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Helps implementing a collection of rule models. which are supposed to select one model, which rules match the input object. For example, choose an icon or the default click-action for a particular node.

How to apply the mixin to a model

var NodeActionSelectingModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'signature',

defaults: {
sequence: 100,
signature: null

constructor: function NodeActionSelectingModel(attributes, options) {
Backbone.Model.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

enabled: function (node, options) {
return this.matchRules(node, this.attributes, options);


var NodeActionSelectingCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: NodeActionSelectingModel,

comparator: 'sequence',

constructor: function NodeActionSelectingCollection(models, options) {
Backbone.Collection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

findByNode: function (node, options) {
return this.find(function (rule) {
return rule.enabled(node, options);

The options parameter in findByNode and enabled methods is optional. You can use it for special cases. For example, if you expect the developers to use the decides rule, you can allow them access other data than just the subject of the decision (NodeModel in this example). For example, the context instance. You can set such data to an object and pass via that optional options parameter.

How use the mixin

Populate a collection of rule models. Whenever you need to find, which rule models matches the object of the selection, use the method exposed for this:

var nodeActions = new NodeActionSelectingCollection([
equals: {
container: true
signature: 'Browse'
equals: {
type: [144, 749]
signature: 'Open'
and: [
equals: {
type: 144
containsNoCase: {
mime_type: [
signature: 'Edit',
sequence: 50
and: {
equals: {
type: 144
or: {
startsWithNoCase: {
mime_type: 'image/'
equalsNoCase: {
mime_type: ['application/pdf', 'application/x-pdf']
signature: 'Convert',
sequence: 50
and: [
equals: {
type: 144
equalsNoCase: {
mime_type: 'text/plain'
signature: 'Read',
sequence: 50
signature: 'Properties',
sequence: 200

var node = new NodeModel(...),
action = nodeActions.findByNode(node);

makeRulesMatching(options) : this

Must be called in the constructor to initialize the mixin functionality. Expects the Backbone.Model constructor options passed in.


Conditions from equals to includes below are case-sensitive, if their operands are strings. They have their case-insensitive couterparts ending with "NoCase". For example, equalsNoCase or includesNoCase.

equals - the value of the selected property has to equal at least one of the specified values. Strings comparisons are case-insensitive.

contains - the value of the selected property has to be a part of at least one of the specified values. String case-insensitive "indexOf" operation is applied.

startsWith - the value of the selected property has to be at the beginning of at least one of the specified values. String case-insensitive "startsWith" operation is applied.

endsWith - the value of the selected property has to be at the end of at least one of the specified values. String case-insensitive "endsWith" operation is applied.

matches - the regular expression has to match at least one of the specified values. The operation is case-insensitive.

includes - if the value of the selected property is an object, it has to include at least one the specified keys; if the value of the selected property is an array, it has to include at least one the specified items. The standard equal operator is applied when comparing keys and items.

has - at least one of the specified properties must exist and not be null.

decides - the function has to return true at least for one of the specified values.

or - at least one of the sub-conditions in the arry or object has to return true.

all - all of the sub-conditions in the arry or object has to return true.

not - negates the result of the sub-condition.


Conditions are performed on properties of the scenario-controlling object - on attributes of the controlling model. Property name is the key in the object, which is the value of the operation:

equals: {
type: 144
signature: 'Open'

The key can be a dot-separated expression, which would evaluate like when a nested object is accessed in JavaScript:

equals: {
'id_expand.type': 5574
signature: 'OpenWikiPageVersion'

The object passed to matchRules can be either an object literal, which will become the direct source of the properties to test, or a Backbone.Model instance, which aatributes will be used of.