Makes use of the identifier of the related node to:
- check if the model or collection can be fetched; it checks only if the related node is fetchable by default
- fetch the model or collection automatically when the identifier of the related node changes (if requested); the default event to listen to is 'change:id'
How to apply the mixin to a model
var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
constructor: function MyCollection(models, options) {
Backbone.Collection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
This mixin us usually comined together with the NodeConnectableMixin
or with another cumulated mixin which includes it and also with the
with the FetchableMixin
to prevent parallel fetches. If you need
all these three mixins, have a look at the NodeResourceMixin
, which
combines these three together.
How use the mixin
// Enable watching for the model identifier changes
var connector = new Connector(...),
node = new NodeModel({id: 2000}, {connector: connector}),
collection = new MyCollection(undefined, {
node: node,
autofetch: true
// A fetch of the collection will take place, notifying the event
// listeners about its progress
node.set('id', 2000);
makeNodeAutoFetchable(options) : this
Must be called in the constructor to initialize the mixin functionality. Expects the Backbone.Model constructor options passed in.
Recognized option properies:
: If set to true
, it executes the fetch
method whenever the node model identifier changes
(boolean, undefined
is the default)
autofetchEvent : Can override the event to listen to on the node model for the automatic fetching (string, 'change:id' by default)
automateFetch(boolean) : void
Truns on or off the automatic fetching depending if you pass true
or false
It can be used to change the behaviour set up by the constructor.
isFetchable() : boolean
Returns true
if the model or collection is fetchable, otherwise false
It requires the related node not only fetchable, but also having the 'id'
property set. (While nodes can be fetched using other properties, like
volumes by 'type', for example, other resources related to the node may
not.) If the model or collection is not fetchable, the automatic fetching
will not take place.
See Also
, FetchableMixin
, NodeResourceMixin