Interface IDfCopyOperation

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfCopyOperation extends IDfOperation
IDfCopyOperation performs a copy of one or more nodes. This includes creating new repository objects,setting new object names, linking the new objects to appropriate destination folder, and fixing relationships.

IDfSysObject, IDfFolder, and IDfVirtualDocument objects can be added to a copy operation. Folder and virtual document objects are copied deep (that is, their contents are copied recursively). When copying a folder, sub-folder structure is retained in the new copy.

  • Field Details


      static final int COPY_UNSPECIFIED
      Documentum internal use
      See Also:

      static final int COPY_REFERENCE
      Reference existing children when virtual document is copied.
      See Also:

      static final int COPY_COPY
      Create new copies of referenced children when virtual document is copied.
      See Also:

      static final int COPY_OPTION_PERFORM_MOVE
      Documentum internal use
      See Also:

      Documentum internal use
      See Also:

      Documentum internal use
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCopyPreference

      int getCopyPreference() throws DfException
      Returns an integer representing the copy option settings for the operation.

      Possible values are:

            1 COPY_REFERENCE - Reference existing children when parent is copied.
            2 COPY_COPY - Create new copies of referenced children when parent is copied.
      an int representing the copy option settings for the operation.
    • getCopyOptionsFlag

      int getCopyOptionsFlag() throws DfException
      Returns the current copy option settings. These are intended for internal use.

      Currently there are three choices:

       1 COPY_OPTION_PERFORM_MOVE to indicate that the copy is performed on behalf of move.
       2 COPY_OPTION_DONT_MARK_SYMBOLIC_LABELS to specify that when the copy of object is done, don't copy
       the symbolic labels of the original object.
       3 COPY_OPTIONS_PERFORM_MOVE_AND_DONT_MARK_SYMOLIC_LABELS to specify both,perform move
       and dont mark symbolic labels on the copy object
      an int representing the present copy operation options.
    • getDestinationFolderId

      IDfId getDestinationFolderId() throws DfException
      Returns the repository object ID of the destination folder for the copy operation. This is the folder where, by default, new objects will be created. The folder location may be overridden for individual nodes using setDestinationFolderId() of DfOperationNode.
      repository ID of the default destination folder for the operation.
      See Also:
    • setDestinationFolderId

      void setDestinationFolderId(IDfId folderId) throws DfException
      Sets the repository object ID for the destination folder for the copy operation. This is the folder where, by default, new objects will be created. The folder location may be overridden for individual nodes using setDestinationFolderId() of DfOperationNode.
      folderId - - IDfId destination repository folder / cabinet Id.
      See Also:
    • getDeepFolders

      boolean getDeepFolders() throws DfException
      When working with folders, copy the folder and all of its descendants. Boolean value. False indicates just copy the root folder. True indicates copy folder and its descendants. Default is true.
      true if deep copy of folder needs to be performed, false otherwise.
    • setDeepFolders

      void setDeepFolders(boolean deepFolders) throws DfException
      When working with folders, copy the folder and all of its descendants. Boolean value. False indicates just copy the root folder. True indicates copy folder and its descendants. Default is true.
      deepFolders - true if deep copy of folder needs to be performed, false otherwise.
    • getObjects

      IDfList getObjects() throws DfException
      Returns the list of unique objects in this operation. Each entry in the list is an IDfSysobject.
      returns the list of unique objects in this operation
      See Also:
    • getNewObjects

      IDfList getNewObjects() throws DfException
      Returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation. Each entry in the list is an IDfSysObject.
      returns the list of unique new objects created as a result of this operation.
      See Also:
    • setCopyPreference

      void setCopyPreference(int copyPreference)
      Sets an integer representing the copy option settings for the operation.

      Possible values are:

            1 COPY_REFERENCE - Reference existing children when parent is copied.
            2 COPY_COPY - Create new copies of referenced children when parent is copied.
      Default is COPY_COPY
      copyPreference - int representing the copy preference settings for the operation.
    • setRetainStorageAreas

      void setRetainStorageAreas(boolean retainStorageAreas)
      Determine if the storage area of the primary content and renditions for the new object should be the same as the original objects rather than the default storage area set for the primary content of the new object. i.e. if the original object has rendition A in storage A and rendition B in storage B, then the new object's renditions must be in similar storage.

      True indicates that storage area of the renditions and primary content of the new object should be the same as the original object. Default is false.

      retainStorageAreas - true if the storage area of the renditions and primary content of the new object should be the same as the original object, false otherwise.
    • shouldRetainStorageAreas

      boolean shouldRetainStorageAreas()
      Determine if the storage area of the primary content and renditions of the new object should be the same as the original objects rather than the default storage area set for the primary content of the new object; that is, if the original object has rendition A in storage A and rendition B in storage B, then the new object's renditions must also be in similar storage.
      true if the storage area of the renditions and primary content of the new object is set to be same as the original object, false otherwise.