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Helps implementing a model or collection for a typical server resource, which is related to a node (represented by the NodeModel, its descendant or by other class with the ConnectableMixin applied), by combining the following three mixins: NodeConnectableMixin, FetchableMixin and NodeAutoFetchableMixin.

How to apply the mixin to a collection

var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

constructor: function MyCollection(models, options) {
Backbone.Collection.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

urlRoot: function () {
return Url.combine(this.node.urlBase(), 'mysubresources');




The included FetchableMixin overrides the fetch method and calls the original implementation from it. If you supply your own custom implementation of this method, or use another mixin which overrides it, you should apply this mixin after yours.

How use the mixin

Specify the related node and fetch the collection:

// Specify the node attributes when creating the node
var connector = new Connector(...),
model = new MyModel({
id: 2000
}, {
connector: connector
collection = new MyCollection(undefined, {
node: node

// Set the node attributes after creating it
node.set('id', 2000);

makeNodeResource(options) : this

Must be called in the constructor to initialize the mixin functionality. Expects the Backbone.Model constructor options passed in.

See the make methods of NodeConnectableMixin, FetchableMixin and NodeAutoFetchableMixin for the properties recognized by this method.

See also the properties and methods exposed by these three mixins to learn what this convenience mixin provides

See Also

NodeConnectableMixin, FetchableMixin, NodeAutoFetchableMixin