Configurable logging.
The default logger uses the global configuration:
require(['nuc/utils/log'], function (log) {
log.info('Module loaded.') && console.info(log.last);
Log factory allows configuring the log level on a module basis:
require(['module', 'nuc/utils/log'], function (module, log) {
log = log(module.id);
log.debug('Module {0} loaded.', module.id) && console.log(log.last);
The targets where to log to and the default log level threshold can be set globally:
config: {
'nuc/utils/log': {
page: true,
level: 'DEBUG'
The log level threshold can be changed for any specific module:
config: {
'nuc/utils/log': {
modules: {
'csui/controls/table/table.view': { level: 'DEBUG' }
The log level, timing and deprecation logging flags, both global and module-specific, can be updated anytime after loading the page:
log = csui.require('nuc/utils/log');
deprecated: true,
modules: {
'csui/controls/table/table.view': { level: 'DEBUG' }
error(message: string [, ...parameters]): boolean
warn(message: string [, ...parameters]): boolean
info(message: string [, ...parameters]): boolean
debug(message: string [, ...parameters]): boolean
Issues a log message with the log level according to the method name, which will be logged, if enabled by the configuration. The parameter message
can be either a formatted message or a message format with parameter placeholders {N}
, where N
is a zero-based index of the parameter. Returns true
is the message was logged and should be logged on the console too. The property last
contains the formatted message.
deprecate(message: string [, ...parameters]): boolean
Issues a warning message if the deprecated
flag is enabled in the configuration. Otherwise is the usage the same es for the warn
can(level: string): boolean
Check if the current log level is above the configured threshold and logging is enabled. It means that a message with that log level will be logged. The log levels are 'ERROR'
, 'WARN'
, 'INFO'
and 'DEBUG'
last: string
The last formatted log message.
time(scope: string): void
Starts measuring time in a named scope, if enabled by the configuration. Writes directly to the console.
timeEnd(scope: string): void
Ends measuring time in a named scope and prints the time duration on the console, if enabled by the configuration. Writes directly to the console.
getObjectName(instance: object): string
Returns the name of the function object (class) of the specified object instance.
getStackTrace([frameCountToSkip: number]): string
Returns the call stack at the place where it is called, without the call to getStackTrace
itself. The parameter frameCountToSkip
can be used to omit further frames from the top.
Configuration Parameters
Most of the configuration parameters have to be set before the first module gets loaded. Later changes will have no effect to the most of them. See the next chapter for more information. The parameters and their default values:
console: true, // enable logging on the console
consoleRe: false, // enable logging using https://console.re
level: 'WARN', // change the global log level threshold
timing: false, // enable the timing log entries
deprecated: false, // enable the deprecation warnings
page: false, // enable logging to a bottom page area
performanceTimeStamp: false, // prefix every message by the issued time
moduleNameStamp: false, // prefix every message by the originating module name
server: false, // enable posting log messages to the server
window: false, // enable logging to a new browser window
modules: {} // change the log level threshold for specific modules
The log levels are 'ERROR'
, 'WARN'
, 'INFO'
and 'DEBUG'
. The log level threshold can be set from the highest 'ERROR'
to the lowest 'DEBUG'
. Log messages with the log level higher or equal to the theshold will be actually logged, the others will be skipped.
If a log level threshold is set for a specific module, it will override the global value for log messages issued from the specific module. The parameter modules
expects an object with the following content:
'<module name>': { level: string, timing: boolean, deprecated: boolean },
The parameter server
can be either false
or an object with the following parameters, including their default values:
url: undefined // the URL to post log messages to
batchSize: 10, // post the log messages in batches instead of single
timed: true, // enables regular flushing incomplete log batches
timerInterval: 500, // set the interval of flushing incomplete log batches,
headers: {} // set additional HTTP headers for the log requests
The url
is mandatory. It will receive 'POST'
requests with objects, for example:
"logger": "[default]",
"timeStamp": 1201048234203,
"level": "ERROR",
"url": "http://server/otcs/cs/app",
"message": "Object 12345 could not be accessed."
Configuration Updates
Only the following parameters can be modified after the this module got loaded:
level: 'WARN', // change the global log level threshold
timing: false, // enable the timing log entries
deprecated: false, // enable the deprecation warnings
modules: {} // change the log level threshold for specific modules
The initial configuration can be changed by:
set({ level, timing, deprecated, modules }): void
reset({ level, timing, deprecated, modules }): void
Calling set
will change the value of the particular parameter, either globally, or for the specified modules.
Calling reset
will apply the defaults (as shown above) for the affected parameters at first and then it will apply the changed parameters on top of them.
The initial configuration can be re-applied by calling:
reload(): void
This method will discard changes made by set
and reset
and restore the configuration set by require.config
Beyond Console
If logging is enabled for other targets that console
, it will be supported by log4javascript.
Setting consoleRe
will be supplied by Console.Re. Setting page
will be supplied by InPageAppender and PatternLayout. Setting server
will be supplied by AjaxAppender and JsonLayout. Settingwindow
will be supplied by PopUpAppender and PatternLayout.
The module nuc/lib/log4javascript
will be loaded on demand, which means that first log messages may be delayed. Before the module nuc/lib/log4javascript
gets loaded, the log messages will be logged only on the console, if it is enabled. Once the module nuc/lib/log4javascript
gets loaded, earlier messages will be sent to the logger. They will not get lost. If all log messages have to be sent to the selected targets really right away, the module nuc/lib/log4javascript
can be forced to be loaded ahead, for example:
paths: {
smart: '/support/smart',
csui: '/support/csui'
config: {
'nuc/utils/log': {
page: true,
level: 'DEBUG'
deps: [
callback: function (require) {
require([...], function (...) {