Annotation Interface RequestUri

@Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface RequestUri
Annotation used for the UriInfo parameter on the controller method. An example is as below.
   public ResponseEntity<GroupObject> getGroup(
    @PathVariable("repositoryName") final String repositoryName,
    @PathVariable("groupName") final String groupName,
    @RequestUri final UriInfo uriInfo)  {
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If checkExt is set to true (default value), UriInfoResolver will throw exception when the request URI contains a non standard extension (.json/.xml)
  • Element Details

    • checkExt

      boolean checkExt
      If checkExt is set to true (default value), UriInfoResolver will throw exception when the request URI contains a non standard extension (.json/.xml)
      true if to check the URI extension; false for otherwise.