value for this property must be an IDfSysObject.
      property settings for this node.
    • getEdgeProperties

      IDfProperties getEdgeProperties() throws DfException
      Retuns the propertes of the edge between this node and its immediate parent.
      properties of the parent edge for this node.
    • getPersistentProperties

      IDfProperties getPersistentProperties()
      Retuns the bag of properties (attribute values) that will be stored persistently with the assocated repository object. These can be any of the object's type attributes like "title", "subject", custom attributes, etc...
      properties of the parent edge for this node.