Class Page<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the object class in the page

public class Page<T> extends Object
A page class provides all the information for the paginated items.
  • Constructor Summary

    Page(List<T> itemList, Integer total, int page, int itemsPerPage)
    Constructor to build a page of items if your items are already paginated, DO NOT use the Paginator class and use this constructor directly
    Page(List<T> itemList, Integer total, int page, int itemsPerPage, boolean hasMore)
    Constructor to build a page of items if your items are already paginated, DO NOT use the Paginator class and use this constructor directly
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Check whether this page is empty or not.
    If the page is the last page or the page does not contain the items requested in this page (which means there is no remaining items available), the page has next page
    Check whether this page has a previous one.
    Check whether this page is the first one.
    Determine if current page is the last page
    Check whether this page contains the complete item collection.
    Check whether the total count is known by this page.
    Return the items in the page.
    Return the item size per page; it may be different with the actual item count in this page.
    Return the page count
    Return the total account of the queried objects on the server side (not for this page); it's specified in the constructor.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Page

      public Page(List<T> itemList, Integer total, int page, int itemsPerPage)
      Constructor to build a page of items if your items are already paginated, DO NOT use the Paginator class and use this constructor directly
      itemList - all the items in current page
      total - Set total to null if it is unknown
      page - the page number for current page
      itemsPerPage - the number of items current page
    • Page

      public Page(List<T> itemList, Integer total, int page, int itemsPerPage, boolean hasMore)
      Constructor to build a page of items if your items are already paginated, DO NOT use the Paginator class and use this constructor directly
      itemList - the items
      total - Set total to null if it is unknown
      page - the page number for current page
      itemsPerPage - the number of items current page
      hasMore - whether there are more items
  • Method Details

    • setTotalForEach

      public void setTotalForEach(Map<String,Integer> totalForEach)
    • getTotalForEach

      public Map<String,Integer> getTotalForEach()
    • items

      public List<T> items()
      Return the items in the page.
      the items in the page
    • hasItem

      public boolean hasItem()
      Check whether this page is empty or not.
      true if the page has items; false otherwise
    • total

      public Integer total()
      Return the total account of the queried objects on the server side (not for this page); it's specified in the constructor.
      total number of queried objects
    • isOnePageOnly

      public boolean isOnePageOnly()
      Check whether this page contains the complete item collection.
      true if the page has contained the complete item colleciton on the server side; false otherwise.
    • isTotalKnown

      public boolean isTotalKnown()
      Check whether the total count is known by this page. The total count is known only when it is specified in the constructor.
      true if the total count is known; false otherwise.
    • page

      public int page()
      Return the page count
      the page count
    • itemsPerPage

      public int itemsPerPage()
      Return the item size per page; it may be different with the actual item count in this page.
      the item size per page
    • hasPreviousPage

      public boolean hasPreviousPage()
      Check whether this page has a previous one.
      true if it has a previous page; false otherwise.
    • hasNextPage

      public boolean hasNextPage()
      If the page is the last page or the page does not contain the items requested in this page (which means there is no remaining items available), the page has next page
      true if this page contains a next page; false otherwise
    • isFirstPage

      public boolean isFirstPage()
      Check whether this page is the first one.
      true if it is the first page; false otherwise.
    • isLastPage

      public boolean isLastPage()
      Determine if current page is the last page
      true/false if the current page is last page or not, return false if it is unknown