Interface IDfXmlQuery

public interface IDfXmlQuery
This interface provides functionality for running queries against a repository, returning the results as XML.

The structure of the XML output is a root element, specified by setRootTag, followed by each query result row. The following is an example of the XML output:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <object ID="09017e1080001932">
         <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
     <object ID="09017e10800019aa">
         <object_name>catalog B</object_name>
There are many options available for customizing the XML output, such as specifying the whether object content should be included in the output. Each option has a default value, so you only need to set the options that you want to override.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Specifies that the query is critical and therefore the session should be locked.
    static final String
    Specifies that the query uses only read access (no lock needed).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    execute(int mode, IDfSession session)
    Executes the DQL query and creates a DOM.
    execute(String mode, IDfSession session)
    Since 5.1.
    This method is deprecated to make usage consistent across the IDfXmlQuery and IDfQuery interfaces.
    execute(String mode, String sessionId)
    Executes the DQL query and creates a DOM.
    Use this method when executing the query within an XSL stylesheet.
    Returns the XML query results as a DOM.
    getXMLDOM(Node start)
    Returns the XML document as a DOM with the specified node as root element.
    This returns the XML document as a string.
    getXMLString(OutputStream outputStream)
    Returns the result DOM as String and writes it directly into the provided OutputStream.
    Returns the result DOM as String and writes it directly into the provided writer.
    Returns the XML document as a string with Node as root element.
    includeContent(boolean includeContent)
    Include the content of the query result.
    includeDCTMChunkInfo(boolean includeChunkInfo)
    Include the Documentum attributes in the returned result.
    includeMetaData(boolean includeMetaData)
    Currently not implemented.
    Sets the default values for the IDfXmlQuery options.
    setContentAsLink(boolean contentLink)
    Includes a link to the content file, not the content itself.
    setContentEncoding(String encodingType)
    Specifies the encoding used for included content.
    Specify the content rendition to to be returned.
    Sets the element name used to hold the content in the query result.
    setDql(String dqlStatement)
    Assigns a DQL statement to a query.
    Sets the element name used to report errors.
    setFollowAssembly(boolean followAssembly)
    Specifies if the assembly on the root node (if one exists) should be used as the virtual document.
    setIncludeBrokenBindings(boolean includeBrokenBindings)
    Specifies whether to display nodes with broken bindings using the CURRENT label.
    Broken bindings can occur when the query requests a version of the node that doesn't exist.
    XDQL can return such nodes using the CURRENT version of the node.
    Specify the version label to use to resolve late bound nodes.
    Set the base URL for link retrieval of content.
    setMaxRows(int numberOfRows)
    Sets the maximum number of rows to return.
    setMaxRows(Double numberOfRows)
    DFC 5.2.5 The default value is 0 (zero), meaning that all rows will be returned.
    setMetaDataAsAttributes(boolean includeAsAttr)
    Specifies whether object metadata should be returned as XML attribute values.
    setPreserveSpace(boolean preserve)
    Specifies whether the XML content returned in the XDQL output will maintain whitespace characters.
    setRepeatingAsNested(boolean nested)
    Specifies that object metadata with repeating values should be nested.
    An extension for nested repeating value element names.
    setRepeatingIncludeIndex(boolean include)
    By default an index number is included in repeating attributes.
    Sets the element name to use for the root of the XML output.
    Sets the name of the element attribute that will hold the query result's ID value.
    Specify the object attribute that contains a unique value for each query result.
    Sets the element name to use for each row of the query result.
    setStyleSheet(String stylesheet)
    Set stylesheet to use to transform the query results.
    setVirtualDocumentNested(boolean nested)
    Specifies that the results of a virtual document query should be nested.
    Leave element names in the given case.
    Set element names to lowercase.
    useNullAttributeIndicator(boolean indicator)
    Specifies how an attribute with a null value should be displayed in the XML output.
    Set element names to uppercase.
  • Field Details


      static final String DF_READ_QUERY
      Specifies that the query uses only read access (no lock needed).
      See Also:

      static final String DF_EXEC_QUERY
      Specifies that the query is critical and therefore the session should be locked.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init()
      Sets the default values for the IDfXmlQuery options.
    • setDql

      void setDql(String dqlStatement)
      Assigns a DQL statement to a query.

      Queries are written with the Document Query Language (DQL). Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about DQL statements.

      According to the features activated (e.g. nesting virtual documents), certain attributes may have to be selected (e.g. "depth").

      dqlStatement - the DQL statement
    • execute

      void execute(String mode, String sessionId)
      Executes the DQL query and creates a DOM.
      Use this method when executing the query within an XSL stylesheet.

