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Load extensions

Require.js plugin to load extension modules listed in the module config of the specified module. The extension modules are supposed to perform self-registration as expected by the extensible module.

How to configure extra cell views to show custom columns in the table, which is supported by the extensible module csui/controls/table/cells/cell.factory:

config: {
'csui/controls/table/cells/cell.factory': {
extensions: {
// Module array should be wrapped in a map key to allow merging
// of extensions from multiple calls to require.config; arrays
// are not merged
'samples': [

How the extensible module csui/controls/table/cells/cell.factory loads all configured extensions:

..., 'csui-ext!csui/controls/table/cells/cell.factory'
], function (...) {
// Before the callback is executed, 'samples/cells/reserved/reserved.view'
// and 'samples/cells/social/social.view' are loaded and executed