All Classes and Interfaces

This abstract provider provides DFC session operation.
This abstract provider additionally provides client token utility.
The abstract class for resource controllers.
This abstract class has default implementation for JSON field deserializer.
This abstract class has default implementation for JSON field serializer.
This abstract class has default implementation for XML field deserializer.
This abstract class has default implementation for XML field serializer.
abstraction for linkable
Provides a convenient base class for creating a customize Documentum REST Services logout authentication scheme.
Abstract uri template.
Provides a convenient base class for creating a customize Documentum REST Services authentication scheme.
AccessorPermission identify users and groups and define their object-level permissions to the object with which the ACL is associated.
The Access Control List manager.
Acl object is applied to a repository object to define object-level security, or to a folder for use in folder security
Convert DFC object IDfACL to Core REST model(PermissionSetObject)
Static Map for Admin Methods
Binding processor for the annotated field.
This is an interface for defining the behavior to deserialize the serializable field.
This is an interface for defining the behavior to serialize the serializable field.
An implementation of Spring message converter which reads and writes JSON messages for the annotated models.
An implementation of StreamingMessageReader which reads the JSON message and parse it as the annotated model instance.
An implementation of StreamingMessageWriter which writes the JSON message from the annotated model instance.
An implementation of Spring message converter which reads and writes XML messages for the annotated models.
An implementation of StreamingMessageReader which reads the XML message and parse it as the annotated model instance.
An implementation of StreamingMessageWriter which writes the XML message from the annotated model instance.
An annotation used on a controller class to make this resource anonymously accessible.
The environment of current application.
JSON field reader for array data type.
The aspect manager.
aspect type resource
Attribute dependencies resource
Attribute dependencies resource
Atom author
Atom content
Atom entry
Atom feed
Attribute info of TypeObject, it is meta data of attribute.
This is a utility, which copies all the attributes from source PersistentObject to target one
Filter the attributes for a target object
A utility to handle attribute value
A class representing the 'view expression' client provides.
The name for the view.
Enabling conditional Java web security configurations for classes extending from AbstractWebSecurity.
Authentication types supported by the persistence layer.
The URI factory to build resource URIs from templates.
This class provides the basic information for an URI.
Beans for HTTP basic authentication.
A list of basic types defined for REST API.
The batch manager.
Cabinet object
Enum for checkin policies
Data model for Documentum Client Token.
Token fields for client token
Client token authentication token
A factory to create, encrypt and decrypt client token.
Filter to set response cookies and headers for authenticated client token authentication token
Filter to logout for client token cookie/header
Filter to logout for client token cookie
A typed parameter group for the common collection parameters used on the controller.
A collection data result for the query.
since 7.2
since 7.2
since 7.2
An interface to compress and decompress binaries.
Enum for type of constraint validation.
The content data source of the content object
A contentful sysobject
The content manager to manage the content stream on the sysobject.
class for primary content and rendition metadata
The content metadata manager to manage the content metadata on the sysobject
A context holder can contains the information for an authenticated security context.
An interface to provide the functions to get the context DFC session.
Callable operation with automatically assigning the session
rel value of LinkRelation is part of the contract between client and server, and should NOT be changed at will
An interface to encrypt or decrypt binaries.
use Crypto instead.
CSRF exception caused by client side CSRF generation
The CSRF token handler as a Spring bean
Default security runtime properties values.
CSRF exception caused by server side CSRF generation
A utility to handle CSRF token
CSRF exception caused by CSRF token validation
Beans for Client Token authentication.
The data source model to replace javax.activation, since the javax.activation is deprecated
An annotation used on a view class to bind the linkable or entryable view with query types and the model class.
This class is used for formatting/parsing date time according to ISO 8601.
The default view implementation for a feed resource.
This class is a default implementation RepositoryContextCleaner.
Default security runtime properties values.
Provide default values for query strings in the typed parameter TypedParam Use either "value" or "provider" to set a default value for the query parameter; if the default value is a constant, set it via "value" field; otherwise, implement your own ValueProvider to provide the default value for the query parameter programmatically.
Default value for AttributeInfo
This is the default JSON deserializer for serializable field.
This is the delayed JSON serializer for serializable field.
This is the default XML deserializer for serializable field.
This is the delayed XML serializer for serializable field.
Enum for delete version policies
DFC session utility.
Convert Core REST attribute value to DFC model
Validator for the value used as IDfValue
Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to digest message consumed from the conditional headers, like If-None-Match or If-Match, for a web request.
Display config resource
Enum for dml view parameter
Document resource
Utility to build DQL
please use
Translate a search expression into a boolean expression that can be used within DQL where clause
Abstract class for resource representation views that could be represented as atom entry.
JSON field reader for complex object data type.
JSON field writer for simple data type.
XML field reader for serializable entry.
XML field writer for null data.
Abstract class for resource representation views that could be represented as atom feed
An annotation used on a feed view class to bind entryable view classes and the feed type.
Folder link resource
The folder links manager to link, unlink and move objects across folders.
Folder resource
Format resource
The format manager.
An abstract query template to build DQL for collection without pagination.
The group manager.
Group resource
Hints of Home Doc resource
Home Doc resource for JSON
Resource in HomeDocJSON.ResourceEntry of Home Document
Resource Entry in Home Document for JSON
Model of Home Document
Resource in Home Document
Home Doc resource for XML
Resource in Home Document for XML
the wrapper which wrap an IDfSession, and able to be closed
An utility to generate (value, constant name) map for enum types which implement IntegerValue
A unified interface for enum type with integer type value to implement.
