Interface IDfLifecycleUserPostProcessing

public interface IDfLifecycleUserPostProcessing
Interface for a Java method implementing user defined actions to be taken after an object has changed Lifecycle state.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    userPostProcessing(IDfSysObject sysObj, String userName, String targetState)
    User defined actions on an object after it has moved to a new Lifecycle state.
  • Method Details

    • userPostProcessing

      void userPostProcessing(IDfSysObject sysObj, String userName, String targetState) throws DfException
      User defined actions on an object after it has moved to a new Lifecycle state.
      sysObj - The object that has moved to a new Lifecycle state.
      userName - The name of the user who has intiated the Lifecycle state change.
      targetState - The name of the new Lifecycle state.
      DfException - if the action failed to complete.