      When a transformation is performed using a DFC Transform operation (IDfXMLTransformOperation), the stylesheet is passed a parameter named "DMS_SESSION_ID", which is the string representation of the current session. Pass the value of "DMS_SESSION_ID" to this method.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain the DMS_SESSION_ID parameter and pass it to execute() within an XSL stylesheet:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:java="" version="1.0">
            <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" media-type="text/xml"/>
            <!-- pass dctm session as a parameter -->
            <xsl:param name="DMS_SESSION_ID" select="'default value'"/>
            <xsl:variable name="xdql" select=""/>
            <xsl:variable name="param" select="java:setDql($xdql,'select * from dm_cabinet')"/>
            <xsl:variable name="execute" select="java:execute($xdql,'DF_READ_QUERY',$DMS_SESSION_ID)"/>

      mode - the query mode (e.g. IDfXmlQuery.DF_READ_QUERY)
      sessionId - DFC session identifier that has to be established (connected) before "execute" is called.
    • execute

      void execute(int mode, IDfSession session)
      Executes the DQL query and creates a DOM.

      Before you call this method, you must assign a DQL statement to the query with the setDql method. Refer to the Server Reference Manual for more information about DQL statements.

      The following code example demonstrates how to obtain an IDfXmlQuery interface, set a DQL query, execute the query, and obtain the result:

       IDfXmlQuery q = new DfXmlQuery();
       q.setDql("select object_name from dm_cabinet");
       q.execute(IDfQuery.DF_EXEC_QUERY, sess);
       FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\output.xml");

      mode - the query mode (e.g. IDfQuery.DF_READ_QUERY, IDfQuery.DF_EXEC_QUERY, etc)
      session - DFC session that has to be established (connected) before "execute" is called.
    • execute

      void execute(String mode, IDfSession session)
      Since 5.1.
      This method is deprecated to make usage consistent across the IDfXmlQuery and IDfQuery interfaces.
      Executes the DQL query and creates a DOM.

      mode - the query mode (e.g. IDfXmlQuery.DF_READ_QUERY)
      session - DFC session that has to be established (connected) before "execute" is called.
      See Also:
    • getXMLDOM

      Document getXMLDOM()
      Returns the XML query results as a DOM.

      The result as a DOM (class Document)
    • getXMLDOM

      Document getXMLDOM(Node start) throws DfException
      Returns the XML document as a DOM with the specified node as root element.
      start - The root node node of the DOM.
      The result as a DOM (class Document, starting at the indicated Node)
    • getXMLString

      String getXMLString(Node start) throws DfException
      Returns the XML document as a string with Node as root element.
      start - starting Node for the DOM traversal.
      The result as a String, starting with Node as the root element.
    • getXMLString

      String getXMLString() throws DfException
      This returns the XML document as a string.
      The resulting DOM as a String.
    • setErrorTag

      void setErrorTag(String tagName)
      Sets the element name used to report errors.

      If an error occurs during processing, this tag name is used for including error messages. The error element is the top level element and the value contains the Documentum error message. The default tag name is <error>.

      The methods of the IDfXmlQuery interface do not throw exceptions. All errors that occur are reported within an <error> element in the output.

      tagName - the name of the element to use to report error messages.
    • setMaxRows

      void setMaxRows(Double numberOfRows)
      DFC 5.2.5 The default value is 0 (zero), meaning that all rows will be returned.

      NOTE 1: the result DOM is loaded into memory
      NOTE 2: with virtual documents (in nested representation) MaxRows
      indicates the number of elements in the nested structure rather than
      the number of row elements.

      Sets the maximum number of rows to return.

      numberOfRows - number of rows to return.
    • setMaxRows

      void setMaxRows(int numberOfRows)
      Sets the maximum number of rows to return.

      The default value is 0 (zero), meaning that all rows will be returned.

    • NOTE 1: the result DOM is loaded into memory
    • NOTE 2: with virtual documents (in nested representation) MaxRows
      indicates the number of elements in the nested structure rather than
      the number of row elements.
    • Parameters:
      numberOfRows - number of rows to return.
    • setRowIDAttrName

      void setRowIDAttrName(String attrName)
      Sets the name of the element attribute that will hold the query result's ID value.

      Each row returned in a query result must return an object attribute that has a unique value. Typically, this attribute will be r_object_id.

      Call setRowIDAttrName to specify the name of the element attribute that will hold the unique ID. The default attribute name is ID.

      This example shows that the row ID attribute name is RowId:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <object RowId="09017e1080001932">
               <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
           <object RowId="09017e10800019aa">
               <object_name>catalog B</object_name>
      attrName - the element attribute name.
    • setRowIDColumn

      void setRowIDColumn(String column)
      Specify the object attribute that contains a unique value for each query result.

      Each row returned in a query result must return an object attribute that has a unique value. Typically, this attribute will be r_object_id.

