Interface IDfCheckoutOperation

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IDfCheckoutOperation extends IDfOperation
The checkout operation obtains a repository lock, downloads the local content file, patches compound references (for example, XML external entity references), and creates registry entries for each node in the operation.

IDfSysObject, IDfVirtualDocument, and IDfVirtualDocumentNode objects may be added to a checkout operation. If a virtual document is added, the entire graph of the virtual document will be processed as part of the operation.

Any objects added to the checkout operation that are already checked out will not be processed. No error is returned for previously checked out objects.

Compound document references will be patched during checkout. For example, if an XML file that has a link to an image file is checked out, the path to the image file will be updated in the parent XML document as a part of the checkout operation. The same is true for OLE compound documents, such as a Word document that has an OLE link to an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Method Details

    • getDestinationDirectory

      String getDestinationDirectory() throws DfException
      Returns the file system directory path that is the default output location for the outbound content files. This can be overridden for individual operation nodes by calling DfOutboundNode.setDestinationDirectory().
      file system directory path.
    • setDestinationDirectory

      void setDestinationDirectory(String dirPath) throws DfException
      Sets the file system directory path that is the default output location for the outbound content files. This can be overridden for individual operation nodes by calling DfOutboundNode.setDestinationDirectory().
      dirPath - file system directory path.
    • getDefaultDestinationDirectory

      String getDefaultDestinationDirectory() throws DfException
      Returns the default file system directory path that is the output location for the outbound content files. Operations such as checkout default to a user-specified directory that can be obtained from this method.
      default file system directory path.
    • getObjects

      IDfList getObjects() throws DfException
      Returns the list of unique objects in this operation. Each entry in the list is an IDfSysObject.
      returns the list of unique objects in this operation
      See Also:
    • setIncludeExternalReferences

      void setIncludeExternalReferences(boolean includeExternalRefs)
      If you do not want any external references(for example, images) downloaded, set this to false. Any node that is not an inline entity(for example, a chunk) will not be downloaded. The link reference will be patched with a DRL. The default value is true.
      includeExternalRefs - if false, the external references will not be downloaded.
    • enableManageApplicationSupportDocuments

      void enableManageApplicationSupportDocuments(boolean shouldManageAppSuppDocs)
      If you do not want Documentum to manage any of the documents in the Application Support Documents set this to false. If the exported file references a DTD or schema, the reference(SYSTEM ID or schemaLocation) will be patched to the object name of the DTD in the repository. The DTD would not be downloaded to the file system.

      It is the responsibility of the caller to download the DTD at the required location. The user can use setXMLSystemId to patch the DTD to the required location. The default value is true.

      shouldManageAppSuppDocs - if false, the documents in Application Support Documents folder will not be downloaded.
      See Also:
    • setBaseFolder

      void setBaseFolder(String cabinetFolderPath, String linkBase)
      Normally, when an XML virtual document is exported without its descendants, external references are patched as DRLs. Use this method to specify an alternative path for patching. Specify the repository cabinetFolderPath to patch to the desired location. If linkbase is also provided, it will be prepended to the cabinet/folder path.
      cabinetFolderPath - the cabinet/folder path where the external references need to be patched
      linkBase - the linkbase to be prepended to the cabinet/folder path.
    • setXMLSystemId

      void setXMLSystemId(String dtdPath)
      Allows the user to specify the dtd path to patch in the xml content. Note that the dtd would not be downloaded to the location specified in the dtdPath. It is the responsibility of the user to download the dtd to the required location.
      dtdPath - the path where the dtd needs to be patched
    • setXMLSchemaLocation

      void setXMLSchemaLocation(String schemaLocation)
      Allows the user to specify the schema location to patch in the xml content.
      schemaLocation - the location where the schema needs to be patched
    • getMacOption

      int getMacOption()
      Returns the setting for Macintosh handling for this operation.

      Possible values include:

                      IGNORE_RESOURCE_FORK - No resource fork is output, even if the
                                       resource fork is present in the repository
                      USE_RESOURCE_FORK_IF_AVAILABLE - Resource fork is downloaded only if one is
                                                 already available in repository.
                      REQUIRE_RESOURCE_FORK - Resource fork is required. An error is generated if
                                        the resource fork is not available in the repository.
                      GENERATE_RESOURCE_FORK - A resource fork is generated if it is not explicitly
      the setting for Macintosh handling for this operation. If no Macintosh option is set via setMacOption(), then RESOURCE_FORK_UNDEFINED is returned.
      DFC 5.2.5
    • setMacOption

      void setMacOption(int option)
      Sets the Macintosh behavior options for this operation. The appledouble option can be overridden for individual nodes using setMacOption of IDfCheckoutNode

      Possible values include:

                      IGNORE_RESOURCE_FORK - No resource fork is output, even if the
                                       resource fork is present in the repository
                      USE_RESOURCE_FORK_IF_AVAILABLE - Resource fork is downloaded only if one is
                                                 already available in the repository.
                      REQUIRE_RESOURCE_FORK - Resource fork is required. An error is generated if
                                        the resource fork is not available in the repository
                      GENERATE_RESOURCE_FORK - A resource fork will be generated if it is not explicitly
      DFC 5.2.5
    • setDownloadContent

      void setDownloadContent(boolean downloadContent)
      If you do not want to download content, set this to false. The default value is true.
      downloadContent - if false the content will not be downloaded.
    • shouldDownloadContent

      boolean shouldDownloadContent()
      Returns false if download content is set to false, true otherwise. The default value is true.
      false if download content is set to false, true otherwise.
      DFC 5.3
    • setExportDescendants

      void setExportDescendants(boolean exportDescendants)
      Causes the root object to be checked out, but not the descendants, when a virtual document is added to the operation. The descendants are downloaded as read-only. Pass true to download descendants but not check them out. The dafault is to download and checkout descendants.
      exportDescendants - if true, the root object will be checked out, but not the descendants.
    • setXMLFileEncoding

      void setXMLFileEncoding(String encoding)
      Allows the user to checkout XML files in a particular encoding. This method allows the user to indicate the encoding in which they would like to have the document returned. The document (including the encoding declaration) will be returned in the specified encoding. Any characters that are not available in the given encoding will be represented as numeric entities.
      encoding - the encoding in which the document needs to be checked out.
    • getAcsTransferPreferences

      IDfAcsTransferPreferences getAcsTransferPreferences()
      Returns the IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used.
      IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used
      5.3 sp1.
    • setAcsTransferPreferences

      void setAcsTransferPreferences(IDfAcsTransferPreferences acsTransferPreferences)
      Sets the IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used.
      acsTransferPreferences - IDfAcsTransferPreferences object to be used
      5.3 sp1.