The job manager.
Job resource
An utility to make keys and digests for input objects.
use LinkableView instead
Lifecycle resource
The lifecycle manager
Lifecycle State resource
The lightweight object manager.
Model of link
Abstract class for resource representation views that contain link relations.
IANA registered link relations Refer the link for details:
JSON field writer for list data type.
XML field writer for list data.
JSON field reader for map data type.
JSON field writer for map data type.
XML field reader for java map.
XML field writer for null data.
A helper class to check the information within a media type.
Enum for media URL policies
The message bundle which loads all available properties files from 'classpath*:com/emc/documentum/rest/messages/rest-*messages*.properties'
Whether the request may not have the metadata.
The Method manager
Method Object
MIME type format mapping configuration
Created by vellur on 1/16/2020.
Created by vellur on 1/14/2020.
Created by vellur on 1/22/2020.
A name path coder to encode and decode a textural name when the name is used in the URI path.
Network location resource
JSON field writer for null data.
XML field writer for null data.
Object aspects resource
The object collection manager that gets objects by DQL.
JSON field reader for complex object data type.
JSON field writer for object data type.
XML field reader for serializable object.
XML field writer for null data.
Object lifecycle resource
A persistent object manager.
A persistent type utility.
A page class provides all the information for the paginated items.
Fetch a page of data via DQL using the paged query template.
Fetch a page of persistent data via DQL using the paged query template.
The paged query data retriever provides users a simple implementation to execute a template query and convert the query result into the user defined data model class.
An abstract paged query template to build DQL for a paginated collection.
The URI info for pagination.
A class to paginate items based on the page size.
The runtime configuration for pagination settings where the settings are loaded from the classpath resource ''.
A typed parameter group for the common pagination parameters used on the controller.
Permission definition
Permission set object represents a set of user permissions to an specified object.
The runtime configuration for persistence settings where the settings are loaded from the classpath resource ''.
The runtime configuration for persistence context settings where the settings are loaded from the classpath resource ''.
Default implementation of persistent data view.
Persistent object resource.
The preference manager.
Persistent object resource.
Product info resource
A builder to construct the DQL qualification.
The query engine to execute a DQL query and return as a list of PersistentObject.
A DQL query executor to run a DQL with the given DFC session.
Annotation used for the simple query parameter on the controller method or within a parameter group.
Query parameter names
Model of query result item
Convert for query result set
Enum for query type
The relation manager.
Relation resource
Enum for relation roles
The relation type manager.
Model for relation type metadata
Model for repository resource
An interface used in AnonymousAccess to assign a certain cleaner for the context cleaning.
A repository context holder contains the user credentials and other information for an authenticated security context.
An interface used in AnonymousAccess to assign a certain initializer for context initialization.
The repository manager.
An interface to provide the functions to get the DFC session.
An interface to provide the functions to create, get and remove DFC session managers.
Annotation used for the UriInfo parameter on the controller method.
Builder to build the URI based on a given resource or a custom URI template.
Since 7.3, this class is moved to package
An annotation used on a controller class or a controller method to bind the view definition to the resource operation output.
This class is used to override the addDefaultHeaders to support MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM content-type header, as the Spring does not support it since 4.2.3
Abstract class to include a BindingConfig.
This class represents exception caused by REST client
Model for Rest Error info, which is the error info shown to users
A builder to build the REST error from a generic exception.
This class is an general exception used to check if a certain rest service is available or not.
The REST service exception class transforms a DfException or a DfRuntimeException into a REST error representation.
The runtime configuration for sanitizer settings where the settings are loaded from the classpath resource ''.
Scope config resource
The annotation defined on a Java class field for marshalling and unmarshalling.
It is only for default value of SerializableField.defaultImpl()
The annotation defined on a Java List or Array field for custom marshalling and unmarshalling.
The annotation defined on a Java Map field for custom marshalling and unmarshalling.
Metadata for a serializable field in a class.
Annotation that can be used to mark a class as a serializable REST representation.
Visibility of the field in marshalling.
Model for server info in repository resource
An abstract class containing the autowired bean of the RepositorySession.
JSON field reader for simple data type.
JSON field writer for simple data type.
XML field reader for simple data type.
XML field writer for null data.
Simple URI template with normalization.
A typed parameter group for the common single resource parameters used on the controller.
JSON field reader for unrecognized token.
XML field reader for unrecognized token.
The definition for an ordered attribute in the order specification
The sort specification for object attributes.
An interface to read a message input stream and return it as a model instance.
An interface to write the model instance as the message output stream.
A class that holds all supported media types and their format extensions
Model sys object resource in the repository.
The sysobject manager.
This annotation is used on resource controllers that are designed to provide clients with link relations as URI templates e.g.
Convert DFC objects to Core REST model
Annotation used for the typed parameter on the controller method or within a parameter group.
interface to manage type
Type resource
The parameter used to get the type definition
Since 7.3, the URI build in this pattern is not supported.
A helper class to parse the request URI
This class provides some extended information for an URI
The user manager.
User resource
The user display picture manager.
Annotation used for the query parameter, that requires to be parsed with UTF8 charset
Bean factory for utility classes.
Interface shows that the parameter is validatable
The value assistance and value assistance dependencies for type and aspect type manager.
Attribute dependencies resource
Attribute dependencies resource
The versioning manager.
Model for version policy
View parameters set to in the 'others' parameter of a view class.
The virtual document manager.
Model virtual document node in the repository.
Model virtual document snapshot in the repository.
XML field reader for wrapped list.
Constants of XML namespace definition