Class Paginator<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the object class in the page

public class Paginator<T> extends Object
A class to paginate items based on the page size.
  • Constructor Details

    • Paginator

      public Paginator(List<T> items, Integer total)
      Construct a paginator for paging.
      items - a collection of items to be paginated, which is possible only a subset of all items
      total - the total number of items, which may be larger than the size of items to be paginated. total is null means total is unknown currently.
  • Method Details

    • paginate

      public Page<T> paginate(int page, int itemsPerPage)
      Skip "offset" length of items and paginate the item collection according to "limit" and return the current page
      page - the page number
      itemsPerPage - the number of items per page
      a Page object containing the items in this page and the paging URIs