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TileCollection : d2/sdk/utils/landingpage/tiles

Tile definition collection. Each tile definition describes its priority, association type, pre-requisite and finally a view that is used as the representation of the tile. Based on priority a particular definition is picked from this collection to finally render D2 Smart View landing page.

Extends: Backbone.Collection
See: WidgetConstants for some related pre-defined constants.

New definitions could be added to this collection by means of extension.
Example (to register an extension, add in extension.json)

"d2/sdk/utils/landingpage/tiles": {
"extensions": {
"mybundle": {

Example (whereas my.tiles.js is defined as)

define(['d2/sdk/utils/widget.constants', 'i18n!mybundle/utils/landingpage/impl/nls/lang'], function(widgetConstants, lang){
'use strict';

function validateURLShortcutConfig(widgetConfig, options) {
var validation = {status: true};
if (!widgetConfig.widgetParams && !widgetConfig.widgetParams.open_url) {
validation.status = false; // It will be considered as a validation error
validation.errorMessage = lang.openUrlWidgetMissing;
return validation;

// See 'LandingTile' documentation for all possible properties with their usage
return [
{type: 'CreateFile', icon: 'icon-new', isShortcut: true, tileConfigType: widgetConstants.TileConfigTypes.NONE}, // widget configuration-less shortcut tile
{type: 'OpenURLWidget', icon: 'icon-url', isShortcut: true, validateConfig: validateURLShortcutConfig}, // shortcut tile that needs & validates a widget configuration
// A widget tile that relies on the default widget validation
type: 'CheckoutDocumentWidget',
icon: 'title-checkout',
tileView: 'mybundle/widgets/newcheckout',
errMissingWidgetConfig: lang.checkoutWidgetMissing,
applicationScope: 'checkedout'
// Any other definition

TileCollection~ShortcutType : enum

OOTB D2SV shortcut types

Kind: inner enum of TileCollection


New file shortcut


Import files shortcut


Combined New/Import file shortcut


Import folder shortcut


Query form shortcur


Saved query/search shortcut

TileCollection~LandingTile : Object

Kind: inner typedef of TileCollection


Priority of this definition. For matching type property values, the definition with least value for sequence will be used.


Association type of this tile. It should be set with a value from the enumeration ShortcutType, or any D2 widget type name. Additional shortcut types or widget types declared by a D2 plugin also could be used.


CSS class name of the icon to be shown on the tile. For non-shortcut tiles, the icon is shown in the tile header.


Whether it's shortcut tile or widget tile? true indicates a shortcut.


Tiles that don't require a widget config should set it to TileConfigTypes.NONE. See TileConfigTypes.


Not required for shortcut tiles. For other tiles it should point to a folder implementing the view to be associated with this tile. E.g For a path mybundle/widget/somefolder the runtime will look for a somefolder.view.js within the somefolder directory. Alternatively it can be specified as just a name like mytile, in that case the tile's view will be resolved as<bundle_src_folder>/widgets/mytile/mytile.view.js.


Callback to be executed only for those shortcut tiles that neither specifies an applicationScope (see below) nor a matching shortcut behavior is found in the registry. See ShortcutBehaviors.


Callback to validate the resolved widget config.


Callback to build tile options that would be passed to the tileView while constructing.


The error to be shown if a tile definition requires a widget config but the corresponding D2 Smart View landing page configuraiton fails to specify a name for it. If unspecified, a generic error message is shown.


The error to be shown if a tile definition requires a widget config but a suitable widget configuration could not be resolved for some reason.


The application scope in which this tile will expand into. Tile expansion is enabled only if this value matches one of the registered application scope perspectives's id. See ApplicationScopePerspectives. For shortcut tiles, clicking anywhere in the tile activates the expansion. For list type of tiles, the tile header or a dedicated 'Expand' button could be clicked to activate the expansion.

TileCollection~ConfigValidatorCallback ⇒ ConfigValidatorReturnType

Callback function that validates a widget configuration for a tile

Kind: inner typedef of TileCollection


The widget configuration being validated


Any additional context specific data that is not part of widgetConfig but might be relevant for validation

TileCollection~ConfigValidatorReturnType : Object

Kind: inner typedef of TileCollection


true indicates validation succeeded, false otherwise.


Error message to be shown in UI if the validation failed.

TileCollection~TileOptionBuilderCallback ⇒ void

Callback function that builds options for a tile

Kind: inner typedef of TileCollection


Parsed tile object from D2 Smart View landing page configuration. New properties could be attached to this object as part of forming additional option.


Any relevant wieget configuration, applicable only if the tile requires a widget configuration.

TileCollection~ShortcutClickHandler ⇒ void

Callback to handle click event for a shortcut tile

Kind: inner typedef of TileCollection


The options container.


context object associated with the runtime. See Context.


Name of the widget configuration if the shortcut is of type TileConfigTypes.WIDGET. See TileConfigTypes.


Any parameters associated with the resolved widget configuration. Applicable only if the shortcut is of type TileConfigTypes.WIDGET. See TileConfigTypes.