Class DefaultFeedView<T extends Linkable>

Type Parameters:
T - the linkable object type

public class DefaultFeedView<T extends Linkable> extends FeedableView<T>
The default view implementation for a feed resource.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultFeedView

      public DefaultFeedView(Page<T> page, UriInfo uriInfo, String repositoryName, Boolean returnLinks, Map<String,Object> others)
      The parameterized constructor.
      page - the page of objects to be serialized
      uriInfo - the URI info of the request. This is typically obtained from the resource controller where the controller method has an annotated parameter for RequestUri
      repositoryName - the repository name
      returnLinks - indicates whether to return links for this model instance
      others - other parameters
  • Method Details

    • feedTitle

      public String feedTitle()
      The returning value of this method is to resolve the value of the atom feed title for objects. The value is an empty string.
      Specified by:
      feedTitle in class FeedableView<T extends Linkable>
      the objects feed title
    • feedUpdated

      public Date feedUpdated()
      The returning value of this method is to resolve the value of the atom feed updated for objects. The value is current system date.
      Specified by:
      feedUpdated in class FeedableView<T extends Linkable>
      the objects feed updated