      Call setRowIDColumn to specify the name of the object attribute contains a unique value. The default object attribute name is r_object_id.

      This example shows that the object attribute name is r_object_id:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <object ID="09017e1080001932">
               <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
           <object ID="09017e10800019aa">
               <object_name>catalog B</object_name>
      column - Name of the object attribute that uniquely identifies an object.
      See Also:
    • setRootNode

      void setRootNode(String root)
      Sets the element name to use for the root of the XML output.

      The default element name is root unless an error occurs. In the case of an error, the root element is error, or whatever has been specified with setErrorTag.

      This example shows that the root element name is QueryOutput:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <object ID="09017e1080001932">
               <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
           <object ID="09017e10800019aa">
               <object_name>catalog B</object_name>
      root - name of the element to use as the root.
      See Also:
    • setRowsetTag

      void setRowsetTag(String rowset)
      Sets the element name to use for each row of the query result.

      Each object returned in the query result set is represented by an element of this name.
      The default element name is object.

      This example shows that the element name for each query result is row:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <row ID="09017e1080001932">
               <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
           <row ID="09017e10800019aa">
               <object_name>catalog B</object_name>
      rowset - name of the element to use for each query result.
      See Also:
    • setStyleSheet

      void setStyleSheet(String stylesheet)
      Set stylesheet to use to transform the query results.

      Set a stylesheet in order to transform the query result when getXMLString(PrintWriter)
      or getXMLString(OutputStream) is called.

      The parameter is either a valid r_object_id, a valid repository folder-path
      in the form of a DRL (starting with "dctm://") or a URL (starting with "http://").

      stylesheet - address of a stylesheet (r_object_id, repository-path or URL)
    • useLowerCaseTagNames

      void useLowerCaseTagNames()
      Set element names to lowercase.

      When this method is called, all element names will be displayed in lowercase.
      The default behavior is to not modify the given case.

      See Also:
    • useUpperCaseTagNames

      void useUpperCaseTagNames()
      Set element names to uppercase.

      When this method is called, all element names will be displayed in uppercase.
      The default behavior is to not modify the given case.

      See Also:
    • useGivenCaseTagNames

      void useGivenCaseTagNames()
      Leave element names in the given case.

      This is the default behavior.
      Use this method to override a previous call to useUpperCaseTagNames or useLowerCaseTagNames.

      See Also:
    • useNullAttributeIndicator

      void useNullAttributeIndicator(boolean indicator)
      Specifies how an attribute with a null value should be displayed in the XML output.

      If useNullAttributeIndicator is true, the value "null is used. If useNullAttributeIndicator is false, an empty element is returned.

      The default value is false.

      This example shows the output for an attribute that has a null value and useNullAttributeIndicator(true):

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <row ID="09017e1080001932">
               <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
      This example shows the output for an attribute that has a null value and useNullAttributeIndicator(false):

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <row ID="09017e1080001932">
               <object_name>catalog A</object_name>
      indicator - Specifies whether null attribute values should be displayed.
    • includeContent

      void includeContent(boolean includeContent)
      Include the content of the query result.

      The query must include r_object_id in the query, if the content is to be included. The content is returned within a <content> element, or whatever element is specified by setContentTag.

      The default behavior is to not include the content.

      This example shows the output that includes the query result content:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <object ID="09017e1080002ab0">
               <content encoding="dom" mime-type="text/xml">
      includeContent - Indicates whether object content should be included.
      See Also:
    • includeDCTMChunkInfo

      void includeDCTMChunkInfo(boolean includeChunkInfo)
      Include the Documentum attributes in the returned result.

      When including the content of the query results, you can specify whether the Documentum attributes should be included. The default behavior is to not include the Documentum attributes.

      This example shows the output that includes the Documentum attributes in the query result content:

       <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <object ID="09017e1080002ab0">
               <content encoding="dom" mime-type="text/xml">
                   <cellphone-catalog dctm:obj_id="09017e1080002abe"
                      dctm:obj_status="Read-Only" dctm:version_label="CURRENT" xmlns:dctm="">
      includeChunkInfo - Include Documentum attributes in object content.
    • includeMetaData

      void includeMetaData(boolean includeMetaData)
      Currently not implemented.
      includeMetaData - N/A
    • setContentFormat

      void setContentFormat(String formatList)
      Specify the content rendition to to be returned.

      When the content of the query results is being included, you can specify the format name of the rendition to be used. To return multiple renditions, specify a comma seperated list or format names or "*" to have the primary content returned. If the content is not found an <error> is returned.

      formatList - Comma-separated list of formats or "*"
      See Also:
    • setContentTag

      void setContentTag(String tagName)
      Sets the element name used to hold the content in the query result.

