Class PagedPersistentDataRetriever<T extends PersistentObject>

Type Parameters:
T - the object class in the page

public class PagedPersistentDataRetriever<T extends PersistentObject> extends PagedDataRetriever<T>
Fetch a page of persistent data via DQL using the paged query template.
  • Constructor Details

    • PagedPersistentDataRetriever

      public PagedPersistentDataRetriever(PagedQueryTemplate queryTemplate, int page, int itemsPerPage, boolean includeTotal, AttributeView attributeView, Class<T> targetClass)
      Constructor; using the default object collection manager to get the DQL results.
      queryTemplate - the query template instance which defines the DQL
      page - the page number
      itemsPerPage - the page size
      includeTotal - indicate whether to include total object count in the result
      attributeView - the attribute view for the result
      targetClass - the persistent object class for the result instances
    • PagedPersistentDataRetriever

      public PagedPersistentDataRetriever(ObjectCollectionManager<T> objectCollectionManager, PagedQueryTemplate queryTemplate, int page, int itemsPerPage, boolean includeTotal, AttributeView attributeView)
      objectCollectionManager - objects collection manager
      queryTemplate - the query template instance which defines the DQL
      page - the page number
      itemsPerPage - the page size
      includeTotal - indicate whether to include total object count in the result
      attributeView - the attribute view for the result