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Localizable Strings

This module holds functions for performing string operations with localized strings or multi-lingual objects. They use the current application's locale, which is accessible via the "nuc/lib/i18n" module.

getClosestLocalizedString(value, fallback) : string

Returns a localized text picked from the multilingual value for the closest language to the current locale settings.

The multilingual value is an object literal where keys are locales or languages and values are localized texts:

"<locale or language>": "<localized text>",

For example:

"en": "carbon-fiber",
"en-br": "carbon-fibre",
"de": "Kohlefaser"

Locale identifier has the format <language>-<country> where language is a two-letter code from ISO-639-1 and countryis a two-letter code from ISO-3166-1. Locale matching is case-insensitive.

The CS REST API uses different format for locale identifiers, which occur in multilingual metadata - underscore server as the separator instead of hyphen (<language>_<country>). It is recognized by this method as well to allow easy integration, but do not use such locale identifiers in your code and configugarion. They are invalid for components which parse locale identifiers using RFC-5646 and RFC-4647 standards. You would have to convert your identifiers all the time.


value (object literal or any) : Multilingual value as a map, where keys are locales or languages and values are localized texts, or any value which woudl be converted to a string (optional; an empty string - '' - is the default)

fallback (any) : A string to return if no fitting locale can be found in the value map.


The function returns always a string; if you do not pass an object literal as the value, it will return value.toString() or '' if the value is null or undefined. You do not need to check if the input value is multilingual; you can pass normal strings to the function as well.


var multilingualLabel = {
'en': 'carbon-fiber',
'de': 'Kohlenfaser'
// Receives 'carbon-fiber' for the 'en-US' locale
label = base.getClosestLocalizedString(multilingualLabel);

locale*String (...) : ...

These string operations work similarly to comparison operators and function in the String prototype, but they use rules for character comparing, changing case and transliterating as expected for the current application's locale.

localeCompareString(left, right, options): -1|0|1

Compares two strings according to the current locale and returns the result of the following operation: left < right ? -1 : left > right ? 1 : 0.

String comparisons may use different rules, depending on the usage scenario; like searching or sorting, for example. Specify your intention using the options parameter:

{usage: 'search'} - you are searching or filtering
{usage: 'sort'} - your are sorting

localeContainsString(hay, needle): boolean

Works like a locale-specific String.prototype.contains.

localeEndsWithString(full, end): boolean

Works like a locale-specific String.prototype.endsWith.

localeIndexOfString(hay, needle): number

Works like a locale-specific String.prototype.indexOf.

localeStartsWithString(full, start): boolean

Works like a locale-specific String.prototype.startsWith.

formatMessage (count, messages, ...) : string

Chooses a string format from messages according to the supplied count and formats a string with sformat from "nuc/lib/underscore.string" using the count and optionally other arguments. The argument messages is expected to have the following structure:

formatForNone: 'expression for count == 0',
formatForOne: 'expression for count == 1',
formatForTwo: 'expression for 2 <= count <= 4',
formatForFive: 'expression for count >= 5'

If the key formatForNone is missing, formatForFive will be used instead of it.

Grammars of different languages use different rules how to declinate a substantive, which comes after a number representing a count. The count value usually changes the extension of the substantive, related adjectives, or sometimes the entire expression.


English     Czech           Format
no file žádný soubor none (formatForNone, optional)
1 file 1 soubor one (formatForOne)
2 files 2 soubory some (formatForTwo)
3 files 3 soubory
4 files 4 soubory
5 files 5 souborů many (formatForFive)
6 files 6 souborů
N files N souborů many (formatForFive)
0 files 0 souborů many (formatForFive, fallback)