      The default element is <content>. The content element has the following attributes:

    • format
    • mime-type
    • encoding
    • Parameters:
      tagName - String
      See Also:
    • setContentEncoding

      void setContentEncoding(String encodingType)
      Specifies the encoding used for included content.

      If the object content is a binary format (e.g. jpeg), set the content encoding to base64.
      If the object content is XML content, encoding can be set to none, xml, or dom.

      The default content encoding is base64

      encodingType - content encoding value: base64, none, xml or dom.
      See Also:
    • setContentAsLink

      void setContentAsLink(boolean contentLink)
      Includes a link to the content file, not the content itself.

      When including the query result content, the content can be specified as a DRL or URL link. The URL syntax is:

      $base must be set with "setLinkBase(base)"
      If "setLinkBase" is not called, the link will be a DRL. The syntax of the DRL is:
       dctm://<docbase name:gt;/<object ID>?DMS_OBJECT_SPEC=OBJECT_ID
      contentLink - include the content as a link.
      See Also:
    • setLinkBase

      void setLinkBase(String base)
      Set the base URL for link retrieval of content.

      For example, you can use Rightsite to retrieve the content with the following base URL.

       URL: http://host:port/rs-bin/RightSite.dll/getcontent/foo.htm?...
      The link base can also be specified as a DRL:
       DRL: dctm://<docbase name>
      base - String
    • setVirtualDocumentNested

      void setVirtualDocumentNested(boolean nested)
      Specifies that the results of a virtual document query should be nested.

      If false, virtual document query results will be returned as elements at the same level. If true, the virtual document query must include the 'depth' attribute, in order to be nested.

      nested - nest virtual document query results.
      See Also:
    • setRepeatingIncludeIndex

      void setRepeatingIncludeIndex(boolean include)
      By default an index number is included in repeating attributes.
      include - boolean
    • setRepeatingAsNested

      void setRepeatingAsNested(boolean nested)
      Specifies that object metadata with repeating values should be nested.

      Set to true by default, this will nest repeating attributes, adding the nested attribute name to the element names of the child elements.

      nested - nest repeating elements.
      See Also:
    • setRepeatingAsNestedTag

      void setRepeatingAsNestedTag(String tagName)
      An extension for nested repeating value element names.

      Default is "-value".
      tagName - extension name
      See Also:
    • setMetaDataAsAttributes

      void setMetaDataAsAttributes(boolean includeAsAttr)
      Specifies whether object metadata should be returned as XML attribute values.

      The default behavior is to express metadata as elements, not attributes.
      Repeating attributes are always element values.

      includeAsAttr - return object metadata as XML attributes
    • setLateBindingValue

      void setLateBindingValue(String bindingLabel)
      Specify the version label to use to resolve late bound nodes.

      When virtual documents are returned as part of the query, this method specifies how late bound nodes should be resolved. Default is to return nodes with the CURRENT symbolic label.

      bindingLabel - - the symbolic version label to use to resolve late bound nodes
    • setIncludeBrokenBindings

      void setIncludeBrokenBindings(boolean includeBrokenBindings)
      Specifies whether to display nodes with broken bindings using the CURRENT label.
      Broken bindings can occur when the query requests a version of the node that doesn't exist.
      XDQL can return such nodes using the CURRENT version of the node. To require this behavior,
      execute this method and pass includeBrokenBindings as true.
      If the setIncludeBrokenBindings flag is set to false, nodes with broken bindings are not returned.
      Default is to include broken bindings.
      includeBrokenBindings - - set this to true if you want the server to attempt to resolve
      broken bindings using the CURRENT label. Set this to false to omit nodes with broken bindings.
    • setFollowAssembly

      void setFollowAssembly(boolean followAssembly)
      Specifies if the assembly on the root node (if one exists) should be used as the virtual document.

      The default behavior is to not follow the assembly on the root document (if one is present).

      followAssembly - if true, the assembly specified by the root node will be used as the "virtual" document.
    • getXMLString

      void getXMLString(PrintWriter writer) throws DfException
      Returns the result DOM as String and writes it directly into the provided writer.
      writer - Writer to contain the XML output.
      DfException - Returns an exception if there is a non-valid XSL (style-sheet) was specified.
      See Also:
    • getXMLString

      void getXMLString(OutputStream outputStream) throws DfException
      Returns the result DOM as String and writes it directly into the provided OutputStream.
      outputStream - OutputStream to contain the XML output.
      DfException - Returns an exception if there a non-valid XSL (style-sheet) was specified.
      See Also:
    • setPreserveSpace

      void setPreserveSpace(boolean preserve)
      Specifies whether the XML content returned in the XDQL output will maintain whitespace characters.
      preserve - Set to true if whitespace characters should be maintained.